where is the course?

by Ubaldo Jaskolski 3 min read

1. a direction or route taken or to be taken. 2. the path, route, or channel along which anything moves: the course of a stream. 3. advance or progression in a particular direction.

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Ed Miller is an MIT graduate and an acclaimed author of numerous poker strategy books. He's been playing, coaching, and writing about hold 'em full-time since 2003, and his books have sold over 250,000 copies worldwide.

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What is the definition of course?

Medical Definition of course. 1 : the series of events or stages comprising a natural process the course of a disease. 2 : a series of doses or medications administered over a designated period a course of three doses daily for five days.

What is a course in English?

English Language Learners Definition of course. (Entry 1 of 2) : the path or direction that something or someone moves along. : a path or route that runners, skiers, bikers, etc., move along especially in a race. : a series of classes about a particular subject in a school.

What does "movement" mean in science?

1 : motion from one point to another : progress in space or time The earth makes its course around the sun in 365 days. During the course of a year he meets dozens of people.


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