where is odysseus blown off course by poseidon

by Mrs. Polly Casper 4 min read

Full Answer

Does Poseidon hold a grudge against Odysseus?

In fact, Poseidon’s grudge against Odysseus is one of the reasons why it took so long for the hero to return home. Here are more details about Poseidon and Odysseus’s conflicted relationship:

Where did Odysseus go on his wanderings?

After identifying himself to the Phaeacians at the feast, Odysseus tells the story of his wanderings. Following the victory at Troy, he and his men sail to Ismarus, the stronghold of the Cicones.

How does Ino protect Odysseus from Poseidon?

Odysseus sets sail on a makeshift raft and is in sight of land when Poseidon catches sight of him, unleashing a storm that again wrecks the homesick Greek. The kind goddess Ino sweeps down and gives him her veil, protecting him from harm in the water.

Where did Odysseus fight the god of the sea?

With nothing but oceans between him and Ithaca and the god of the sea as his new enemy, Odysseus has paid a hefty price for his pride. Ismarus an ancient seaport on the Aegean Sea, north and slightly west of Troy, home of the Cicones.

Where does Odysseus investigate?

Taking a dozen of his best men, as well as a skin of extremely strong wine that he received from a priest of Apollo, Odysseus sets out to investigate a cavern near the mainland shore. It is the lair of Polyphemus, a Cyclops.

Who traps Odysseus in his cave?

The next stop is the land of the Cyclops, lawless one-eyed giants. One of them, Polyphemus, traps Odysseus and a scouting party in his cave. Only the Greek hero's wily plan allows escape. Readers should not confuse Odysseus' pride in identifying himself to the Phaeacian hosts with vanity.

Why did Odysseus raid Ismarus?

Some scholars suggest that Odysseus raids Ismarus because the Cicones are allies of the Trojans. Others conclude that he sacks the city simply because it is there. Certainly piracy and marauding were legitimate professions for Ithacans. At question is not the raid but Odysseus' men's foolish disregard for his advice.

What did Odysseus do to the Greeks?

The Cicones gather reinforcements, counterattack, and eventually rout the Greeks. Odysseus and his men retreat by sea.

What book is Odysseus in?

Book 9 - In the One-Eyed Giant's Cave. After identifying himself to the Phaeacians at the feast, Odysseus tells the story of his wanderings. Following the victory at Troy, he and his men sail to Ismarus, the stronghold of the Cicones. With apparent ease, they sack the city, kill the men, enslave the women, and enjoy a rich haul of plunder.

How many men did Odysseus lose?

Odysseus loses six men from each of his ships and is lucky to get away by sea. Odysseus escapes, but storms and a strong north wind drive his ships off course. As he rounds Cape Malea (near Cythera, north and slightly west of Crete), he needs only to swing north by northwest 300 miles or so to be home.

How does Odysseus retreat?

Odysseus and his men retreat by sea. Storms blow the ships off course, but they finally arrive at the land of the Lotus-eaters. The inhabitants are not hostile; however, eating the lotus plant causes Odysseus' men to lose memory and all desire to return home. Odysseus barely gets them back to sea.

Where does Odysseus drag the men back to?

A few men try the drug and do not want to leave, but Odysseus drags them back to the ship. They sail on and dock in front of an inviting cave, where they search for food. There is wine, food, and pens full of sheep in the cave, but the cave’s owner, the giant Cyclops Polyphemus, returns.

How does Odysseus get home?

She then uses her magic to tell them how to get home: they must travel to Hades and speak to the dead prophet Teiresias. In the world of the dead, Odysseus and his men lure Teiresias’s spirit with blood—a favorite drink of the dead—and ask his help. He says that Odysseus will eventually reach home.

What does Polyphemus feel when he passes the entrance?

As they pass the entrance, Polyphemus feels only the sheep’s backs to make sure there are no Greeks riding them, enabling them to escape. Next, Aeolus, the keeper of the Winds, gives Odysseus a priceless gift, a leather sack that holds all the storm winds.

How long did Odysseus stay away from home?

The war and his troubles at sea keep Odysseus away from his home, Ithaca, for twenty years. In his absence, his son, Telemachus, has grown into a man, and his wife, Penelope, is besieged by suitors who assume Odysseus is dead.

What epic is the story of Athena and Poseidon?

The following story comes entirely from Homer’s other great epic, the Odyssey. Though Athena and Poseidon helped the Greeks during the Trojan War, a Greek warrior violates Cassandra in Athena’s temple during the sack of Troy, so Athena turns against the Greeks and convinces Poseidon to do the same. The Greeks are beset by terrible storms on ...

What does Athena do to Odysseus?

Athena’s anger subsides and her old affection for Odysseus renews, so she decides to set things right. While Poseidon, still angry with Odysseus, is away from Olympus, she convinces the other gods to help Odysseus return home. In disguise in Ithaca, she convinces Telemachus to search for his father. Telemachus goes to Pylos, the home of Nestor, who ...

Who can't find the men in the Greeks?

Blinded, Polyphemus cannot find the men and finally rolls back the boulder blocking the entrance and puts his arms in front of it, figuring he will catch the men as they try to run outside. Odysseus has already thought of this, so the Greeks go to the pens and each tie three rams together.

What is the first stop in Odysseus's adventure?

The first stop on their adventure is to the land of the Lotus-eaters, a people who created food and drink from flowers, but with a drug effect. Several of Odysseus's crew partook of the food presented by the Lotus-eaters and forgot their goal to return home.

Where did Odysseus go after escaping from the Cyclops?

Visiting the King of the Winds. Following their escape from the cave of the Cyclops, Odysseus, and his companions came to the land of Aeolus, king of the winds. The king gave Odysseus a sack filled with the contrary winds that would have prevented him from sailing to Ithaca.

Why did Odysseus stay away from home?

A prophecy stated Odysseus would stay away from home for a very long time if he joined the Greek army and attacked Troy. Odysseus loved his wife and newborn son. He did not want to leave, so he pretended to be crazy when the Greek army came to call. He yoked a donkey and an ox together and plowed the seashore. One of the Greeks placed Telemachus in the path of Odysseus, who swerved to miss the baby, revealing the farce. Odysseus left Ithaca and his family to fight at Troy.

Why did Odysseus build the Trojan Horse?

Odysseus had the Greek army build what came to be known as the Trojan Horse, a giant hollow wooden horse to give the Trojans as an offering of peace. Inside the body of the horse, some of the best Greek warriors hid. Trojan Horse.

Why did Hermes give Odysseus a herb?

Odysseus set out to save his companions and was met on the way by the god Hermes. Hermes gave Odysseus an herb to counteract the effects of Circe's drug. Odysseus overpowered Circe, and she agreed to restore his men to human form. Odysseus and his crew remained with Circe for a year before resuming their journey.

Why did Odysseus leave Ithaca?

Odysseus left Ithaca and his family to fight at Troy. The war with Troy lasted for ten years. Following the death of the Greek champion Achilles, Odysseus devised a plan to enter the city and end the conflict. Here is where the cunning of Odysseus shone through.

What is the story of Odysseus?

The story of Odysseus begins in Homer's epic poem The Iliad, but his second poem, The Odys sey, relates the tale of Odysseus wandering the seas for ten years as he struggled to return from the Trojan War. Odysseus ruled Ithaca, an island kingdom. Penelope, Odysseus's wife, had borne him a son, Telemachus, just before the events ...

Where does Odysseus live?

Most of Odysseus’ wanderings are related to us after the fact. When we meet Odysseus, he has been living with the nymph Calypso for seven years on her island, Ogygia. With a little help from the gods, he escapes and travels to Scheria, where the Phaeacians welcome him and invite him to a banquet.

Why does Odysseus have his men ear tying him to the mast of the ship?

Heeding Circe’s warning that they should avoid listening to the Sirens, Odysseus has his men, returned to human form, block their ears with wax and tie him to the mast of the ship, so that he might hear the strange sounds of the Sirens but remain unable to succumb to their magic.

What does Odysseus say about Ithaca?

Odysseus himself describes Ithaca’s geography and topography only briefly, saying. My fame extends to heaven, but I live. in Ithaca, where shaking forest hides . Mount Neriton.

What is the name of the book that drew parallels between the world of the Odyssey and the world of

In 1933 his posthumously published book of photographs from the journey, Dans le sillage d’Ulysse ( In the Wake of Odysseus) drew direct parallels between the world of the Odyssey and the world of the twentieth century. His map of Odysseus’ travels, published in his four-volume work Les navigations d’Ulysse ( The Navigations of Odysseus) (1927–29), ...

What is the story of Odysseus' journey home from war?

The Odyssey ostensibly tells the story of Odysseus’ ten-year journey home from war, but much of the poem concerns his absence: his wife Penelope’s clever attempts to stave off aggressive suitors and their son Telemachus’ search for his lost father. Most of Odysseus’ wanderings are related to us after the fact.

Where is Calypso's cave?

His map of Odysseus’ travels, published in his four-volume work Les navigations d’Ulysse ( The Navigations of Odysseus) (1927–29), placed Calypso’s cave on an island near Gibraltar, his own particular innovation in the field of Odyssey geography. Gibraltar is certainly west of Corcyra.

Where did Homer set the Odyssey?

In his 7 bc Geographia, Strabo took his cues from Polybius, agreeing that the Odyssey was not a myth and that Homer clearly left clues placing the Odyssey ’s setting near Sicily.

What did Odysseus say to Poseidon?

Odysseus mocked him again, saying that not even the god of the sea could heal the monster’s eye. As the ship sailed away, Polyphemus called out a prayer to his father. He asked for Poseidon to avenge the attack by keeping Odysseus from his destination.

How did Zeus strike Odysseus down?

Zeus struck him down, however, when he attempted to reach Olympus without being invited by the gods. Like Bellerophon, Odysseus attracted the ire of a god through arrogance. If he had simply blinded the cyclops and escaped, Poseidon would not have targeted him.

What did Odysseus do after he returned to Ithaca?

According to some stories, even after Odysseus returned to Ithaca the sea god was not finished with him. Later legends claimed that the famous sailor made a pilgrimage to appease Poseidon, but was eventually killed by a spear tipped with a poisonous stingray barb through the sea god’s machinations.

What was the plot of the Odyssey?

The plot of the Odyssey was driven largely by Poseidon’s anger toward Odysseus. Early in his voyage, Odysseus and a dozen of his men were taken captive by the cannibalistic cyclops Polyphemus. They escaped by fashioning an enormous stake and using it to blind the giant in his single eye.

What was Odysseus's act of hubris?

Any scene of similar hubris could have earned Odysseus the enmity of a god.

Why did Odysseus' voyage take so long?

A simple journey took ten years to complete, costing the lives of the ship’s entire crew, because Odysseus had angered Poseidon. Odysseus had attacked one of the god’s sons, but his true crime was an attitude of arrogant self-importance that offended the god of the sea even more.

What happened to Athena after the destruction of the Temple?

As the Greek fleet left Troy, Athena sent a storm that destroyed many of their ships and scattered the rest. Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, was left with only one vessel and its crew.
