where is course information on gradpoint

by Nasir Daugherty 9 min read

For detailed course descriptions, go to Resources > Course information > Catalog. Notes about the courses: Each course has a module called Course Home that contains a link to the course e-book, syllabus, rubrics used in the course, and a media index for quick access to any lesson.

To see the course descriptions for Flex, Sequential, and Prescriptive courses: Click the Resources tab. Select Syllabi/Outlines. On the Course Outlines/Syllabi page, click Flex, Sequential and Prescriptive Courses.

Full Answer

How do I add a course to GradPoint?

Click on Manage Course > Create (if this option is not visible, have an Administrator do a permission check to ensure create/edit is enabled at the Course level on the domain) on the home page if using the Teacher App and Courses menu > New if using the Admin app. Select Copy Shared Course.May 5, 2020

Is GradPoint easy?

Progress is Every Student on Point. GradPoint is the easy-to-use, cost-effective and comprehensive online learning solution that helps students in grades 6-12 develop the skills they need to succeed in high school, college and beyond.

What is a GradPoint class?

GradPoint is an easy-to-use, comprehensive online learning solution that gives you the power to truly personalize. learning with rigorous, standards-based curriculum delivered on an award-winning, intuitive learning platform.

What is course description college?

A course description is a brief summary of the significant learning experiences for a course. Course descriptions appear in individual Course Outlines and in the Program of Studies (POSs) for individual programs.

What is a GradPoint teacher?

GradPoint™ is an easy-to-use, cost-effective and comprehensive online learning solution for grades 6– 12. It gives Teachers the power to truly personalize learning with rigorous, standards-based core, elective, honors and Advanced Placement® curriculum delivered on an award-winning, intuitive learning platform.Aug 2, 2016

How do you get Savvas realize answers?

Log into GradPoint. Click View for the (C) course in question. On the left-side pane, in the Course Home folder, click Answer Key. Click on the attachment at the bottom of the page to download the assessment answer key for the course.

What is the difference between course description and syllabus?

A course description is usually written in paragraph form with complete sentences. A syllabus often contains timelines, calendars, outlines, bullet points and tables or infographics that quickly and concisely relay important information.

How long should a course description be?

The description should run from 30 words to 120 words in length. Fewer than 30 is too sketchy. Too few words make the course look insubstantial and may not allow for enough information to be included. If a description is, more than 120 words, it is too long.Sep 30, 2015

What is the purpose of a course description?

A course description is used for: enrollment, Axess, and the Bulletin: students need to know what a course is about in a short, content-filled way.

View progress overviews for all courses on one screen

To view your progress, open the Performance/Grades tool from the Main Menu.

View progress details for each course

To view detailed progress in a course, open the Performance tool from the Main Menu and click the course or select it from the Course Chooser. Here, you find:

What is GradPoint for?

GradPoint is the ideal solution for blended learning, credit recovery, project-based learning, alternative education, adult education, acceleration, and more. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations.

How to empower students to learn?

Empower students to own their learning 1 Badges drive students to take ownership of their learning. 2 Dynamic project-based learning templates give students voice and choice. 3 Student dashboards encourage self assessment. 4 Self evaluations help students assess their interest, effort, and understanding. 5 Self-paced courses motivate students to learn at their own pace.

What is information technology application?

Information Technology Applications prepares students to work i n the field of Information Technology. Students will be a ble to demonstrate digital literacy through basic study of computer hardware, operating s ystems, networking, the Internet, web publishing,

What is business application?

In doing so, students gain proficiency with word processing, email, and presentation management software. This course allows students to explore careers in business while learning skills applicable to any professional setting. Through a series of hands-on activities, students will create, analyze, and critique reports, letters, project plans, presentations, and other professional communications. Regular engagement in active learning ensures students can continually refine the skills necessary to prepare them for work. In addition, students will evaluate the qualifications required for specific careers so they can identify opportunities that are of interest to them. Business Applications is an introductory level Career and Technical Education course applicable to programs of study in business, management, and administration; information technology; and other career clusters. This course is aligned with state and national standards. Required Word processing software and presentation management software.

What is art appreciation?

Art Appreciation is a s urvey of the history of Western vi sual arts, with a primary focus on painting. Students begin with an i ntroduction to the ba sic principles of painting and learn how to cri tique and compare works of a rt. Students then explore prehistoric and early Greek and Roma n a rt before they move on to the Mi ddle Ages. Emphasis is placed on the Renaissance and the principles and masters that emerged in Ita l y and northern Europe. Students continue their art tour with the United States during the 20th century, a time of great innovation as

What is spa nish I?

Spa nish I teaches students to greet people, describe family a nd friends, talk about hobbies, and communicate a bout other topics, s uch as home life, occupations, travel, and medicine. Each lesson presents vocabulary, gra mmar, a nd culture i n context, followed by explanations

What is the U.S. Hi s tory tra ces?

U.S. Hi s tory tra ces the nation’s history from the pre-colonial period to the present. Students learn about the Native American, European, a nd Afri ca n people who lived in America before it became the United States. They examine the beliefs and philosophies that informed the Ameri can Revolution and the s ubsequent formation of the government and political system. Students investigate the economic, cultural, and

What is Worl D history?

Worl d History i s a robust, writing-intensive course that uses multiple perspectives to trace the development of civilizations around the worl d from prehistory to the present. Students are encouraged to use their knowledge of cri tical points in history to develop their points of

What is the U.S. a nd global economics?

U.S. a nd Global Economics offers a tightly focused curriculum that provi des a n i ntroduction to key economic principles. The course covers fundamental properties of economics, including an examination of markets from both historical and current perspectives; the basics of
