where does the amount of solar energy received over the course of a year vary the most

by Alexandro Tromp MD 9 min read

The total energy received each day at the top of the atmosphere depends on latitude. The highest daily amounts of incoming energy (pale pink) occur at high latitudes in summer, when days are long, rather than at the equator. In winter, some polar latitudes receive no light at all (black).

The annual amount of incoming solar energy varies considerably from tropical latitudes to polar latitudes (described on page 2). At middle and high latitudes, it also varies considerably from season to season. The peak energy received at different latitudes changes throughout the year.Jan 14, 2009

Full Answer

How is energy from the Sun spread evenly over the Earth?

The sun's rays are far more slanted during the shorter days of the winter months. Cities such as Denver, Colorado, (near 40° latitude) receive nearly three times more solar energy in June than they do in December. The rotation of the Earth is also responsible for hourly variations in sunlight.

How much solar energy is absorbed and reflected by the Earth?

Jan 14, 2009 · The Southern Hemisphere receives more energy during December (southern summer) than the Northern Hemisphere does in June (northern summer) because Earth’s orbit is not a perfect circle and Earth is slightly closer to the Sun during that part of its orbit.

Why does the amount of solar radiation vary for different latitudes?

Mar 04, 2021 · But because of the different angles with which the sun's rays strike various parts of the earth, the amount of solar radiation received per unit area varies widely. The greatest amount is received where the sun's rays strike perpendicularly.

How much solar radiation reaches any one spot on the Earth?

The average radiation intensity that hits the edge of the Earth's atmosphere is known as the solar constant, or I s c. Although this value is called a constant it varies by about 7% between January 4th (perihelion), when the Earth is closest to the sun, and July 4th …

Where does the amount of solar energy Earth receives vary most during the year?

The equatorThe equator receives the most solar radiation in a year. The difference in the amount of solar energy the land receives causes the atmosphere to move the way it does.

How does solar energy change over the course of the year?

Solar panels generally produce about 40-60% less energy during the months of December and January than they do during the months of July and August. This means that solar power generation is significantly less during the winter than it is during the summer.Feb 8, 2017

Does solar fluctuate over the course of the day and or year?

The distance of the sun to an earthbound solar panel changes very little during the course of a year, as the Earth's orbit is nearly a perfect circle. However, distance plays a major role for the solar panels that power satellites and missions to space.

Where does solar radiation vary the most?

The angle at which the Sun's rays strike the Earth changes from the equator toward the poles. The result is that incoming solar radiation decreases with latitude. More solar radiation is received in the tropics than at the poles, resulting in an equator-to-pole temperature gradient.Dec 1, 2021

Where does the solar energy come from?

Solar energy is any type of energy generated by the sun. Solar energy is created by nuclear fusion that takes place in the sun. Fusion occurs when protons of hydrogen atoms violently collide in the sun's core and fuse to create a helium atom.Nov 19, 2012

How is solar energy obtained?

Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. This energy can be used to generate electricity or be stored in batteries or thermal storage.

How does location affect solar energy?

Location. The more sunshine, the better! Latitude matters; your proximity to the equator affects the power generated by your system. Solar panels generate more electricity the closer you are to the equator.Nov 30, 2014

What happens when the solar cell is moved closer to the light source?

I expect that as the solar cells are moved closer the light source the higher the power they will produce. As light moves away from the source it spreads out at all angles the further you are from the source the less intense the light will be.

How does distance affect solar energy?

The larger the distance between the light source and the solar cell, the smaller amount of energy that will be produced. This is because light spreads out as soon as it leaves the source, but the amount of light does not change.Nov 11, 2015

Which part of the Earth have more amount of energy received less amount of energy received?

Summary. A lot of the solar energy that reaches Earth hits the equator. Much less solar energy gets to the poles. The difference in the amount of solar energy drives atmospheric circulation.May 7, 2021

Why do different areas of the Earth receive different amounts of solar radiation?

The Earth revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit and is closer to the sun during part of the year. When the sun is nearer the Earth, the Earth's surface receives a little more solar energy. The Earth is nearer the sun when it is summer in the southern hemisphere and winter in the northern hemisphere.

How does the amount of solar radiation vary with latitude?

At higher latitudes, the angle of solar radiation is smaller, causing energy to be spread over a larger area of the surface and cooler temperatures.Dec 2, 2019

How is solar energy measured?

Measurements of solar energy are typically expressed as total radiation on a horizontal surface,or as total radiation on a surface tracking the sun. Radiation data for solar electric (photovoltaic) systems are often represented as kilowatt-hours per square meter (kWh/m 2 ). Direct estimates of solar energy may also be expressed as watts per square ...

Which country has the most solar energy?

Countries such as the United States, which lie in the middle latitudes, receive more solar energy in the summer not only because days are longer, but also because the sun is nearly overhead. The sun's rays are far more slanted during the shorter days of the winter months.

Why is solar energy important?

The solar resource across the United States is ample for photovoltaic (PV) systems because they use both direct and scattered sunlight. Other technologies may be more limited. However, the amount of power generated by any solar technology at a particular site depends on how much of the sun's energy reaches it.

What is solar radiation?

Solar Radiation Basics. Solar radiation, often called the solar resource or just sunlight, is a general term for the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun. Solar radiation can be captured and turned into useful forms of energy, such as heat and electricity, using a variety of technologies.

How do scientists measure solar energy?

Scientists measure the amount of sunlight falling on specific locations at different times of the year. They then estimate the amount of sunlight falling on regions at the same latitude with similar climates. Measurements of solar energy are typically expressed as total radiation on a horizontal surface,or as total radiation on a surface tracking ...

When is the sun at its highest point?

In the early morning and late afternoon, the sun is low in the sky. Its rays travel further through the atmosphere than at noon, when the sun is at its highest point. On a clear day, the greatest amount of solar energy reaches a solar collector around solar noon.

How much of the solar energy is absorbed by the Earth?

Thus, about 71 percent of the total incoming solar energy is absorbed by the Earth system.

What is the measurement of solar power?

(Before scientists discovered that it varies by a small amount during the sunspot cycle, total solar irradiance was sometimes called “the solar constant.”) A watt is measurement of power, or the amount of energy that something generates or uses over time.

What is the temperature of the Sun?

The Sun’s surface temperature is 5,500° C , and its peak radiation is in visible wavelengths of light. Earth’s effective temperature—the temperature it appears when viewed from space—is -20° C, and it radiates energy that peaks in thermal infrared wavelengths. (Illustration adapted from Robert Rohde.)

How does sunlight affect the Earth's climate?

The absorbed sunlight drives photosynthesis, fuels evaporation, melts snow and ice, and warms the Earth system. Solar power drives Earth’s climate. Energy from the Sun heats the surface, warms the atmosphere, and powers the ocean currents.

What is the total solar irradiance?

The total solar irradiance is the maximum possible power that the Sun can deliver to a planet at Earth’s average distance from the Sun; basic geometry limits the actual solar energy intercepted by Earth. Only half the Earth is ever lit by the Sun at one time, which halves the total solar irradiance.

What is the state of balance?

This state of balance is called radiative equilibrium. About 29 percent of the solar energy that arrives at the top of the atmosphere is reflected back to space by clouds, atmospheric particles, or bright ground surfaces like sea ice and snow. This energy plays no role in Earth’s climate system.

How does heat affect the Earth's surface?

If temperature doubles, radiated energy increases by a factor of 16 (2 to the 4th power). If the temperature of the Earth rises, the planet rapidly emits an increasing amount of heat to space.

Radiation Balance Day and Night

The intensity of solar radiation received at the outer limits of the earth's atmosphere is quite constant. However, the amount that reaches the earth's surface is highly variable, 11 depending greatly on the amount of clouds in the atmosphere. Some solar energy is reflected back from the tops of clouds and is lost to space.


We are all familiar with the four seasons that occur at latitudes greater than about 23° winter, spring, summer, and autumn. These seasons are due to the variation in the amount of solar radiation received by both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres throughout the year.

What is solar energy?

The Solar energy to the Earth refers to this energy that hits the surface of the Earth itself. The amount of energy that reaches the the Earth provides a useful understanding of the energy for the Earth as a system.

What is the source of energy for the Earth?

The Sun is the major source of energy and vital to life on Earth, but much of its light is reflected. Solar energy acts as a primary energy flow that can be harnessed. Almost all of the Earth 's energy input comes from the sun .

How to find solar flux?

To determine this value from solar flux, the distance from the Earth to the Sun is used . As well, the total solar flux - not solar flux per unit area - must be determined. Then the total solar flux from the Sun is divided by the surface area of a sphere that has a radius equal to the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

What is solar irradiance?

In addition to this, the total solar irradiance is the maximum power delivered to a surface assuming that the path of incoming light is perpendicular to that surface. Due to the fact that the Earth is a sphere, only places near the equator come close to this perpendicular angle.

Is solar energy a renewable source?

Although solar power is one important type of renewable energy source, it is important to investigate the benefits and drawbacks of this type of energy.

How much electricity does a solar panel produce?

In other words, before system losses, during a peak sun hour you can expect a 300-watt solar panel to produce roughly 300 watt–hours of electricity, and a 6 kilowatt system to produce roughly 6 kilowatt–hours of electricity. Unclear about the difference between watts, kilowatts, watt–hours and kilowatt–hours?

How much sunlight does a solar panel receive?

That amount of sunlight – 1000 W/m² over an hour – also happens to be the exact amount of sunlight used to test and rate solar panels in the lab.

What is peak sun hours?

Peak sun hours are an easy way to measure and compare the amount of sunlight between locations.

Which state has the highest average sun hours?

As you can see, there are states with impressive peak sun numbers and those with scant peak sun hours. The states with the highest average peak sun hours are Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and California.

What is Zeeshan's passion?

Zeeshan is passionate about promoting renewable energy and tackling climate change. He developed these interests while studying at beautiful Middlebury College, Vermont, which has a strong focus on sustainability. He has previously worked in the humanitarian sector — for Doctors Without Borders — and in communications and journalism.

Does the sun shine all day?

The sun, as we know, doesn’t shine at peak sun hour-intensity all day long. Instead, the intensity of sunlight hitting the panels constantly fluctuates depending on the time of day, as well as the weather. During the early mornings and late afternoon, sunlight is likely to be less than 500 W/m².

Where does the sun's energy come from?

Energy from the sun is transformed into heat. primarily at the earth's surface and secondarily in the atmosphere. The amount of incoming solar radiation available at various places on the earth depends mainly on. the angle at which the sun's rays strike the earth and the number of daylight hours.

What are the elements that make up weather?

The three most important elements that make up weather are. precipitation, wind, and temperature . The layer of the earth's atmosphere that contains virtually all air, clouds, and precipitation is called the. troposphere. Energy from the sun is transformed into heat.

What is relative humidity?

Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air compared to the amount required for condensation to begin at a given temperature. True. The dew point is the temperature at which precipitation begins to occur. True.
