where can i take a california smog update course

by Prof. Dwight Harris 8 min read

How do I get a smog technician license in California?

Complete the BAR (Bureau of Automotive Repair) specified diagnostic and repair training, and have two years of work experience. Complete Level 1 engine and emission control training (68 hours), and Level 2 smog check Training (28 hours), as well as pass the state licensing exam within the past two years.Aug 24, 2016

Do you need a license to be a mechanic in California?

Find a Licensed Auto Shop All auto shops must hold an automotive repair dealer license issued by BAR to perform vehicle repair and maintenance services in California.

Is it illegal to work on your own car in California?

Sacramento County Says It's Illegal to Work on Your Own Car in Your Own Garage.Jul 3, 2019

What is minimum wage for a mechanic in California?

Automobile Mechanics Must Be Paid Twice Minimum Wage ($20/hour) When Required to Supply Tools. Many repair facilities require mechanics to supply their own hand tools. This is legal; however, the mechanic must be paid double minimum wage (currently $20/hour) when required to bring their own tools.

Technician Duties

A Smog Check Repair Technician diagnoses and repairs Smog Check inspection failures. All Smog Check repairs must be completed by licensed Repair Technicians in a licensed Test-and-Repair or Repair-Only station.


To become licensed as a Smog Check Repair Technician, an individual must pass a state examination. Examination applicants must meet one of following four criteria:

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to questions on requirements, results, inspections issues, and more.

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What level of smog check is required in California?

A: To become a smog check technician you are required by California to take Level I Engine Fundamentals, and Level II Laws & Regulations and PASS a 100 question state exam.

How many hours do you need to be a smog technician in California?

In order to become a smog check technician, the state of California requires you complete a minimum of 96 hours of education. You have to take the Level I Engine and Emission Control Fundamentals course. Here we teach you engine basics, electrical, emission components, basic engine performance, emission testing, just to name a few with a minimum of 68hrs.

How much does a smog technician make?

A: A smog technician makes an average of $46,938 per year or $24.07 an hour according to a study done by neuvoo.com, with $27,105 being the lowest pay and $75,075 being the highest pay.
