where can i take a boaters safety course in illonois

by Opal Carroll IV 4 min read

Official Illinois Boating Safety Course Online Take this Illinois–approved course to complete your online boating safety education. Boat-ed.com is a delegated provider for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Full Answer

Who is required to complete an approved boating safety course?

Education is Mandatory for All PWC Operators. All personal watercraft operators must successfully complete an approved boating safety course before they can operate a PWC on any waters of New York. All PWC operators must be a minimum of 14 years old - no one under the age of 14 may operate a PWC.

What are the boating laws in Illinois?

Pay Special Attention To:

  • If you have questions regarding your watercraft tax, contact the Dept. ...
  • Please allow five weeks processing time before contacting our office regarding the status of your application
  • Registrations expire every 3 years on September 30th.
  • Copies of titles/registrations are not acceptable; the original must be sent.

More items...

How to get a boating license in Illinois?

We will ask you for the following information:

  • Your full name as it appears on your Boater Education Card;
  • Your date of birth; and
  • Your address at the time you took the online boating safety course.

How to obtain boater safety certification?

​3 Ways to Get a Maryland Safe Boating Certificate

  • I. Classroom. The Maryland Basic Boating Course is taught by trained instructors and must be a minimum of 8 hours in length.
  • II. On-Line. Maryland Basic Boating Online Course. ...
  • III. Maryland Boating Equivalency Exam. ...

How long does the Illinois boater safety course take?

eight hoursThe Illinois Boating Education Course consists of a minimum eight hours of instruction. The course covers the basics of boating safety, equipment and requirements, navigation, motorboat, registration and titling, emergency measures and the Illinois boating laws.

How do I get my Boating License in Illinois?

Take this Illinois–approved course to complete your online boating safety education. Boat-ed.com is a delegated provider for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources....Get boater certified in 3 steps.Study and pass the $39.95 online course.Print your online course completion document.Get ready to go boating!

How long is the Illinois Boating License good for?

Who needs an Illinois Boating Education Certificate? Anyone born on or after January 1, 1998 who operates a powered watercraft of 10hp or more needs a Boater Safety Certificate. BOATERexam.com® is a delegated provider for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Good for life!

Do you need Boating License in Illinois?

Illinois Boating Laws and Regulations Illinois law requires boater education for anyone born on or after Jan 1, 1988, operating a motorized vessel over 10 hp.

Do you need boat insurance in Illinois?

Despite the fact that the state of Illinois does not require boat owners to purchase insurance, most people realize the importance of doing so. Just as insurance is important for your car, you should think the same way in terms of protecting your boat.

How old do you have to be to drive a boat?

Operators of personal watercraft must be at least 14 years of age. Operator must be 15 yrs old and meet ID and education requirements or 16 yrs old or older with a valid motor vehicle drivers license to operate a motorboat with a motor greater than 10 hsp. Minimum age 12 to operate vessel over 10 h.p.

Can you drink on a boat in Illinois?

In Illinois, a person convicted of operating a boat while under the influence of alcohol will be subject to the following penalties: Upon a first conviction: A fine of up to $2,500 and/or imprisonment for up to 1 year. A second or subsequent conviction can result in more severe fines and penalties.

How do I get a Illinois boat sticker?

Illinois Department of Natural Resources Renewing watercraft registration can be done online through the IDNR website at www. dnr. illinois.gov or by phone by calling 1-866-867-3542.

How do I register my boat online in Illinois?

Illinois boat registration renewal Registration can be completed online at https://www.exploremoreil.com or by calling (217) 557-0180 or (800) 382-1696 to request a paper application.

How old do you have to be to drive a jet ski in Illinois?

10 years of ageAge Requirements Personal Watercraft (PWC) operators in Illinois must be at least 10 years of age. Persons who are at least 10 years of age but less than 12 must be under direct control of a responsible person who is at least 18 years of age in order to operate.

What does boat class mean?

Boats are divided into four length classes: Class A Vessels: These classes of vessels have less than 16 feet in length. Class I Vessels: These classes of vessels range from 16 feet to no more than 26 feet in length. Class II Vessels: These classes of vessels range from 26 feet to no more than 40 feet in length.

Do canoes need to be registered in Illinois?

Non-motorized/non-sail watercraft, canoes, kayaks and paddle boats are no longer required to be titled/registered in Illinois. Instead, Illinois' new Water Usage Stamp is now mandatory for all non-powered watercraft, except those with a non-expired Illinois registration.

How much does the Illinois Boat Ed Course cost?

The Illinois Boat Ed Course fee is $39.95.

Are there any age or operator restrictions for boating in Illinois?

See the restrictions here.

Do I have to complete the course all at once?

You may complete the course at your own pace. The course can be completed in one sitting or completed a little at a time over several days. All pay...

What is the minimum age to take this online course?

You must be at least 11 years old to take this online course.

Do I have to be a resident to take the Illinois Boat Ed Course?

You do not have to be a resident of Illinois to take this online course.

Is the Illinois Boat Ed Course approved by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources?

The Illinois Boat Ed Course is approved and accepted by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Is my Illinois Boating Safety Certificate accepted elsewhere?

For visiting boaters, all states, territories, and provinces will recognize boating education cards that meet NASBLA requirements and Canadian Plea...

I failed a unit quiz. Have I failed the course?

If you fail a unit quiz, you must restudy the unit and take the quiz again until you pass. You must score at least 70% on the unit quizzes to pass.

Do I have to take an online exam?

The Certification Exam is the exam you take at the end of the online course. You must score at least 80% on the exam to pass. You have unlimited at...

What is boat ed?

Boat Ed is the only safety course provider that develops print materials on behalf of government agencies responsible for Boating laws and regulations.

Is boating safety education the same as boating license?

Is it the Boating safety license? Boating safety education certification is not the same thing as a Boating license. What you really need is the Boating Safety Certificate. You can get the Boating Safety Certificate by taking this boat safety course at boat-ed.com. Find out if you need the card.

How old do you have to be to be a boater in Illinois?

Education Requirements: Age Requirements: Illinois boaters under the age of 18 must complete a course approved by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources in order to operate on the waters of the state of Illinois. Children under the age of 10 may not operate any type of motorized vessel, including personal watercraft (PWCs).

How to contact Boatus Foundation?

Feel free to call or email if you ever need help while you are taking the course. Send an email to [email protected]. Or call us Toll Free at 1-800-245-2628. Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 5 PM Eastern Time.

How to print a certificate in a state?

Click on your state name to bring up your printing options (Figure B). To print a paper copy of your certificate click "Print Certificate". After you choose "Print Certificate", a separate window will pop-up and you may briefly see the certificate before it moves off screen and your print dialog appears.

What age can a child operate a motorized boat?

Children under the age of 10 may not operate any type of motorized vessel, including personal watercraft (PWCs).

How long does it take to get a Florida boater ID?

Your permanent Boater Education ID Card will be mailed to you by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission within 3-4 weeks.

Can you use Boatus courses as a refresher?

The courses below can be used as a refresher or study guide for an in person class or proctored exam. They can also qualify you for a premium discount on your BoatUS insurance policy.

Does a boating safety certificate expire?

Your boating safety certificate will never expire. It is valid for life.

Illinois-Approved Boating Course

The Illinois Boat Ed Course is approved and accepted by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

United States Coast Guard Recognized

The Illinois Boat Ed Course is recognized by the United States Coast Guard as meeting the standards of the National Recreational Boating Safety Program.

NASBLA Approved

The Illinois Boat Ed Course is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and meets U.S. Boating Education Standards.

How old do you have to be to take the boating course in Illinois?

The Illinois boating course is created for persons who are at least 12 years of age or older to receive the needed certificate of completion and to be able to operate a boat or vessel without endangering the other boaters’ safety.

How to get a replacement boat safety certificate in Illinois?

Boaters who have lost their Illinois boat safety certificate may be able to obtain a replacement card by reprinting it . Moreover, they may also utilize the online service to look up their safety certification number by providing their full names and dates of birth in the IL DNS system.

What is a boater safety card in Illinois?

Boaters who have obtained an Illinois boater safety card as proof of completion of the safety course have already satisfied certain rules and regulations imposed by the IL DNS. The boating rules and regulations include age and safety requirements, as well as certain boating laws that determine the penalties for operating a boat or vessel with the appropriate documentation.

What is a boating license in Illinois?

A boating license in Illinois is a document that boaters need to possess if they want to operate boats or water vessels legally. For that reason, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IL DNS) requires IL residents to possess a boat safety certificate after they complete the appropriate safety course.

What is a safety course?

A safety course is an education program that teaches individuals how to operate a boat or vessel properly and safely, without endangering other boaters. Prior to getting a boat license certificate from the corresponding course provider, individuals may have to satisfy certain requirements, such as age, residency or mandatory documents. ...

How many hours of boating instruction is required in Illinois?

IL residents who are between 12 and 18 years of age must complete the minimum requirement of eight-hour instruction course and complete the final examination in order to get a State of Illinois Certificate of Competency.

How old do you have to be to drive a motorboat in Illinois?

Moreover, they may also be allowed to operate a motorboat only when accompanied by a parent or guardian, or by a person who is at least 18 years of age and designated by the parent or guardian.

How many lessons are there in boating safety?

The most popular basic courses generally have from 6 to 13 lessons to provide a foundation of operational and safety instruction.

What is a courseline?

The Courseline is a searchable database of current boating safety courses around the nation.

What classes do flotillas offer?

Local flotillas offer a variety of safety classes, including basic/introductory boating courses and safety courses, navigation, sailing and personal watercraft safety, among others. Programs offer instruction in small and large sailboats, windsurfers, and powerboats.

How much does a 600 boating safety permit cost?

After studying the boating safety material, you must first purchase, for $10.00, a Type 600 boating safety exam permit from any business (license agent) that sells hunting and fishing licenses (WalMart sporting goods, bait stores, marinas, etc.).

Who needs a boating education certification in Tennessee?

Who needs a Tennessee boating education certification? If you are a Tennessee resident born after January 1, 1989, and operating a boat with more than 8.5 horsepower, then you need the certification.

What is a wallet boating certificate in Tennessee?

Any Tennessee resident born after January 1, 1989, must show the TWRA-issued wallet Boating Safety Education Certificate as proof of successful completion of the TWRA Boating Safety exam. No other certificate will be accepted as meeting the requirements of the law.

How much is a boating permit 600?

The Boating Safety Exam Permit (Type 600) is sold at the facility for $10. Cash Only. (901) 213-3124.

When does TWRA accept boating safety certificates?

If you were born after January 1, 1989, TWRA will accept any NASBLA approved boating safety certificate.

Where is the Bartlett Hunter Education Range Facility?

Exams will be administered at the Bartlett Hunter Education Range Facility (3200 Brother Blvd.) during regular business hours.

Does Mousetail Landing State Park give a test?

Mousetail Landing State Park will give the test by appointment only.

What happens if you don't have a boating education card?

"Some states have a grace period," says Dillon, "If you don't have a card with you, then you have three days to provide a copy of that card.

Who is the editor of Boatus Magazine?

BoatUS Magazine contributing editor Fiona McGlynn and her husband sailed their 35-footer trans-Pacific for two years. Now living north of 59, she’s part of their local search and rescue team and edits WaterborneMag.com, a millennial boating website.

What does a boating card with a NASBLA logo mean?

In addition to finding a state-approved course, you'll want a course diploma or boating card that bears the NASBLA logo, indicating that the course you took was NASBLA-approved. "Fortunately, every state does have a course that has been reviewed, verified, and approved by NASBLA," says Dillon, "It's important for the boater to look for that NASBLA-approved course option. Some of these are free. BoatUS Foundation has a great free course that is recognized in most states." (Find your state-approved course at BoatUS.org/Free .)

Can you boat out of state?

If you've ever boated out of state, you may already know that the answer depends on many factors including the state you're visiting, your age, your boating education, vessel type, engine size, whether you rent or own the boat, how long you're staying, and if you want to engage in towed watersports.

Can a visitor from New Jersey operate a PWC?

For instance, there may be a state-to-state agreement in place that affords you special privileges (e.g., a visitor to Connecticut from New Jersey with a New Jersey-issued boating certificate would not be able to operate a PWC, but a visitor from Rhode Island with a Rhode Island boating certificate would be able to operate one.)

Is Boatus Foundation free?

BoatUS Foundation has a great free course that is recognized in most states.". (Find your state-approved course at BoatUS.org/Free .) 2. Check state requirements on NASBLA.org before you go. While many states will accept a NASBLA-approved card, it's important to check state requirements before departure.

How old do you have to be to take the boating safety course in Illinois?

You must be at least 11 years of age to complete this Illinois online boating safety course.

What is boaterexam.com?

BOATERexam.com ® is trusted by agencies across the United States to deliver the best of quality in boating safety education. Our courses consistently receive the highest level of approval from agencies and from boaters.