by Angeline Johnston II
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
10 min read
From the command line CD to the Moodle admincli folder and run this command: where '--courseid' is the id of the course that you want to backup. The .mbz backup file for courseid=25 will be stored in the backup subfolder in the Moodledata ($CFG->dataroot) folder.
To find the backup file for a course, go to the front page of that course, click Administration->Files, and look for a folder named backupdata. The backup file for the course should be found in that folder. If you don't see a backupdata folder, or if the folder is empty, then backups are not being made.Nov 28, 2006
Nov 10, 2017 · Here you can click the “continue” button to be taken to where you can get a copy of the backup file to download it and save it offline. In the user private backup area, click the “download” button and save it. You can then open your course on …
Did You Know you can Save Your moodle courses?
Apr 03, 2012 · That is one of the security features in Moodle 2.x, making things hard to find. As I understand it, backups are hidden under an alias with the names given in the database, but I am not sure. Best bet is to enter the course, and go to Course Administration > Restore and look in the User Private Backup Area at the bottom of the page.
What are the file extensions for backup Moodle files?
Dec 05, 2018 · Backup. Site backup - for saving everything - data stored in the database, uploaded files, Moodle code. Course backup - for saving selected activities, resources, blocks, filters, user data etc. Course restore. Automated course backup. Year-end procedures. IMS Common Cartridge import and export.
How to change the name of a Moodle backup archive?
Mar 12, 2020 · --courseid=INTEGER (Course ID for backup.)--courseshortname=STRING (Course shortname for backup.)--destination=STRING (Path where to store backup file. If not set the backup will be stored within the course backup file area.)-h, --help (Print out this help.) Example \$sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php admin/cli/backup.php --courseid=2 - …
How do I access my Moodle backups?
To access backup files at a later date:
Log in to Moodle and open a course for which an . ...
In the menu bar at the top of your course page, select the Course Management button (gear icon. ...
A site backup allows a site administrator to save everything associated with a moodle site. These backups can be restored to bring a site back to the point in time when the backup was made.Apr 16, 2021
How do I download a backup from Moodle?
Downloading a backup file
Go to your course site in Moodle.
Find the Administration block: Click Restore.
Go to the User private backup area.
Find your backup file. (The most recently created file will be at the top of the list.) ...
Click Download to copy the backup to your hard drive.
How do I restore a backup in Moodle?
Restoring a course backup
Go to Settings > Front page settings > Restore or Settings > Course administration > Restore.
Upload the backup file or choose a file in the course backup area or user private backup area and click Restore.
Confirm - Check that everything is as required then click the Continue button.
In Site administration > Courses > Backups > General backup defaults, there is a setting for "Include logs." By default, this is off. If you enable this, then the logs from the user activities can be saved as the option "Include course logs" will now appear on the backup menu of items to include in the backup.Aug 10, 2021
How do I export a course from Moodle?
From within a course, from the course Administration menu, choose Backup.Select whether to export as a Common Cartridge or a native Moodle file. Follow the succession of screens, to complete the process.
How do I open a .MBZ file?
ZIP files, you can extract the contents in the archives by renaming the . mbz file extension to . zip. Then, extract the contents using a Zip-decompression utility, such as Corel WinZip or Apple Archive Utility.Mar 4, 2019
How do I backup all my courses in Moodle?
Backup Your Moodle Course
Log in to Moodle and click on the course you want to back up.
Under Administration, click Backup.
On the Course backup screen, leave all checkboxes checked to backup both your course materials and student work. ...
To access your past Moodle course from your dashboard in eClass, click on the course title in Your courses on moodle@yorku block. This will open the course in Moodle.
What is the difference between import and restore in Moodle?
Restore begins in the original course--the course to be copied. A backup is "pushed" into a target new or existing course. Import begins in the target new or existing course--the course to be copied into. A backup of another course is then "pulled" into that course from the original course.Jul 2, 2010
What are the pros and cons of course versus site backups?
Site backups are recommended in order to have all data saved with the best confidence and the shortest recovery time.
Why is my automated course backup much smaller in size than my manual course backup?
This is an intentional design decision. Because of the way files are stored in Moodle 2.x, there is no need to include the files in the backup if you are planning to restore them to the same Moodle site. Leaving them out saves huge amounts of disk space and makes the backup procedure much faster.
What data is not contained in course backups?
By selecting all the options when setting up the backup you can include almost all the data in the course. However you should be aware of the fact that some things are not backed up:
How do I fix backups that lack the student log and participation data?
In Site administration > Courses > Backups > General backup defaults, there is a setting for "Include logs." By default, this is off.
How do I fix backups that lack the student grade history?
In Site administration > Courses > Backups > General backup defaults, there is a setting for "Include histories." By default, this is off.
How can I backup or restore a very large course?
See Backup via CLI in Course backup and Restore via CLI in Course restore (new in 3.10 onwards).
The process ends with: "Error: An error occurred deleting old backup data". What should I do?
This part of the backup (or restore) procedure tries to delete old info, used in previous executions, performing the following tasks:
Backing up a course
If you are satisfied with the default settings and don't wish to go through all the backup screens, you can simply click 'Jump to final step' to perform the backup.
Anonymizing user information
Anonymize user information is a backup feature which "protects user identities" by making each user anonymous. If this box is checked in the backup initial settings, Moodle will substitute aliases for real names, substituting email addresses and so forth. For example "Max Manager" might become "anonfirstname4 anonlastname4".
Backup and restore of assignments from Moodle 2.2 and older
The assignment activity module was completely rewritten in Moodle 2.3. Thus, assignments from Moodle 2.2 and older (e.g. from Moodle 1.9) need to be upgraded in order to continue being usable. See the section 'Restoring course backups from Moodle 2.2 and older' in Assignment upgrade tool for details of what to do.
Tips and tricks
Lose content after a restore in Moodle 2.0 ? Do you see topic headings that say "Orphaned activities"? Solution: Go to course settings and increase the number of topic sections and things will return to normal.
Creative uses
The backup and restore processes can offer the teacher and administrators many creative solutions.
General backup defaults
Default settings for course backups can be set by a site administrator in Administration > Site administration > Courses > Backups > General backup defaults .
Backing Up A Course
Anonymizing User Information
Kup and Restore of Assignments from Moodle 2.2 and Older
Tips and Tricks
Creative Uses
General Backup Defaults
Default settings for course backups can be set by a site administrator in Administration > Site administration > Courses > Backups > General backup defaults. Selected settings may be locked, so that they cannot be changed when creating a course backup. By selecting a time in the "Keep logs for.." dropdown, it is possible to specify how long backup ...