when your opponent is destroying themselves, the best course of action is to do nothing

by Mercedes Homenick 8 min read

How do you know if your opponents are trying to destroy you?

If your opponents are trying to ruin your organization or initiative in any way possible - which can include using a combination of two or more of the other tactics - they are trying to destroy you. Your response should be swift and intensive.

What if your opponent says the problem isn't that important?

When your opponent tries to say the problem isn't real or isn't that important, you'd better be prepared to prove to the public that it is indeed real and that it is indeed significant. Know your opponents and understand their strategies. Why would your opponent want the public to think the problem doesn't exist?

How do you attack the weaknesses of your opponent's argument?

Attacking the weaknesses in your opponent's argument. If there are many weaknesses, list all or at least most of them. Show the factual errors in each case.

How does the enemy try to keep you defeated?

One of the most effective strategies the enemy uses to keep you defeated is to stir up pride. Satan fell because of pride, and he wants to take you down with him by getting you prideful. Don’t let yourself fall into it!

When an enemy is in the process of destroying himself?

Barry Ritholtz on Twitter: "“Never Interfere With an Enemy While He's in the Process of Destroying Himself”  -Napoleon Bonaparte" / Twitter.

What is the meaning of this quotations Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake?

When you notice that an enemy is making an error, take care not to interfere with the enemy from completing it so you can take advantage at the right time.

Did Napoleon Say Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake?

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Who said never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake?

Napoleon BonaparteU.S. Army on Twitter: ""Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte #quote" / Twitter.

What does the quote Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done mean?

This quote is, like many, two sided. From the standpoint of the person preparing to do the impossible, this quote is all about listening to your inner voice, doing the math, double checking the science, and then proving to the world that the experts are wrong and that you are right.

When your enemy is making a mistake Moneyball?

Billy Quotes Napoleon During A Speech To His Team When Billy is giving his players a pep talk, he says, "When your enemy's making mistakes, don't interrupt them. They're giving you an out. Just giving it to you. Take it."

When your enemy is digging a hole?

There is a corollary to Healy's law, variously expressed as “when your opponent is in a hole and digging, for god's sake don't stop him” or alternately “why would you want to take away his shovel?”

Who said Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?

Sun TzuSun Tzu is credited with the phrase “Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.” Online, while our friends remain close, our enemies continue to get closer.

How to be a stronger opponent?

An opponent you understand is much weaker than an opponent whose every move baffles you. Understand your foe's beliefs, background, and position. This will put you in a stronger position to respond to attacks.

What to do when your opponent says the problem isn't real?

When your opponent tries to say the problem isn't real or isn't that important, you'd better be prepared to prove to the public that it is indeed real and that it is indeed significant.

How to avoid stagnation in a battle?

Don't rely on the same approaches all of the time. Instead, constantly take the opposition by surprise. This can not only can help in your current battle, it will help your group avoid stagnation. If you tried to privately negotiate a solution last time you butted heads with the opposition, this time you might go public with the situation. Or, you might ask for a third party to act as a facilitator. Be creative, and don't be afraid to try something new. Leaving your opponent in a cloud of uncertainty of what your tactics will be this time is a powerful strategy on it's own, and gives you an advantage over the opposition before you even start.

What happens if an organization responds in a certain manner?

If an organization has a history of responding in a certain manner, chances are that's how they will respond again. Know the history including the preferred tactics of the people you are battling - and know how your organization has traditionally responded. That way, you'll be thoroughly prepared for what is likely to happen, and you'll be more likely to avoid any pitfalls you've fallen into in the past.

What should an organization do when meeting with the opposition?

If you are meeting with the opposition, your organization should establish or influence the agenda. This way, it will be your group that controls the meeting; you, and not the opposition, will have the chance to be on the offensive, which is always the stronger position to be coming from.

What does it mean when the opposition discredits an organization?

When the opposition tries to discredit an organization, they call your motives and methods into question to try to make your group look incompetent (un reasonable, unnecessary, dishonest, et cetera), to the community. This can get nasty - discrediting can even go so far as to include personal attacks.

When the opposition gives you lemons, make lemonade?

As the saying goes, when the opposition gives you lemons, make lemonade. The ability to turn any negatives you are given into positive situations is a very powerful ability for your organization to have. For example, you might use the utility company's opposition to a program to provide heat subsidies to poor people as an excuse to set up a review of the company's records of utility shut-offs to heighten awareness of the problem.

How to beat a golfer?

1. Birdie Your First Hole. Preferably by holing a slick, double-breaking 30-footer. It’ll leave your opponent thinking, “%&$#@!, it’s going to be one of those days.”. 2. Film Your Opponent’s Swing, Then Show It to Him. Nothing brain-locks a golfer faster than the sight of his horrifying action. 3.

How to say "foreboding" in a game?

Casually Mention a Foreboding Hazard. Step 1: Say something like, “The ONLY place you don’t want to miss is in that bunker right of the green.”. Step 2: Stand back and admire the power of negative reinforcement. 17. Jingle Spare Change in Your Opponent’s Backswing.

How to get rid of a bunker in golf?

Step 1: Say something like, “The ONLY place you don’t want to miss is in that bunker right of the green.” Step 2: Stand back and admire the power of negative reinforcement.

What is the destroy tactic?

The destroy tactic has the simple, clear goal of trying to ruin your organization or initiative in any way possible. This method may use one or more of the other tactics as a means to achieve the ends. The threat of a lawsuit is often used in this case (for example, by saying that you have committed slander against an organization); it's important to realize that these threats are usually only words. Make sure you know your rights and have access to legal assistance, and you will be able to contend with even these serious methods of intimidation.

What is the act of intentionally misleading someone by lying or by "forging" to tell the whole story?

Deception is the act of intentionally misleading someone by lying or by "forgetting" to tell the whole story. Deceptions may be carried out in a variety of ways, such as trying to confuse your organization with bureaucratic nonsense and red tape, misrepresenting statistics, or making suggestions that in reality have nothing to do with what you are trying to accomplish.

What is discrediting in politics?

Discrediting. Discrediting is similar in many ways to discounting. When a member of the opposition tries to discredit an organization, (s)he may attempt to make your group look incompetent (unreasonable, unnecessary, et cetera) to the community at large.

What does it mean to deal with a group?

Deal. To "deal" with a group often means to achieve a compromise. In some situations, this can be a major victory for your group. It's important when dealing with the opposition, though, to make sure that what you get is equal to what you give; this isn't the time to be charitable.

What is an attack on a group?

Attacks are actions taken by opposition to oppose or intimidate your group - in short, to reduce its effectiveness. Perhaps your group is working to reduce teen pregnancy, and has succeeded in making condoms more widely available through a school-linked clinic.

What are the consequences of a delay in a community initiative?

They may also suggest that more information is needed (and form committees to gather it, as evidence of good faith) when there is already plenty of information on the problem. One of the worst consequences of the delay tactic is that it can hurt the momentum of a strong organization, and it can cause community members to lose heart and give up.

Do opposition leaders have to follow the recommendations?

Months may go by before the recommendations are actually made, and even then, opposition leaders are under no requirement to follow them.

How to counteract fear?

The Counterattack for Fear 1 1. Meditate on God’s Word. This is how faith that drives out fear is developed. The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. 2 2. Speak the Word of God. Use it to fight Satan every time he comes against you. Hold up your shield of faith and quench all his fiery darts. Speak words of faith, and fear will depart. 3 Rebuke fear. Whenever you feel fear trying to come on you, don’t stand it for a moment. Say, “Fear, I rebuke you in Jesus’ Name. Now go!” 4 Pray in the spirit. Whenever you’re tempted to be in fear, anxiety or worry, begin immediately to pray in the spirit. It will edify your inner man and bring supernatural peace.#N#FREE GIFT: Learn how to take hold of your full inheritance as a child of God with Recieve as a Child, Live Like a King minibook by Kenneth Copeland.

How to take every thought captive?

Take every thought captive ( 2 Corinthians 10:5 ). To do this, start lining up every thought with the Word of God. John 10:27 says, “My sheep know my voice” (CEV), so when you hear another voice speaking lies, take those lies captive and throw them to the ground before they ever have a chance to take root.

How to get rid of fear?

Whenever you feel fear trying to come on you, don’t stand it for a moment. Say, “Fear, I rebuke you in Jesus’ Name. Now go!”. Pray in the spirit. Whenever you’re tempted to be in fear, anxiety or worry, begin immediately to pray in the spirit.

What does it mean when you have thoughts that are opposite of what God says?

So, if you have any thoughts that are opposite of what God says—thoughts like you aren’t going to be healed, delivered, saved, prosperous, full of joy, full of peace, full of hope or powerful in the kingdom of God—know they are outright lies straight from the pit of hell itself.

What happens if you accept your fears as truth?

However, if you accept them as truth (or believe them even for a moment), you’ve fallen for his sly tactic, giving him the upper hand. The enemy knows your insecurities, and he plays on them. He knows the fears you fight against, and he tries his best to feed them by telling you lies.

Why is fear a weapon of Satan?

Fear is Satan’s primary weapon. It’s a spiritual force that begins inside you, and it is totally destructive because it robs you of your faith and peace. It keeps your focus on circumstances instead of the promises in God’s Word.

Does God tempt you to do anything wrong?

God will never tempt you to do anything wrong. In fact, He has given you every tool to resist the devil so he will flee from you ( James 4:7 ). The enemy tempts you to sin—and no one is exempt.