Florida Virtual School. Online learning options to meet a wide range of student needs. Learn how to enroll in Flex Grades K-12. ... FLVS courses available through your school district. For K-5 check with your county for availability. Not sure which option is …
Continue this thread. level 1. · 1 yr. ago. it really depends on how motivated you are, i mean the flvs math courses are usually like 95 percent quizzes and a couple dbas and then the exam for each module, so if you are really motivated u can speed run it pretty fast. I know a lot of people are having problems with flvs and being motivated so ...
As a public school district, Florida Virtual School offers a number of different online learning options to students. FLVS Full Time is a fully online public school requiring students take a standard public school course load of six courses per semester. The school runs on a traditional 180-day academic calendar (August to June) and serves as the school of record, managing all …
You have 10 weeks to finish a 2 semester class - which is about 29 weeks of coursework (yes, I know a semester is 18 weeks, x2 is 36, but when vacation time is factored in, it is 14.5 weeks per semester, or 29 weeks in total). That means you will have to do 3x as much work per week as normal, since you're fitting 29 weeks of work into 10.
To ensure adequate time for comprehension and mastery, students must work in a course segment consistently for a minimum 14 days starting from the date of first submission (not including pretests). 28 days of work is required, at minimum, for a two-segment course.
Students can move together following the traditional school calendar through FLVS Full Time or take individual courses with FLVS Flex, following a more flexible schedule and start any time during the year. Traditionally, each course is designed to cover 18 weeks of work.
Students must earn a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale for all cohort years and pass statewide, standardized assessments unless a waiver of assessment results is granted by the IEP team for students with disabilities. * Eligible courses are specified in the Florida Course Code Directory.
What are the consequences for failing to maintain academic integrity in a FLVS class? A variety of consequences will be administered if you fail to maintain academic integrity in your course. These consequences range from a reduced score on an assignment up to expulsion from FLVS coursework for up to one year.
Does FLVS issue diplomas or GEDs? FLVS Flex homeschool students are not eligible to receive a diploma or GED directly from FLVS. However, students enrolled in FLVS Full Time do graduate with a diploma.
15 - 17 weekA semester is a calendar that divides the academic year into 15 - 17 week terms. There are generally two semesters per academic year: Fall (beginning in August or September) and Spring (beginning in January).
Tips for Finishing Your Classes FasterChoose Easy Classes.Examine Your Pace Chart.The pace chart is one of the first pieces of information that you're required to look over when you're placed into your chosen course. ... Set Dates to Do Work.Listen to Music.Hint: Using an online music streaming service is a great idea.More items...•
As FLVS Flex is the curriculum provider, we do not calculate GPA. You can calculate a general GPA by using this basic formula. FLVS Flex and most public schools in Florida follow semesters/segments which makes it simple....For each semester (or segment) letter grade, use this point value:A=4.0.B=3.0.C=2.0.D=1.0.
Does FLVS Full Time issue diplomas? Yes, FLVS Full Time is considered the primary public school of record for enrolled students and issues diplomas to seniors who meet the Florida Department of Education requirements for graduation.
If you are currently Active (A) or Classroom Assigned (CA), you must contact your instructor via phone or email to submit a request to be withdrawn.
FLVS Full Time As a comprehensive and fully accredited online high school, it follows the typical school year (from August to June) and becomes the primary school of record for students who enroll.
Florida Virtual High School is a great online school program for grades 9-12. The curriculum is amazing, the teachers are wonderful, and it makes learning for kids easy. Florida Virtual School does a great job of providing quality educational material.
Oftentimes, instructors will hold collaborations and workshops where students can log in and complete a whole module in one session, which usually range from 1 to 2 hours. This is great, especially for students who might have some trouble with certain assignments that would be covered in the workshop.
Instead of an 18 week plan, try taking the pace chart and compacting it into a 9 week plan! Most pace charts require 3 to 5 assignments per week... just bump that up to 8 to 10 assignments per week, and you'll be finished in no time!
You're not the only one in the course... actually, there often upwards of 60+ other students, so it's a good idea to keep on top of your DBA's and set them up ahead of time. If your teacher is going on a week vacation soon, be sure to get our DBA date made before they leave to beat the rush, because if you wait until they come back from their vacation, you'll find it's not easy to complete that DBA you needed to since the instructor will be swamped with other students and their DBA's.
Usually, each semester has about 18 weeks worth of work (16 weeks with 2 weeks vacation).
Hint: If you're taking one of the new courses introduced in early 2012, at the end of each module there is a text file with a "review." This isn't exactly a review at all, and is instead the whole module on one page! By setting aside an hour or two, you can easily finish a whole module worth of assignments by using this page instead of going through each individual page in the module for your assignments
Got a really easy class? You can finish even faster if you'd like, but be sure not to burn yourself out! Doing too much too fast is a surefire way to wear yourself out.
If you're just looking to make up electives on Florida Virtual School, don't stress yourself out with a coursework-heavy class! Instead, don't be afraid to find and take much easier elective classes. Don't know which ones would be quick and easy to finish? You can check out a list of some of the easiest elective classes that you can finish as fast as possible here.
When a student completes a course, FLVS will provide the school and students with a transcript. Students can simply show that transcript to their guidance counselor who will handle the rest.
FLVS courses are designed for semester-based terms. Since time is not a constant in our online courses, you will have flexibility of pace and can discuss details with your teacher upon activation in the course.
Students can register and enroll in courses 12 months a year. FLVS Flex does not follow a traditional academic calendar, so the start time is flexible. When you register, you can select your preferred start date. We will do our best to place you on your preferred start date. However, placement at that time is not guaranteed. As students are assigned to instructors, a welcome call must then be completed. Once the welcome call is complete, you may begin working in the course.
All FLVS courses have a Pace Chart embedded in them. This allows students to know exactly what is expected to be submitted on a weekly basis, whether they choose a traditional, extended, or accelerated pace. Teachers assist students in modifying the chart to reflect their chosen pace.
Continuously enrolled in a public high school/middle school (has not graduated/received a regular diploma from a public/private/charter school) Continuously enrolled in a private high school/middle school (the school must be affiliated) Enrolled as a homeschool student in a public school district.
If you do not see your course listed in your backpack, click the question mark next to your backpack. Click on the text that appears in the message above “View my backpack” regarding how many more courses you can take. When you click that text, a pop-up appears that displays your requested course. If it's blank, you will need to go back to the course catalog to re-request the course. Your course will eventually appear on your student dashboard. Please allow up to one (1) business day for your request to process.
Log in to your account twice a week using your username and password. Check your Student Dashboard to see if there is a green “X” next to your course.
FLVS Full Time also offers regular, honors, Advanced Placement, and Dual Enrollment courses with Polk State College. Because FLVS Full Time is a public school and serves as the student’s school of record, students are required to participate in all state standardized testing. The Full Time program coordinates testing and manages records for their students. FLVS Full Time students are public school students and therefore can earn a state-issued high school diploma. Students are also able to participate in a traditional graduation ceremony at the end of their senior year once all their graduation requirements have been met.
Florida Virtual School began as an experiment to see if online learning could be tailored to students’ needs to help them succeed. Today, FLVS offers two distinct programs with the same shared goal: addressing the unique learning needs of every child.
FLVS Flex offers year-round, rolling enrollment so students can start and finish a course at any time. Public, private, and home education students can utilize FLVS Flex courses. Students who choose not to attend a physical public or private school can register as home education students in the county of their residence.
Home education students who take FLVS Flex courses are not required to participate in state standardized tests. However, if they plan to register in a Florida public school at any point in the future, they are welcome and encouraged to participate by contacting their local Home Education Office.
Because FLVS Full Time is a public school and serves as the student’s school of record, students are required to participate in all state standardized testing. The Full Time program coordinates testing and manages records for their students. FLVS Full Time students are public school students and therefore can earn a state-issued high school diploma.
Omg when i signed up for ap bio (dont get me wrong, i love the course) I didnt know i would have to do the labs by myself! I thought we would watch a video of a teacher or someone doing the lab and then record the results and experiments
So I am taking Alg. 2 and my module one test (second part) was flagged. The problem is when you explain how math works, ex: 3/6 simplifies into 1/2 or x=5, you can't use different language other than that.
Is it possible to take a course offered by my school during the regular school year at FLVS over the summer? Could I get credit/would it count for my GPA?
am i allowed to enter 9th grade in flvs full time with 2 credits? should i complete all 6 credits and complete half of 6 courses so i can go into 10th grade for the spring semester?
I have Mrs. VelezWyche, I struggle really bad with Spanish i read and do the assignment then everything I learned leaves my mind. Does anybody know the questions that she asks so can study for them? THXS SO MUCHHHHH!!!!