when writing e-mail at work, you should course hero

by Isai Wyman 3 min read

When do you need to write a professional email?

Whether you are starting a new job, introducing yourself to others, replying to a meeting request, or general communication with others at work, you’ll need to know how to write a professional email no matter your role or industry.

How do I write a good email?

As with any writing, always keep your audience in mind. It is common for people not to read all the way though long emails or only read with half of their attention. Ask yourself whether you are conveying your message in a way that will be best understood and minimize misinterpretation.

Do you have to include a greeting in an email?

Even when your email is very short, you’ll still need to include a greeting. Greetings at the start of your email shows that you are respectful to your recipient. Showing respect can help you to build rapport with your recipient. Having a professional greeting at the start of your email will often help in getting a more positive response.

Why is it important to start an email with a greeting?

Greetings at the start of your email shows that you are respectful to your recipient. Showing respect can help you to build rapport with your recipient. Having a professional greeting at the start of your email will often help in getting a more positive response. How to greet someone in an email professionally?

2. When replying an email, thank the recipient

If you are replying to a client or a colleague, you should begin your email with a simple line of thanks.

3. When starting an email communication, say what is the purpose of writing this email

If you want to start an email communication you should start your email by stating your purpose for writing this email. Your purpose should be a one sentence short summary of the content you will be talking about in the rest of the email.

4. Before ending your email, include your closing remarks

Before you end your email, you should always include a closing remark. Including a closing remarks in your email shows that you are appreciative and tells the recipient about the expected next course of actions.

5. End the email with a professional closing

Closing of an email is where you’ll identify yourself with an appropriate closing with your name. When sending a professional email, it is often recommended to set a fixed formal e-signature in every email.

Writing professional email to colleagues

Communication at work often requires us to sent emails to our colleagues. When you are sending an email internally to a coworkers, the email can be less formal and may not require to include your company name and logo.

Writing professional emails to customers and clients

When you are writing an email to a customer or client, it is important to include your company’s name and logo.

Writing professional email to a new contact or unknown recipient

When you are writing to someone you don’t know, your introduction at the start of your email is upmost important.
