when will my scout course colse

by Kaleb Kassulke 9 min read

How long is Scout training?

Twenty-two weeks of One Station Unit Training. Some of it takes place in the classroom, but most of it will be spent primarily in the field. Whether it's taking part in squad maneuvers, target practice or war games, cavalry scouts are constantly refining their skills to keep themselves sharp.

How long should it take to earn Scout rank?

The ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class really prepare you for anything Scouting can throw at you. These should take you about 1 year to 1.5 years to complete. The ranks of Star, Life, and Eagle allow you to take and implement what you have learned, so you can really use the skills to apply to your life!

How much is the settlement for Boy Scouts?

a $2.7 billionThe Boy Scouts of America won pivotal support from a committee representing sexual abuse victims for a $2.7 billion settlement of their claims against the youth organization as it seeks to emerge from bankruptcy, according to a court filing.Feb 10, 2022

How long is Nayle?

week-longNational Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) is a training program of Boy Scouts of America. The format is a week-long, leadership development experience, providing young men and women aged 14 through 20 the environment to enhance their leadership skills.

What percent of scouts get Eagle?

Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Scouts BSA. In 2019, 61,366 Scouts earned the Eagle Scout rank. From 1912 to 2019, 2,598,999 Scouts have earned the Eagle Scout rank. In 2019, 8% percent of all Scouts BSA earned the Eagle Scout rank.

What percent of scouts become Eagle Scouts?

About 2 percent of Boy Scouts throughout history went on to become Eagle Scouts.Mar 30, 2015

Is Boy Scouts going out of business?

Boy Scouts file for bankruptcy protection After months of speculation and mounting civil litigation, Boy Scouts filed Chapter 11 paperwork in February 2020 in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware, amid declining membership and a drumbeat of child sexual abuse allegations.Dec 15, 2021

Whats going on with the Boy Scouts lawsuit?

The Irving, Texas-based organization filed for bankruptcy in February 2020 to address hundreds of lawsuits from men alleging they were sexually abused as children by troop leaders. Since then, more than 82,000 abuse claims have been filed in the bankruptcy.Mar 11, 2022

What's going on with the Boy Scouts settlement?

The Irving, Texas-based youth group filed for bankruptcy in February 2020 to resolve decades of sex abuse allegations. The settlement still includes a $2.7 billion trust to compensate men who say they were sexually abused as children by troop leaders.Feb 18, 2022

What is NYLT in Boy Scouts?

National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others.

What happens at NYLT?

The National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is a 6-day long program where scouts learn leadership, communication, planning, problem-solving, teamwork, and also participate in fun outdoor challenges.

What is the Kodiak challenge?

Kodiak Challenge Treks are centered around a challenging 5-day or two-3 day weekend trek. Kodiak teaches leadership skills in a fun way that is internalized by the participants. Kodiak is not taught indoors or in a classroom; it is done completely outdoors using nature's examples of leadership.

What is a scout course?

The Scout is one of the four foundation paths and is also sometimes called “advance party.” Whether you are taking the scout courses just to gain new knowledge and experience, or cherry picking the pieces you like, or are intending to work on Herbal Medics teams as a scout, these courses offer a diverse and in-depth range of skills.

What is the role of a Scout in a team?

The scout must be able to work as “advance party” for a team, whether in the USA or abroad. Understanding the abilities and limitations of the team, and understanding a little bit about every other path of the team is important as well.


Scout Leader Course (SLC) trains Reconnaissance and Security (R&S) Leaders to develop advanced skills of R&S, a better understanding of the Commander’s information requirements, how to communicate battlefield information timely and accurately, and methods to employ supporting assets while maneuvering a scout platoon in a combined arms formation.

Course Outcome

Apply the fundamentals of reconnaissance and security (R&S) while leading a scout platoon

Graduation Requirements

Students must pass the classroom Operations Order and their field evaluation assessments to graduate. Those that fail to do so will be dropped from the course.
