when taking study notes for a biology course, which details are

by Mr. John Doyle 6 min read

Why is it important to review notes?

Reviewing your notes can help strengthen your understanding of the material and ensure that everything is written accurately. Though this isn’t necessarily the most fun activity to do, it’s important to knock it out early as it may be too late to make sure you have all information needed in your notes come exam time.

What is morphology in biology?

Morphology is the study of the units of meaning in a word. To further explain this, here’s an example regarding the taxonomy of biology kingdoms– “plantae.” What word does plantae remind you of the most? Probably the word “plant.” Thus, we can gather that this word most likely refers to something related to plants. As you may know, “plantae” is the title given to organisms that are classified as plants, just like “animalia” refers to the classification of animals and so on. You can even find meaning in more complex words like “archaebacteria.” Archaea = old, so the meaning of the word translates into “old bacteria”. You see where I’m going with this? This technique may not work with every word, but jotting down notes when you notice morphological cues like these can help you remember the definition of complicated terms.

Why do we need diagrams?

If you are a visual learner, diagrams can help you to understand the material when words are not enough. Visual representations are incredibly helpful when it comes to recognition and memorization of a new concept. For instance, you could draw a small diagram of a cell in your written notes, labeling each part of the cell as well as the function ...

How do mnemonic devices help you remember?

Mnemonic devices are a learning technique that people use to help them remember specific concepts. For instance, if you have ever taken a music class, you can probably recall using the phrase, “Every Good Boy Does Fine” to remember the names of all of the notes on a music staff. In biology, using mnemonic devices can help you remember lists or categorizations easier. The wonderful thing about them is that you can create your own, too! Just be careful not to use them for everything because it will become difficult to remember 20 different mnemonic devices for an exam.

What is the meaning of the word "plantae"?

As you may know, “plantae” is the title given to organisms that are classified as plants, just like “animalia” refers to the classification of animals and so on. You can even find meaning in more complex words like “archaebacteria.”.

How can diagrams help you?

If you are a visual learner, diagrams can help you to understand the material when words are not enough. Visual representations are incredibly helpful when it comes to recognition and memorization of a new concept. For instance, you could draw a small diagram of a cell in your written notes, labeling each part of the cell as well as the function of each of those parts. Not an artist? No need to worry; your drawings do not have to be perfect. Just focus on making sure they serve as a clear, complementary explanation to your written notes. However, if drawing is really not your strong suit, you can always go online and find an image to use instead.

Who is Austin from Untamed Science?

Austin is the principle web director for Untamed Science and Stone Age Man. He is also the web-director of the series for the High School biology, Middle Grades Science and Elementary Science content. When Austin isn't making amazing content for the web, he's out on his mountain bike or in a canoe. Published: 01/20.

What are some alternatives to writing?

Creating diagrams, highlighting keywords, and drawing schemes may serve a great alternative to writing. Even when planning an essay or generating content for a website, you may come up with its visual version for saving your time and embracing a hidden creative potential.

The Best AP Biology Notes to Study With

It's natural for your in-class notes to get a little disorganized in a course that covers as much material as AP Biology. Whether you're missing a couple of sections of notes or you just want to see a clearer outline of how the course is structured, this article will be helpful.

2021 AP Test Changes Due to COVID-19

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, AP tests will now be held over three different sessions between May and June. Your test dates, and whether or not your tests will be online or on paper, will depend on your school.

How to Use These AP Biology Notes

The notes in this article can be used to study for AP Biology tests throughout the year that deal with smaller portions of the curriculum, or they can be referenced in your studying for the final AP exam. In both cases, you'll want to supplement these notes with information from an AP Biology textbook or review book.

The Best AP Biology Notes and Review for Your Studying

In this section, I'll give you links to some resources for notes on every aspect of the AP Biology curriculum. Make sure you supplement these with class notes and records of your lab assignments.

AP Biology Studying: 3 Essential Strategies

Before you dive into the notes, read these three key tips so you can make the most out of the time you spend getting cozy with biological facts.

Conclusion: The Best AP Biology Notes for Studying

You can continue to use this article as a reference point as you progress through the AP Biology curriculum. These notes should help you study for in-class assessments as well as the final AP test.

What's Next?

Is AP Biology especially challenging compared to other APs? Read this article for a detailed discussion on the difficulty level of the AP Bio course and exam.

How to do well in biology?

To do well in biology requires jumping in with both feet. Having one foot in and one foot out doesn't work. At the beginning of the semester, regardless of your major, personal interests or dislikes, decide that you're going to give biology your whole heart. Do this and you'll do well in your biology class.

How to memorize biology?

Learn how to memorize 1 Teach it#N#There is no better way to make sure you understand something than to teach it to someone else. Teaching biology to others moves information from your short-term to your long-term memory. Set aside time each week to teach the lessons you've learned to someone else. 2 Use it#N#Biology is full of terminology and specialized vocabulary. The best way to learn new terminology and remember it is to use it. Each time you encounter a new term or word, write it down, look it up, and then use it in a sentence. If you have a classmate you can practice with, take some time each week to review aloud and discuss the new terminology you've encountered. 3 Employ mnemonic devices#N#For some reason the human brain loves relationships and associations – especially associations of familiarity. Take the time to associate complex or unfamiliar biology terms and vocabulary with familiar words and phrases and you'll remember them forever. For example, to memorize K ingdom, P hylum, C lass, O rder, F amily, G enus, S pecies (taxonomy order) you simply have to remember K ing P hillip C ame O ver F rom G reat S pain. 4 Flash cards#N#Flash cards are as effective for learning biology today as they were in the 1950s. Write terms and concepts you're trying to memorize on one side of a 3x5" card and their definitions and descriptions on the other side. You can study biology using flash cards on your own or with another classmate.

Is it possible to catch up in biology?

"Catchup" may be an acceptable game to play in history, home economics, or social science, but it doesn't work in biology. Again, the process of learning biology is cumulative. Each new biological concept you learn builds upon previous knowledge you've acquired. Much of the knowledge you'll acquire as you study biology will come from hands-on experimentation and exploration in laboratory settings. Making up a lab is difficult. Making up several labs at the end of the semester is impossible... and fruitless. Staying on top of the subject matter and completing your assignments on time is key to learning biology.

Is biology a math?

Biology doesn't require as much math as physics or astronomy, but it can still be challenging to understand biological systems and processes. One of the keys to effective learning of biology is to master general concepts before tackling specific ones.

Is biology a theory?

There is theory in biology, but it is also a practical, hands-on science. Learning biology theory by reading your textbook or listening to a lecture is one thing, putting biology into practice in a laboratory is a whole different experience. Experimenting biological systems and processes in the laboratory is one of the most effective ways ...

What is biology full of?

Biology is full of complex systems and processes that you have to understand, memorize, apply and reproduce for your exam, for your teacher, and quite possibly for your career. Employing imagery, particularly drawings and diagrams, can make even the most challenging biological processes easy to understand and remember.

Why do we write things down?

Writing things down (1) helps to process and understand challenging material and (2) improves retention. Your notes will also help you review for exams.
