when starting master course of warem 2018

by Tiffany Terry I 8 min read

What else should I consider?

WAREM offers DOUBLE DEGREE programs with Chalmers University, Sweden and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia.

How is the program structured?

WAREM is a consecutive program. It comprises 120 ECTS which are generally obtained within three in-class semesters and a fourth semester dedicated to the Master’s Thesis (30 ECTS).

Module Handbook

The Module Guide describes the modules and the required courses belonging to the module. The Module Guide (also called module handbook) is published in the Campus Management System C@MPUS (please click as follows: choose the degree - click on the book behind the study program's name).


The interdisciplinarity of the study program is provided by a close cooperation with the following institutions: IWS (Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems), ISWA (Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management), IGS (Institute of Engineering Geodesy) and ILPOE (Institute of Landscape Planning and Ecology)..

Acceptance & Confirmation

Upon being accepted into the WAREM Program you will receive a Letter of Admission (usually until the end of March). Please reply if you intend to participate in the WAREM Program. If you do not plan on participating in the Program, please let us know as soon as possible.

Student Visa

Obtaining a student visa for Germany usually requires at least two months but often longer! Therefore, apply for a student visa immediately upon receiving the Letter of Admission.

German Language Courses

The German Language Courses are a mandatory part of your studies! Please make sure that you arrive on Monday, September 2nd to be able to register for the German courses. Tuesday 1st September 2020: Arrival of students and registration with IZ Wednesday 2nd September 2020: start of Orientation Week with Welcome by the international Office (mandatory) and German Language Test (mandatory). The German language class will start a couple of days after the test and run for about six weeks..

Housing in Stuttgart

Private student accommodation in Stuttgart is scarce and difficult to find. Subsidized student housing is available on campus (approx. 260-360 EUR/month ). The Office of Student Housing (Studierendenwerk) has set aside single rooms especially for new foreign students. These rooms will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Health insurance

Health insurance is mandatory in Germany. The following regulations apply:

Welcome: Ready.Study.Go


Traveling to Stuttgart

When planning your travel to Stuttgart, please take into account that the student housing administration (Studierendenwerk) does not operate on the weekend. Therefore, arrange to arrive during regular office hours (Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m.).

Applicants from China, Vietnam, Mongolia

Applicants from the above mentioned countries have to submit an APS (akademische Prüfstelle) certificate issued by the German Embassy in the applicant's home country.

Please note

Documents have to be translated into English or German by one of the following institutions:
