when should topdressing be done at a golf course

by Margaretta Osinski 4 min read

Full Answer

When is the best time of year to topdress golf greens?

Topdressing golf greens and fine turf can be carried out at any time of the growing season, provided that the turf can recover. Topdressing too late in the season could smother the turfgrass plant, leading to diseases such as fusarium!

How do you Topdress a golf course?

Golf Courses – Top Dressing. Topdressing of turf areas it typically done with conditioner at a rate of 500 pounds per 1000 square feet. This should be accomplished by the use of a hopper-type topdresser, a properly calibrated rotary spreader, or the bucket of a tractor. Repeating the process a year later with an application of 500 pounds...

How long does it take to top dress a golf course?

The distribution pattern is variable from 15 -30 feet, which means most of the greens can be covered in just two passes. "In fact, we can top dress all 18 greens and the practice green in just a couple of hours, using 3-4 hopper loads of sand. Previously it took six men all day, and sometimes with a bit of overtime.

When is the best time of year to apply topdressing?

The best times to apply topdressing are when the plants in the sward are actively growing. Applying topdressing to dormant plants runs the risk of suffocating plant parts and lowering the quality of the grass surface.

How often do golf courses Topdress?

every 7 to 14 daysTopdressing every 7 to 14 days also is more common in successful ultradwarf bermudagrass putting green management programs (Lowe, 2013; O'Brien and Hartwiger, 2014).

What is Topdress golf course?

Golf course topdressing involved applying a mix of soil products or a surface a conditioner such as Profile™ Field and Fairway™ or Turface® MVP® top of the playing surface. Topdressing smoothes out the surface of the course.

Why do you top dress greens?

Topdressing improves putting greens smoothness, increases firmness and dilutes thatch. Thatch is a layer of dead and living plant material just below the turf surface.

Why do golf courses Topdress with sand?

Sand helps cushion leaf tips and crowns and reduces algae. Increased Firmness – Turf produces organic matter in the upper rootzone that creates soft, spongy playing conditions. Regular sand topdressing, along with core aeration, improves surface firmness and resiliency.

How often do golf courses sand the greens?

every seven to 28 daysWithout regular sand topdressing and aeration, excess organic material will create soft, spongy putting surfaces that hold too much water. At most golf courses, topdressing sand is applied every seven to 28 days.

How much topdressing do I need?

To find the amount of material needed for your yard, multiply the square footage of your yard by 0.77, then divide by 1,000. Example: If your yard is 800 square feet, the calculations would be as follows: 800 x 0.77 = 616. 616 ÷ 1,000 = 0.62 cubic yards of topdressing material needed.

Can you overwater golf greens?

You can't! If you want to keep the high spots and rock ledge areas green in summer, you must overwater the adjacent areas. If you set your pattern of irrigation to favor the low areas, then the high spots suffer.

What sand is best for top dressing?

For a top-dressing material for level improvement, we always like to use washed plasterers' sand. It doesn't compact quite as hard as brickies sand. It is generally easier to screed and level due to the lower clay and silt content and reduces the likelihood of the surface crusting and become hydrophobic.

How does topdressing reduce thatch?

Thatch is broken down by microbial activity. For microbes to work on thatch, there has to be enough moisture and oxygen in the layer. Topdressing opens the layer up to moisture and air movement and contributes microbes to the process. It is one of the most effective ways of controlling thatch.

Why do golf courses mow greens everyday?

Mowing Frequency Frequent mowing promotes high shoot density and vertical leaf growth that results in a smooth putting surface.

Why do golf courses put sand on greens in winter?

Aeration comes in when soils are heavily compacted or the turf is thick with thatch. The greens get punched and sanded, and the sand is worked into each aeration hole to improve air and water flow, giving the roots a better chance to drink and breathe.

How much does top dressing sand cost?

Generally, topdressing your lawn with either sand, compost, or topsoil will cost you roughly $10-$89 per acre, excluding delivery costs and other miscellaneous costs that may arise, like hiring a laborer or machines. So the minimum overall price to topdress is $100 per acre to over $1000.

Why can't you wear jeans on a golf course?

To be safe, stick to black or grey jeans that are clean and holeless. The reason jeans aren't allowed on most courses is because it's just tradition from back in the day. Quite a while ago, most courses were country clubs with memberships, and most of the people who went there were upper class people.

Do you have to dress up to play golf?

Most golf courses mandate that men must wear a collared shirt. Women must wear modest-looking shirts, which can include collared tops. No t-shirts are allowed.

Do all golf courses have dress codes?

Many golf courses do have dress codes. But not all of them. Many municipal golf courses do not have dress codes—except, of course, in the sense that you must be dressed!

Do you have to tuck your shirt in for golf?

The typical golf shirt is meant to tuck into pants, so to wear one out basically looks like you're wearing a pillowcase. Shirts designed to be untucked, meanwhile, taper toward the bottom, making a casual look work.

What is the goal of light topdressing?

A goal with a frequent light topdressing program is to keep the thatch layer from building up. By adjusting the amount of sand you are applying to the specific growth of the turf throughout the year, you will be more successful in keeping the thatch to manageable level.

What are the benefits of topdressing greens?

Other benefits include: promoting upright growth, better water absorption, and modifying and building a healthy soil profile. In addition to smoothing the greens’ surfaces, topdressing creates a more consistent putting experience from green to green. There are many tips to consider when creating a topdressing program.

How many times should you brush sand into a canopy?

After a light topdressing, brushing the sand into the canopy should only be done once. This means you should only pass over it once. The point is not to make the sand disappear. Rain and other factors will work the sand into the canopy. Avoid going over it multiple times especially when applying a light topdressing.

Is it a good idea to topdress in the morning?

Topdressing the morning of a big tournament, or the day your boss is coming out to play is probably not a good idea . Although topdressing will improve play-ability and smooth out greens, this result doesn’t occur the same day of the topdressing.

Can you topdress greens?

This can be tricky so make sure the greens are healthy enough to handle a sanding and brushing. Excessively dry greens, greens suffering from heat stress, and greens infested or recovering from disease aren’t fit to be topdressed. Wait until you get them healthy enough to handle this cultural practice. 2.

Is topdressing a continuous effort?

Topdressing is not something you try once or twice and then abandon, hoping your efforts paid off. Topdressing is an integral part of a continuous effort. You are making an investment into the future of your course. No one can argue the benefits of topdressing greens. From the smoothing of the surface to thatch control to creating better water absorption, it is a practice vital to the modern day golf course superintendent.

What happens when golf courses don’t apply sand topdressing?

In the absence of adequate sand topdressing, putting greens accumulate excess thatch and organic matter. This results in soft, spongy surfaces that retain elevated levels of soil moisture. Putting surfaces of this nature are also susceptible to mower scalping and disease problems. Footprints, tire tracks from maintenance equipment, and deep ball marks are also problematic on soft greens. An infrequent sand topdressing program also creates distinct layers of sand and organic matter, which restricts water movement, oxygen diffusion, and root development.

How much does topdressing sand cost?

Cost – The cost of quality topdressing sand for greens ranges considerably throughout the U.S. While some courses will pay $100 or more per ton of sand, the cost is worth every penny if this material makes the difference between good and great putting surfaces.

Why is sand topdressing important?

Recent research confirms the benefits of light and frequent sand topdressing programs that provide less immediate disruption, better playing conditions , and better rootzone characteristics over time. It is critical to asses putting green performance and ...

What is the purpose of sand topdressing?

The primary goal for any sand topdressing program is to dilute organic matter and produce smooth, firm putting surfaces while minimizing golfer and mower impact. Additional considerations include sand shape and minerology, cost, consistent quality and long-term availability.

What is the most important area of a golf course?

Everyone agrees that the putting greens are the most important playing area of any golf course. Maintaining smooth, firm but receptive, healthy greens with good pace is of paramount importance. A regimented sand topdressing program that considers the sand type, application rate and frequency is essential to achieve optimal playing surfaces.

How much sand is used in topdressing?

Two growing seasons after initiating a topdressing program that applied no less than 30 cubic feet of sand per 1,000 square foot annually, organic matter has decreased by 30 percent and surface performance has improved significantly.

How much sand do you need for a drop style topdresser?

A drop-style topdresser can deliver sand to the putting surface with high precision. This operator is applying 1 cubic foot of sand per 1,000 square feet.

When to apply topdressing?

If your surface were relatively uneven you would apply topdressing more frequently than someone whose surface is truer. The best times to apply topdressing are when the plants in the sward are actively growing. Applying topdressing to dormant plants runs the risk of suffocating plant parts and lowering the quality of the grass surface.

When is top dressing in cricket?

Generally, top dressing of a cricket square is carried out at the end of the playing season after which the square has taken a real hammering from general play, wear and tear, rolling and close mowing. The end of a season depends on the situation and usage of a square - as early as July for a school and as late as the first week in October for some club squares.

How to repair ruts on a pitch?

There are many methods in doing this and each is individual to a Groundsman. My preferred way is basically to make a plasticine paste out of loam and water and to smooth it into the hollows, cover with grass cuttings, tamp down and to leave overnight before rolling in the morning. Again, make sure you don't over do it as you could still cause yourself problems with saddles over time.

Why do you use top dressing after aeration?

A smooth playing surface will allow the ball to roll faster and straighter. Top dressing after aeration can improve drainage and soil structure. Other types of top dressing can help with moisture retention such as -peat, compost, leaf mould etc. Soil based top dressing can help to supply nutrients to the grass plant.

Why do you need to topdress in spring?

The spring topdressing may require higher amounts because of the degradation from wind and rain over the winter months. The summer and autumn amounts would be less because they adding to the initial spring amounts. There are many reasons why you would apply topdressing. To increase surface levels.

Why do you top dress grass?

Soil based top dressing can help to supply nutrients to the grass plant. Some top dressing materials can also help change the soil Ph. As to the question of when-you only want to top dress when the grass plant is actively growing as this helps the surface to recover with little inconvenience to the player.

What is Tillers Turf competition?

The competition, devised by Tim Fell (managing Director of Tillers Turf), is designed to help everybody learn a little more in and informal way. It's fun and easy to complete the multi-choice questions, and for each correct answer, your name goes into the hat for the monthly prizes on offer.

What is topdressing in golf?

Topdressing is no exception. It’s a given a topdressing program should be tailored to meet the needs of a particular golf course. Most superintendents topdress with straight sand, but others topdress with a mix of sand and organic matter, be it mushroom soil or peat. Some even topdress with 100 percent peat.

What are the goals of topdressing?

However, there are some general topdressing goals no matter the type of green: • Prevent layering in the soil profile, whether it’s excess organic matter or layers of excess sand. Improve drainage and root-zone aeration. Encourage upright plant growth.

How much topdressing sand is there on a green?

As a result, Moore says it’s not uncommon for members of the Green Section staff to see as much as six inches of topdressing sand built up during a 20-year period on top of older greens.

Why doesn't Steiner know how much topdressing he uses?

Steiner doesn’t know exactly the amount of topdressing he uses because he applies by feel. But he puts down a modest amount, which he sweeps in with a broom. He can’t water it in because there’s too much.

How much does Anderson pay for topdressing?

Anderson pays about $60 a ton for the topdressing – compared to $40 a ton for straight sand. Because of the topdressing Anderson uses, he is also able to use less water than other superintendents in the area, he says. He uses 7 million gallons of water between April and October on 27 holes.

Can you topdress with 100 percent peat?

Some even topdress with 100 percent peat. Those looking to the USGA for a standard recommendation for topdressing won’t find one because it doesn’t have one, according to Jim Moore, director of construction education for the USGA Green Section. Topdressing – material and amount – depends on the type of green.
