when shooting concealed handgun course can you shoot with cocking pistol first or double action

by Margarette Kuphal 9 min read

Trigger on your trigger finger's first joint. If you trigger cock, refine your aim upon cocking and break the shot. If not, continue to press smoothly through while keeping the sights on the target. Either technique, keep the front sight buried in the target. You don’t shoot a double-action revolver the same way you shoot a pistol.

Full Answer

How does a half cock safety work on a gun?

When you apply the safety, a part of it rotates into a position blocking the base of the sear. This prevents the sear from releasing the hammer. On pre- or non-Series 80 guns, the sear would be captured by the half-cock notch if the sear hook on the hammer were to break.

Do you need to learn to stage when shooting double action?

If you’re going to shoot very small groups in double-action, you will have to learn to stage. If you want to shoot fast and accurately, you have to learn straight-through trigger pressing. To take a more difficult shot, you simply press through more slowly.

Can you put a pistol in double action mode?

Some have a decocking lever only, such as many Sig Sauer pistols, which allow the user to put the gun in double action mode after cocking...but no manual safety can be engaged. Double action guns, when carried in double action mode, are less prone to accidental discharge, due to the long, hard trigger pull.

Is your pistol cocked?

Your pistol’s cocked.” The truth is that High Standard pump shotguns, Ithaca Model 37s, Remington 870s and old Winchester Model 12s, were routinely cocked and seldom was a word heard about those. Since the demise of the Winchester Model 1897 — with its exposed hammer — “out of sight, out of mind” was order of the day.

Do you have to cock a single-action pistol?

Single-Action (SA) Single-action means pulling the trigger does one action: It releases the hammer or the striker. With a single-action pistol, if the gun's not cocked, pulling the trigger actually does nothing. You have to manually pull the hammer back, and then pulling the trigger will release it.

Which is safer single or double-action?

Safety. Some consider double action weapons to be safer than single action weapons, but modern innovations have made it very difficult to make a well maintained firearm of either type unintentionally discharge.

What is the point of half cocking a pistol?

The purpose of the half-cock position has variously been used either for loading a firearm, as a safety mechanism, or for both reasons. The still commonly used English expression of "going off half-cocked" derives from failing to complete the cocking action, leading to the weapon being unable to fire.

What is the difference between single-action and double-action pistol?

Summary: 1. A single action gun is a firearm which has a hammer that needs to be cocked before every shot while a double action gun is a firearm which can be fired through a single action or a double action.

What is the advantage of a double-action pistol?

If the double action is used every time with the revolver, then the trigger will be uniform and the same pull length and weight with every shot. This allows the shooter to grow accustomed to the trigger quicker because it's going to behave the same way every time it is pulled.

What is the point of double-action only?

Double action (or double-action) refers to one of two systems in firearms where the trigger both cocks and releases the hammer. Double-action only (DAO) firearms trigger: The trigger both cocks and releases the hammer.

Is half-cock a safety?

Contrary to popular belief, the half-cock notch on the hammer of the 1911 is not a carry location. Rather, it is a passive safety to keep the hammer from striking the firing pin should the single-action notch on the hammer or the sear-engagement surfaces fail to maintain their intended relationship.

When should a firearm be loaded with the action closed?

Firearms should be loaded only when you are in the field or on the target range or shooting area, ready to shoot. When not in use, firearms and ammunition should be secured in a safe place, separate from each other.

What does going off half cocked mean?

Definition of go off half-cocked : to do or say something without preparing for it or thinking about it Before you go off half-cocked, try listening to the explanation.

Is a Glock a single or double-action pistol?

The Glock 19 has an overall length of 7.36 inches and a barrel length of 4.01 inches. It is a double-action pistol, meaning that after a round is chambered the pistol only requires pulling the trigger to set the firing pin and fire. Subsequent shots will also only require a single trigger pull.

Is double-action the same as semi automatic?

“Double-action” refers to the action of the gun or, more specifically, what happens when the trigger is pulled. “Semi-automatic,” on the other hand, refers to what happens when the gun engages in its cycle of fire — the operation of the gun as a whole, not just the trigger.

What is the best grip for accuracy?

For those who use the tracking style of aim, palm grip is usually the go-to. The smooth movement of your arm makes for better target accuracy.

How many rounds do you need to fire in concealed carry?

Students are only required to fire 20 rounds during the live-fire portion of concealed carry training and hit the target with 11 rounds! Additionally, there is no set distance interval according to the state codes regarding acceptable training.

How many rounds do you need to shoot for a concealed carry license in Illinois?

Documentation for the Illinois concealed carry shooting test is fairly descriptive. To qualify for a concealed carry license in Illinois, you must shoot a total of 30 rounds; 10 shots from 5, 7, and 10 yards.

How far do you have to shoot for the Missouri shooting test?

The Missouri shooting test appears to mirror a self defense shooting scenario. Applicants are required to shoot from a distance of 7 yards for the Missouri shooting exam. Additionally, 15 of the 20 rounds fired must hit the B-27 silhouette target to pass.

How many rounds do you need to shoot in Kansas?

However, students are still expected to hit the target with 18 of 25 rounds fired. The shooting test is conducted by firing 5 rounds at 3 yards with one hand. Next, students must fire 5 rounds at 7 yards. This exercises is repeated for two repetitions. Finally, students must shoot 5 rounds at 10 yards for two repetitions. This information was obtained from the Kansas Attorney General office.

How many rounds of ammunition do you need to carry a concealed carry permit?

If your state has a “live-fire” requirement for gaining your concealed carry permit, you can expect to shoot about 100 rounds of ammunition.

How many shots can you shoot in Alaska?

The exam consists of shooting ten rounds from each distance for a total of 20 shots fired. Although the requirements are vague, the concealed carry shooting test for Alaska uses a “life size silhouette” as the target.

How many yards does the Arkansas permit shooting test cover?

Below I’ve outlined the course of fire for the Arkansas Enhanced permit shooting test, which covers 3, 7, and 15 yards. Additionally, the shooting test is performed on a standard B-27 target.

What shotguns are cocked?

The truth is that High Standard pump shotguns, Ithaca Model 37s, Remington 870s and old Winchester Model 12s, were routinely cocked and seldom was a word heard about those. Since the demise of the Winchester Model 1897 — with its exposed hammer — “out of sight, out of mind” was order of the day.

What is condition 2 pistol?

Condition Two is a loaded pistol with the hammer down on a loaded chamber — a risky thing, lowering the hammer on a single-action pistol. There’s no upside to doing so. You have to cock the hammer on the draw, something that’s prone to be fumbled. Condition Three is “half loaded.”.

What is the firing pin on a Series 80?

With the Series 80 firing pin plunger, the firing pin would be held in place, unless the trigger were pressed, likewise preventing an accidental discharge.

How to use an empty gun with no magazine?

Using an empty gun with no magazine, draw from concealment on the signal to start and rack the action, ending in a decent trigger press while sights are on a small target. Understanding that the real thing will never be as easy as doing it dry, you’ll find you’re pressed for time.

Can you carry a pistol in self defense?

It’s simply ignorant to carry a self-defense pistol in this way. If you really need a gun, the time isn’t there to load the pistol. Worse, after firing, you’ll want to get the gun out of your hands before responding police arrive. The draw — and re-holstering — can be safely accomplished with training.

Can you carry a loaded gun with a striker?

This isn’t a solution but another kind of problem. If you can’t internalize the fact that you’re carrying a loaded gun, perhaps you shouldn’t carry a gun at all.

Is a striker fired pistol cocked?

The modern striker-fired pistol, while “semi-cocked,” draws no cocked pistol comments — even though it’s closer to a single-action-analog than double-action. After shooting, the safety is only applied after you “look and assess” ensuring you don’t need to shoot anymore.

How to practice shooting a pistol?

On the range, a good way to practice this is to get into a comfortable stance, then, take the pistol in a good firing grip with both hands, close the eyes, and raise the pistol toward the target, open the eye and the pistol should be aiming at the center of the target . If it isn’t, close your eyes, lower the pistol and pivot on ...

What is the best stance for recoiling?

For an action shooter, there are two basic types of stances: the Weaver and the Isosceles. The Weaver stance is very good for managing recoil of some of the sharper recoiling handguns. It does this by using isometric tension between the firing and non-firing, or support, hand. Basically the shooter is creating a push-pull arrangement in the arms. ...

What happens if you get too tight on a pistol?

Too tight, and two things happen: the hand will tremble, and the trigger finger is partly immobilized. Another aspect of the grip that many shooters discuss is placement of the trigger finger.

Why is stance important in pistol shooting?

The stance as it applies to the handgun is nothing more than the position of feet and body relative to the target. It sounds simple, but it’s actually one of the most critical and also one of the most often overlooked aspects of pistol shooting. The reason it’s so important is that the stance is the foundation upon which all ...

What happens if a bullseye shooter's stance isn't solid?

If the shooter’s stance isn’t solid, then the delivery of the shot or shots to the target won’t be at their optimum. The stance for a bullseye shooter is going to be much different than that of a person firing in one of the action shooting sports.

What is a push pull gun?

Basically the shooter is creating a push-pull arrangement in the arms. The firing arm is pushing slightly forward, and the support hand is pulling back. It’s a very effective way of firing a powerful handgun accurately, and is still taught at the Gunsite Academy, Jeff Cooper’s iconic shooting school.

How far apart should you stand for bullseye shooting?

For the bullseye shooter, assuming a right-handed shooter, the stance will be standing at about a 45-degree angle to the target , with the feet approximately shoulder width apart, and about 60 percent of the weight out on the balls of the feet.

How to make sure a pistol is unloaded?

To make sure a pistol is unloaded, you have to do two things. First, you have to remove the source or supply of ammunition from the gun by removing the magazine. However, that’s not enough. After removing the future supply, the second step is to open the action to make sure there is no cartridge in the chamber.

How does a recoil spring work on a rifle?

When the slide reaches the end of its travel, the recoil spring moves it back forward, scraping a fresh round from the top of the magazine and pushing it into the chamber.

How to unload a semi automatic pistol?

With a semi-automatic handgun, unloading requires two steps. First, remove the magazine, then make sure there’s not a cartridge in the chamber. The order in which you do these things is critical. If you empty the chamber first, the act of closing the slide will load yet another cartridge from the magazine still in place.

How often does a semi auto fire?

From a functional perspective, you can expect that a semi-auto will fire each time you press the trigger until the magazine is empty. While models vary in terms of whether or how you need to cock it for the first shot, the operation is similar. When you shoot a semi-automatic pistol one-handed, the firing hand thumb is already out of the way.

How many times does a semi automatic fire?

Like any other standard firearm, it fires only once for each trigger press. While there are different design details for semi-automatic pistols, the basics are pretty much the same. When you fire, recoil energy wants to move backward, in the opposite direction of the bullet’s travel.

What is the magazine on a semi automatic pistol?

There is the source of the ammunition. That’s called the “magazine.”. Most pistols house the magazine inside of the grip. The second part refers to the chamber itself.

Can you shoot a pistol with one hand?

If you’re shooting one-handed, that’s fine. If you’re shooting two-handed, that’s fine too, as long as your support-hand thumb doesn’t get in the way. Do NOT grip a semi-automatic pistol like this. That crossed support hand thumb will likely get cut when the slide moves back during cycling. So, now that you expect the slide to travel in ...

Why are double action guns less prone to accidental discharge?

Double action guns, when carried in double action mode, are less prone to accidental discharge, due to the long, hard trigger pull. However, some shooters find the long, stiff double-action pull is not to their linking or impacts their accuracy. This can, however, be overcome with practice.

What to consider when choosing a concealed carry gun?

When trying to choose a concealed carry gun, one element to consider is that of the firing mechanism, as there are significant differences between them . Each has inherent benefits and each has inherent drawbacks. It's a good thing to bear in mind while shopping for a concealed carry gun, as your choice will likely impact how well you practice your ...

Why do DAO pistols have hammers?

There are several reasons for this, firstly being that an exposed hammer is unnecessary since the pistol cannot be manually cocked. Secondly, DAO pistols are popular as concealed carry pistols and enclosing the hammer streamlines the pistol for easier concealment and drawing from concealment.

How much pressure is required to fire a DA/SA pistol?

DA/SA guns have a long, stiff double-action trigger pull (usually 10 to 15 pounds of pressure are required to fire) which cocks and fires the pistol or a short, crisp single-action pull (4 to 6 pounds) to fire with a cocked hammer. For the latter, the pistol must be cocked manually in the case of revolvers or decocked semi-autos, ...

How stiff is a DAO pistol?

DAO pistols cock and fire the pistol with every shot, so the trigger pull is usually stiff (8 pounds or more) but can be tamed with aftermarket trigger springs. These pistols are very simple to use - load and pull the trigger to fire. The long, hard trigger pull guards against accidental discharge.

What is the dominant firing mechanism and trigger system?

Today, the dominant firing mechanism and trigger system is the striker-fired pistol. Popular models are made by numerous manufacturers, though Glock is far and away the best-known and most popular. Striker-fired pistols are only semi-auto, since striker-fired revolvers aren't generally made.

What is the difference between a striker and a firing pin?

However, in striker-fired pistols, the striker is part of the firing pin, whereas the firing pin in other pistols is a single piece. When the handgun is charged and loaded, the striker is half-cocked. Pulling the trigger fully cocks and discharges the pistol. The cycling of the slide half-cocks the striker again.

First Time Shooter

Experienced shooters may be wondering why 3 yards is the ideal shooting distance for beginners. There are 3 reasons why a new shooter should start from this distance.

Shooting Distance Progression

Inevitably, a beginner will get bored shooting from such a close distance. Therefore, a plan for progression should be laid out. However, some shooters may skip some of these distances. It really comes down to the skill and comfort of the individual.

Parting Shots

The great thing about shooting, is that there’s always room for improvement. Whether you’ve been shooting for a year or a decade, maintaining your skills requires dedication.