when must a general sampler and weigher licensee take the refresher course?

by Wyman Bechtelar 6 min read

Refresher Course: Each licensee must, within six months prior to the expiration of the license, successfully complete a refresher course and proficiency evaluation. Licenses may then be renewed for two-year periods upon payment of the fee (§35171, FAC). Online Refresher Course Link: https://apps4.cdfa.ca.gov/swrefresher/

Refresher Course: Each licensee must, within six months prior to the expiration of the license, successfully complete a refresher course and proficiency evaluation.

Full Answer

When do I need a sampler and weigher license?

When any individual transports samples for official laboratory analysis, that individual shall carry a valid Sampler and Weigher license; or, alternatively, a sample case sealed in a manner acceptable to the Department may be accepted. 500. Sampler and Weigher Examination and License

When did weigher/samplers get tested and evaluated?

In 1976 the Board and the Department entered into a memorandum of understanding to coordinate and cooperate as to testing and evaluation of weigher/samplers. Over the years since, Board Staff at times found itself performing an increasing portion of the Department's milk sanitation-related field evaluations.

Is the sampler and weigher responsible for seeing that the bulk tanker is clean?

Is the Sampler and Weigher responsible for seeing that the bulk milk tanker is clean and sanitary? A. Yes, before leaving to pick up the first load, the tanker hoses, pumps and valves should be inspectedfor cleanliness. The wash tag(s) should also be checked.

Is it the responsibility of the sampler&weigher to report temperature violations?

A. YES, It is the responsibility of the licensed Sampler & Weigher to report temperature violations on milk in the farm tank, but only a Dairy Inspector may officially place it on Restricted Use (degrade) after due process. It is the licensee’s responsibility to report and record the temperature violation on

Who must obtain a butter grader's license?

Every person who is in charge of cutting, wrapping, packaging, or distributing butter, or any supervisor of any such person who is responsible for the grading of butter, shall obtain and hold a butter grader's license (§35131-35137, FAC).

What is the minimum grade required to get a pasteurizer license?

To receive a Pasteurizer’s License the applicant must achieve a grade of at least 80 percent on a written examination and a grade of at least 80 percent on an oral and practical examination to demonstrate the ability of the applicant to properly pasteurize milk or its products (§498, CCR).

What is a pasteurizer license?

Every person who operates any equipment wherein milk or any product of milk is pasteurized shall hold a pasteurizer’s license. The pasteurizer’s licenses shall be known as general and limited licenses. The general license shall apply to pasteurization by all of the approved methods or processes of pasteurization, and.

How long is a butter grading license valid?

Butter Grader’s License: (valid for one year; $100 nonrefundable fee; penalties apply when not renewed within statutory deadline) A person shall not engage in the business of cutting and wrapping butter unless such person, in addition to the milk products plant license, has a butter cutting and wrapping permit.

How long is a milk tester's license valid?

Tester’s License. (valid for two years; $100 nonrefundable fee; penalties apply when not renewed within statutory deadline): Every person who tests milk, cream, or any fluid derivative of milk or cream, which is purchased, received, or sold on the basis of milk fat which is contained in it, shall hold a tester's license (§35161, FAC).

When does a butter distributor's permit expire?

Every butter cutting and wrapping permit and butter distributor's permit expires at the end of each calendar year.