when is tyhe 2018 course schedule announced gatech

by Kariane Nader 10 min read

What day does Georgia Tech Start classes?

Tentative Five-Term Institute CalendarEventSpring 2023Fall 2023First Day of ClassesJan 9Aug 21Breaks, Holidays, and/or RecessJan 2 Jan 16 Mar 20-24Sep 4 Nov 22-24Cross Registration DeadlineNov 15May 15Final Instructional Class DaysApr 24-25Dec 4-54 more rows

What is highest honors at Gatech?

Who is eligible for honors and how are they calculated? For graduation with highest honor, the minimum grade-point average (GPA) shall be 3.55. For graduation with high honor, the minimum grade-point average (GPA) shall be 3.35. For graduation with honor, the minimum grade-point average (GPA) shall be 3.15.

What is the acceptance rate of Georgia Tech?

21.3% (2020)Georgia Institute of Technology / Acceptance rateGeorgia Institute of Technology admissions is most selective with an acceptance rate of 21% and an early acceptance rate of 27.6%. Half the applicants admitted to Georgia Institute of Technology have an SAT score between 1370 and 1530 or an ACT score of 31 and 35.

Is Georgia Tech on semester schedule?

Georgia Tech's standard Academic Calendar consists of a Fall Semester, a Spring Semester, and an accelerated Summer Session. Each Fall Semester and each Spring Semester normally includes approximately fifteen weeks of instruction plus one week of final examinations.

What is a good GPA at Gatech?

With a GPA of 4.07, Georgia Tech requires you to be at the top of your class. You'll need nearly straight A's in all your classes to compete with other applicants. You should also have taken plenty of AP or IB classes to show your ability to excel in academic challenge.

What is Dean's List at Gatech?

An academic standing of Good. No Incomplete (I) grades. At least 12 hours of course work on a letter grade basis. Grade point average of 3.00 or higher.

Is Gatech prestigious?

As if we needed reminding how great Georgia Tech is, we have officially been declared as one of the top 100 most prestigious universities in the world.

Is Georgia Tech Elite?

The Georgia Tech College of Engineering continues to be recognized as an elite engineering school and one of the top public institutions in the nation. The undergraduate engineering program at the College ranked 4th in the 2022 America's Best Colleges edition of U.S. News & World Report (published in September 2021).

Is Georgia Tech a top tier school?

Academic Excellence In the category of Statistics and Operational Research, Georgia Tech ranks #8 in The Guardian's QS World University Rankings, and our graduate urban planning program is ranked #10 in the U.S. by Planetizen.

How many weeks are in a semester at Gatech?

15 weeksFall and Spring Terms Each semester is 15 weeks of class.

What is considered full time at Georgia Tech?

Students scheduled for at least 12 credit hours in a semester are classified as full-time students; those scheduled for 6-11 hours are classified as part-time students; and those scheduled for 1-5 hours are classified as less-than-part-time students.

How long are Georgia Tech classes?

The current Academic Calendar is semester‐based, consisting of 15 weeks of instruction in a standard Fall/Spring semester where one contact hour is equal to 50 minutes of instruction. The amount of class attendance is 750 minutes for each scheduled credit hour in a standard semester.

How many people graduate with highest honors Gatech?

234 graduatingOf those 496 graduates, 384 (77%) have completed their Georgia Tech careers with academic honors in their respective majors—234 graduating with Highest Honors, 84 with High Honors, and another 66 with Honors—which is well above the norm for the university as a whole.

Does Georgia Tech have a valedictorian?

Georgia Tech will offer automatic acceptance and cover four-year in-state tuition and mandatory fees to all APS valedictorians and salutatorians. The initiative was designed to increase exposure and access to Georgia Tech for APS's most prepared students.

What is faculty honors Gatech?

Faculty honors-includes all degree-seeking undergraduates who during the preceding term made an academic average of 4.00, completed a schedule of at least 12 hours of coursework on a letter-grade basis with no W grades and are not on academic warning or probation or subject to any disciplinary action.

What does it mean to graduate with highest honors?

Graduating with high honors in high school usually means qualifying for the honor roll, which can mean earning a certain GPA, usually 3.5 or higher; or you can graduate as the Valedictorian or Salutatorian. These honors often vary from high school to high school.

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to provide students with a rigorous understanding of computer networking concepts, protocols and technologies. Even though we will cover the major Internet protocols in some detail, the emphasis will be on fundamental problems, ideas and algorithms.

Teaching assistants

The names and email addresses of the TAs will be announced in class and on Canvas.

Important Dates

Give the instructor a printed face-photo with your name, major and year of study: Aug 27


We will use the following textbook (required). It is referred to as "KR" in the following (the authors' acronyms).

Syllabus and Timeline (subject to minor changes)

Week-14: Multimedia Networking: Video streaming; Voice-over-IP Readings: Sections 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 of KR Playtime: Use Wireshark to understand how the Netflix video player or how Skype works

Homeworks and Programming Assignments

Material will be due at 11:59pm on the specified date and should be submitted using Canvas.

Communication with the instructor and the TAs

For any questions about the lectures, please contact Constantine during office hours or through email.

Does coursework take precedence over new coursework?

All previously scheduled coursework takes precedence over newly scheduled material. Therefore, all work that is incomplete from a previous term should be completed, or arrangements to complete it should be made prior to placing emphasis on new coursework.

Does auditing a course count as full value?

The auditing of a course will be permitted for a regularly enrolled student who has obtained the approval of her/his advisor and the departments concerned. Such a course counts at full value in computing the student's course load for an academic term.

What happens if you cancel a GTPE course?

If GTPE cancels a course, participants will be notified via email or phone and will be given the option for a full refund or to transfer their registration and any fees paid to another course. It is the responsibility of the student to pay any difference in price, if applicable, when a transfer is made.

What is PMOSH in Georgia Tech?

Georgia Tech offers a flexible Professional Master's in Occupational Safety and Health (PMOSH) that is tailored to working professionals who are ready to boost their careers and step into a leadership role within the OSH field.

What is a 14001:2015 auditing course?

The 14001:2015 Auditing (AU) TPECS one-day course is designed for those responsible for planning and scheduling an audit program for an environmental management system. An assessment will be given during the course to test your knowledge and comprehension.

Is Georgia Tech a disability center?

The Georgia Tech Global Learning Center and Georgia Tech-Savannah campus is compliant under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Any individual who requires accommodation for participation in any course offered by GTPE should contact us prior to the start of the course.


Table of Contents

Course Information

  1. Lectures: Tues and Thur - 12:00-1:15pm
  2. Classroom: Mason 1133
  3. Prerequisite: CS2200 (minimum grade: C)
  4. Credits: 3
See more on faculty.cc.gatech.edu

Important Dates

  1. Give the instructor a printed face-photo with your name, major and year of study: Aug 27
  2. Homework-1 due date: Sep 13
  3. Programming assignment #1 due date: Sep 20
  4. Fall break: Oct 8-9
See more on faculty.cc.gatech.edu


  • Main textbook (KR): Computer Networking, A top down approach featuring the Internetby J. Kurose and K.Ross, Pearson, 7th edition.
See more on faculty.cc.gatech.edu

Syllabus and Timeline

  1. Week-1: Architectural layers; Packet versus circuit switching; Delay and throughput; Protocols and service models Readings: Chapter-1 of KR Playtime: Install Wireshark on your laptop and learn how...
  2. Week-2: Principles of network applications; An example: the HTML application-layer protocol; Network programming (basics). Readings: Sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.7 of KD-edition-7; Addition…
  1. Week-1: Architectural layers; Packet versus circuit switching; Delay and throughput; Protocols and service models Readings: Chapter-1 of KR Playtime: Install Wireshark on your laptop and learn how...
  2. Week-2: Principles of network applications; An example: the HTML application-layer protocol; Network programming (basics). Readings: Sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.7 of KD-edition-7; Additional online mat...
  3. Week-3: Network programming (advanced); The DNS protocol Readings: Section 2.4 of KR-edition-7; Additional online material for socket programming. Playtime: Play with the DNS utilities nslookup or dig
  4. Week-4: Link Layer: Error detection and correction; Multiple-Access Control (MAC) protocols, …

Homeworks and Programming Assignments

  1. Homeworks: We will have four homeworks throughout the semester. Each homework will include some problems that are of mathematical or algorithmic nature. Additionally, each homework will include a W...
  2. Programming assignments:We will have two programming assignments. The first will be simpler and it will be done individually. It will involve some basic sockets programming in Pyt…
  1. Homeworks: We will have four homeworks throughout the semester. Each homework will include some problems that are of mathematical or algorithmic nature. Additionally, each homework will include a W...
  2. Programming assignments:We will have two programming assignments. The first will be simpler and it will be done individually. It will involve some basic sockets programming in Python, Java or C (yo...


  1. Midterm exam: 15%
  2. Final exam: 30% Comprehensive (covers entire syllabus)
  3. Four homeworks and Wireshark exercises: 20%
  4. Programming assignment 1: 8%
See more on faculty.cc.gatech.edu

Communication with The Instructor and The Tas

  1. For any questions about the lectures, please contact Constantine during office hours or through email.
  2. For any questions about homeworks or programming assignments, please post a question on Piazza (no anonymous posts will be allowed).
  3. For any questions about grades, please contact the Lead TA through email.
See more on faculty.cc.gatech.edu

Class Participation

  1. You can earn one point by submitting a printed recent face-photo, together with your name and major/year. You need to do so at the instructor's office (so that you know where his office is) by Augu...
  2. You can earn the additional two points by submitting handwritten questions at the end of lectures. The questions can ask about something that was covered in class and for which th…
  1. You can earn one point by submitting a printed recent face-photo, together with your name and major/year. You need to do so at the instructor's office (so that you know where his office is) by Augu...
  2. You can earn the additional two points by submitting handwritten questions at the end of lectures. The questions can ask about something that was covered in class and for which the student needs ad...
  3. In addition to the above, students are encouraged to come by Instructor or TA office hours as well as ask questions and participate in discussions on piaza.

Course Policies

  1. Late submission policy: Assignments and programming assignments should be handed in on time -- by midnight the day the assignment is due. There is a 1 hour grace period for submitting assignments....
  2. All work for this class is to be done individually, except the second programming assignment. That can be done by teams of two students or individually.
  1. Late submission policy: Assignments and programming assignments should be handed in on time -- by midnight the day the assignment is due. There is a 1 hour grace period for submitting assignments....
  2. All work for this class is to be done individually, except the second programming assignment. That can be done by teams of two students or individually.
  3. You are strongly urged to familiarize yourselves with the GT Student Honor Code rules. Specifically, the following is not allowed: