Full Answer
The Moon stops being void of course once it enters the next sign. The Moon changes signs every two or two and a half days, and passes through all 12 signs of the zodiac every 27 and 1/3 days. So, that means that every two or three days, the Moon is going to spend some time void of course.
Thank you! Although Moon Tracks Astrology Calendars already has Void of Course information on one of its calendar systems, it has been decided to bring the Moon's Void of Course Dates Table onboard to provide current information quickly, efficiently and concise.
The Void of Course (VoC) is similar to a short respite or a reprieve of emotions before the Moon journeys into the next astrological sign. The Moon rules over our feelings, emotions, nurturing feminine side (yes, even men have a nurturing feminine influence), as well as our childhood memories and family matters.
The site's original Void of Course (VoC) calendar on Moon Tracks is set for one time zone; Pacific Standard Time (PST). The Void of Course info on this page is set up for UTC, but it is also adjustable.
The void of course moon occurs when the moon makes its final major aspect with another planet before changing signs. In general, it's ideal to plan ahead so you can avoid big events happening during a void of course moon phase and also avoid needing to make big decisions during the time.
The Moon changes signs every two or two and a half days, and passes through all 12 signs of the zodiac every 27 and 1/3 days. So, that means that every two or three days, the Moon is going to spend some time void of course.
People born with the Moon Void of Course sometimes amble through life without a strong sense of purpose. They are usually of a spiritual bent, or concerned with bringing things to a conclusion. Check the nature of the last aspect the Moon makes as it turns Void.
In simple terms, the void-of-course moon (sometimes just called the void moon, or abbreviated as VC or v/c) describes a period of time before the moon moves into a new sign during which it doesn't form any significant meet-ups with any of the other planets.
The Moon's current phase for today and tonight is a Waning Gibbous Phase.
Moon in Taurus is a time, when lunar sky path is crossing the second sector of the zodiac - between ∠30°-60°, where is located the constellation of Taurus. Waxing Moon visits Taurus zodiac sign only in the period from November to May and Waning Moon transits Taurus only from May to November.
A planet is generally said to be void of course when it is not applying to an aspect with any other planets, although the specific requirements of the condition vary based on which definition is used.
When are the dates of full moons in 2022, and how will they affect you?February 16: Full moon in Leo. ... March 18: Full moon in Virgo. ... April 16: Full moon in Libra. ... May 16: Full moon in Scorpio & Total Lunar Eclipse. ... June 14: Full moon in Sagittarius. ... July 13: Full moon in Capricorn. ... Thursday, August 11: Full moon in Aquarius.More items...•
The Void of Course (VoC) is similar to a short respite or a reprieve of emotions before the Moon journeys into the next astrological sign. The Moon rules over our feelings, emotions, nurturing feminine side (yes, even men have a nurturing feminine influence), as well as our childhood memories and family matters.
This may work for them based on their interpretation. What some people consider to be the VoC Moon may be more closely associated with the Anaretic Degree of the sign. The Anaretic Degree is the last active degree of any sign; aka 29th degree. This degree should NOT be confused with the Void of Course.
In simpler terms, immediately after the Moon forms the last Major Aspect to another planet from the sign that the Moon is transiting, until the Moon moves into the next sign, the Moon is considered to be Void of Course.
It is not advisable to initiate new concepts during the VoC Moon. For example, many students complain of not being able to remember what was taught during the Moon's Void of Course transit. From a psychological perspective, Learning and Memory are both closely associated with Emotions.
Yes, it can occur on rare occasions. When the Moon transits through an entire sign, without forming any major aspect, Julius Firmicus Maternus deemed that type of Moon's transit to be a Void Moon throughout the entire transit.
The Void of Course Moon phase is a period of time when it’s better to wind down and avoid new beginnings.
In other words, when the Moon is NOT void (before the Moon’s void period) if the last major aspect it makes is a harmonious one, such as a sextile or trine, activities are favored for positive outcomes. The harmonious last aspects are marked by an (H) and the challenging ones are marked by a (C).
This is due to the idea that the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs is symbolic of a matter’s final outcome, and in this case, it’s represented by the Moon’s harmonious aspect (a sextile) to Venus.
Jul 22, 2020, 7:40 PM, Moon enters Virgo. The period from July 21, 2020, at 8:27 PM [when the Moon forms its last major aspect before leaving the sign of Leo], to July 22, 2020, at 7:40 PM [when the Moon enters a new sign, in this case, Virgo] would be considered a void-of-course period that is not ideal for new initiatives.
It is generally considered better to AVOID void Moon periods when choosing to begin projects. Results may or may not transpire, but if they do, it can be difficult getting there.
Void periods do not necessarily deny results but results can be more challenging to achieve during void Moon periods, so it may be best to avoid starting new projects during a void Moon. The Moon phase is another important consideration for the timing of events.
A conclusion are that decisions we made during time of Void of Course Moon have a long way and difficulties to achieve the goals. Ideas that will come up at that time may be hard to be implement at a later time.
The Void of Course Moon is not responsible for unsuccessful negotiations, talks about a rise, or the unfortunate development of our project. The reason lies in the actions we take (or no action), our approach to the matter, preparation and people involved.
The Moon walking across the sky passing through twelve zodiac's signs in almost twenty eight days. The time from the last major aspect with another planet before entering the next zodiac sign is called Void of Course Moon. This time usually takes about minutes to several hours.
Use this time to visualize your goal* for the monthly cycle and write down an action plan. Use bullet points and short sentences. Focus on the practical steps necessary to launch the project or carry out the tasks.
Act based on the action plan you created in the previous step. Do the hard work, knowing that the energy you need will be available. Build a solid foundation for your project or goal. Avoid quick fixes.
The materialized plan or goal should be tested through interaction with others now. Listen to what other people have to say and take their point of view into consideration. Equally, be mindful of the feedback coming from your environment, your dreams, or your seemingly random encounters.
If something did not work correctly or if you failed at materializing the goal you had set for yourself, this is the moment to evaluate the situation and introduce changes. If you did succeed, however, this is the moment to evaluate how this particular goal or project has contributed to your overall sense of fulfillment.
These are moments of withdrawing from the conscious life and allowing the unconscious to come forward: