when is post filing debtor education course due for bankruptsy

by Arnulfo Wehner 9 min read

The post-filing financial management program must be taken, and a certificate of completion filed with the court, within 45 days after the Chapter 7 debtor attends the 341 meeting of creditors.

When do I need to take this post-filing debtor education course? In a chapter 7 case, you must take the debtor education course: (1) after you file your bankruptcy case and (2) within 60 days after your first meeting date with your creditors and bankruptcy trustee. This meeting is also known as a Sec.

Full Answer

When do I need to take this post-filing debtor education course?

May 22, 2020 · When to complete the Debtor Education Course after filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The Bankruptcy Code provides minimal details on when the course must be completed. According to the Code, the course must be completed sometime after filing your bankruptcy petition.

When to complete the debtor education course after filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy?

Upon the completion of Money in Motion our agency will provide you a certificate of completion of an instruction course promptly; and no later than three business days from the completion of the Post-filing debtor education. You will only receive this certificate if you complete the Post-filing debtor education.

What happens if I don’t complete the debtor education course?

7031 Koll Center Pkwy, Pleasanton, CA 94566. master:2021-11-17_10-05-35. When you file for bankruptcy, you'll complete two courses—a credit counseling course and a debtor education course. If you're unsure which to take or how to find approved providers, these basics will help: You'll take the credit counseling course before bankruptcy.

How do I get a debtor education certificate?

In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must file Form 423 and the certificate no later than 45 days after the date on which your meeting of creditors was first scheduled. Don't miss the deadline. If you do, the court might close your case. If that happens, you'll have to reopen your case and repay the entire filing fee.

What Is The Debtor Education Course Requirement?

To receive a discharge in Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you are required to take a debtor education course after you file your case. The goal...

Who Must Take The Debtor Education Course?

With a few exceptions, all Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy debtors must complete a course in debtor education before they can receive a dischar...

Approved Debtor Education Course Providers

You must take the debtor education course from a provider approved by the U.S. Trustee (or the Bankruptcy Administrator if you live in Alabama and...

When Do You Have to Complete The Debtor Education Course?

If you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must take the debtor education course and file your certificate of completion (discussed below) with the...

How Much Does The Debtor Education Course Cost?

The cost of the debtor education course will depend on the provider you select. But the new rules published by the Executive Office for U.S. Truste...

What Happens During The Debtor Education Course?

You can usually take the debtor education course in person, over the phone, or on the Internet. Regardless of the method of instruction, the course...

Filing Your Certificate of Completion

When you complete the debtor education course, you must file a form called Debtor’s Certification of Completion of Postpetition Instructional Cours...

How much does it cost to take the second bankruptcy course?

This course is taken after you file for bankruptcy and the cost is $14.95 per household . If you need to register for the First Bankruptcy Course, which is taken before you file for bankruptcy, please click here.

What is DebtorEdu?

DebtorEdu is approved to issue certificates evidencing completion of a debtor education course in compliance with the Bankruptcy Code. Approval does not endorse or assure the quality of a Provider's services. This course is available on the Internet 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

What is debtor education?

The purpose of the debtor education course is to teach you how to manage money and use credit wisely after bankruptcy. If you don't complete the debtor education requirement, the court won't issue a discharge in your bankruptcy. Read on to learn more about the debtor education course requirement in bankruptcy.

How to get discharged from Chapter 7?

To receive a discharge in Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you are required to take a debtor education course after you file your case. The goal of the debtor education requirement is to educate you on making smart financial choices so that you won't have to seek bankruptcy relief in the future. When you take the debtor education course, you ...

What happens if you don't complete the test?

If you don't complete the test in a satisfactory manner or receive a score of less than 70%, the provider must communicate with you directly. For telephonic courses, the instructor must contact you either in person or by phone. For online courses, the communication can be by email, live chat, or phone.

What is debtor education?

It's a financial management course that you take after you've filed for bankruptcy but before you get a discharge. The debtor education course teach es you strategies that will help you stay financially healthy after your bankruptcy.

How many classes do you need to take before filing for bankruptcy?

In both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you (and your spouse if you file jointly) must take two courses before you receive a bankruptcy discharge (the order that wipes out qualifying debt)—one before you file your paperwork, and another afterward. Read on to learn about the second class, a personal financial management course known by several ...

What form do you need to file for bankruptcy?

If that happens, you'll have to reopen your case and repay the entire filing fee. In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you must file Form 423 and the certificate no later than the date on which you make your last plan payment.

How long does it take to file a 423?

Filing Deadlines. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must file Form 423 and the certificate no later than 45 days after the date on which your meeting of creditors was first scheduled. Don't miss the deadline. If you do, the court might close your case.

When do you file a 423?

In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you must file Form 423 and the certificate no later than the date on which you make your last plan payment. You can take the course early on in your case, however, and some attorneys recommend this because the course provides information that may help you budget and complete your plan.
