Students can access the online components of their courses through myUVU by clicking on the Canvas icon in the upper right corner, or by using this link to UVU Canvas. What are the Basic Computer Specifications to Successfully Access Canvas?
When students and instructors can access courses in Canvas. In Canvas, instructors can access course sites as soon as they are provisioned by UITS. Students are added to official course sites at the same time as instructors, but cannot access the course site nor receive course communications from the instructor until the course is published.
Students register for online classes through the regular UVU registration process. Instructions and deadlines can be found at UVU's Registration page. It is simple to distinguish regular online courses from face-to-face classes by looking at the section number.
Students use Canvas to access course syllabi, assignment requirements, important class announcements, and much more. Canvas is the place to submit assignments, take quizzes, and discuss important topics with classmates.
Select a Home Page, then click Choose and Publish Once you publish your Canvas course site, you do not have to republish it again if you add new content. You only have to publish the site once. You can unpublish the course by going to the Home page and clicking the Unpublish button.
View Unpublished Course While a course is unpublished, students cannot access or participate in the course. When the course material is deemed ready by the designer, instructor, or administrator, it may be published. These courses appear in the Future Enrollments section of the Courses menu.
Published content in Canvas is indicated by a green checkmark as published status. Unpublished content is indicated by a gray circle icon with slash through it. The status of your course displays in the upper-right corner of your course's Home page. Your course must be published before students can access it.
For instance, if you add a published Discussion to an unpublished Module, students cannot view the Discussion on the Modules page. However, they will still be able to see the Discussion in other areas of Canvas, such as the Syllabus and the Calendar, but they will not be able to open or participate in the Discussion.
To unpublish an assignment, hover over the published button for the assignment and view its status. If the assignment can be unpublished, the hover text will confirm you want to unpublish the assignment, and the button will change from green to red. Click the button to confirm.
When an instructor is creating a course in Canvas it is unpublished, meaning that students cannot access the course at that time. When the instructor is ready, the course is published so that students can begin and it appears on their dashboard.
In the Global Navigation menu (on left), click Courses and then All Courses. To favorite a course or courses, click the empty star next to each course name to add it to the Courses menu. To hide a course, click the filled star next to each course name to remove it from the Courses menu.
To unpublish a page, hover over the published button. The hover text will confirm you want to unpublish the page, and the button will change from green to red. Click the button to confirm.
Within the content item, unpublished content is indicated by a gray circle icon with slash through it. You can easily switch between the two statuses by clicking on the publish or unpublish button.
Unlock a course To unlock a Canvas course after the term has ended: Navigate to the course you want to unlock, and from the course navigation menu, select Settings. After the page automatically refreshes, your course will be unlocked, and the course end date will be set to one month from the current date.
To unpublish a quiz, hover over the published button and view its status. If the quiz can be unpublished, the hover text will confirm you want to unpublish the quiz, and the button will change from gray to red. Click the button to confirm. Quizzes with student submissions cannot be unpublished.
You can use Modules to group material together so it can be automatically published on a set date. The standard setting for Canvas is that the module page is the start page for the course.
Canvas is the current Learning Management System (LMS) used for online course materials for UVU. Students can access the online components of their courses through myUVU by clicking on the Canvas icon in the upper right corner, or by using this link to UVU Canvas.
Also, online classes do not typically have regular meetings times as face-to-face classes do (i.e. meeting only from 9:00-11:30 on Tuesday and Thursday), but some might require synchronous meetings and there will be deadlines throughout the semester.
It is simple to distinguish regular online courses from face-to-face classes by looking at the section number. Online sections begin with an X, and sections X51-X59 are designated for the Global Aviation and Emergency Services online distance programs.
Faculty are intentional about selecting and crafting learning content, incorporating opportunities for instructor feedback and engagement with their students, facilitating peer-to-peer communications, and assessing student learning.
UVU has been offering designated online courses and fully online degrees for more than 20 years to students throughout Utah and beyond. Roughly 3,000 UVU students were enrolled exclusively in designated online courses prior to the COVID-19 response.
Online students can benefit from many UVU resources. Most UVU organizations have not only shifted to remotely delivering those services but were set up to help 100% online students before. The Fulton Library, academic tutoring center, advisement center, and others are ready to help.
How will the 2021 summer semester classes be taught? Classes will be taught using three types of delivery formats during summer semester: Online, Face-to-Face and Livestream. Face-to-Face: Lecture will be held live, in assigned classroom on specific days and times. Online: Lecture is 100% online via Canvas.
Online: Lecture is 100% online via Canvas. Students do not meet on specific days or times. May require proctored exams, but there are no other location-bound requirements. Livestream: Lecture is held live on specific days and times using MS Teams. Students join and interact using their own device.
Grading for the summer semester will be normal. This means individual course grading modes (standard letter grades) will be used. The credit/no credit option that was used spring of 2020 will not be available.
It would be beneficial to be able to unpublish a course at the end of the semester, quarter, trimester, session, what-have-you. And there are a number of practical reasons as well as possible privacy reasons why would want to prevent student access to a course AFTER the course has been completed.
There is really no need to unpublish a course once it has concluded. If you are looking to secure it from continued student access, there are better ways. If you could tell us exactly what you are trying to do, we can provides some good guidance, but in the meantime...........
In Canvas, instructors can access course sites as soon as they are provisioned by UITS. Students are added to official course sites at the same time as instructors, but cannot access the course site nor receive course communications from the instructor until the course is published.
Instructors can extend, reduce, or remove access to a course before the term starts or after it ends by overriding term start and end dates with course start and end dates. To do so: