when does course registration open for spring 2016 ball state

by Dudley Stanton 9 min read

How do I find a list of courses at Ball State?

The searcher may also find a list of all courses in alphabetical and numerical order in the courses folder. Courses at Ball State are identified by prefix and course number. Course descriptions are presented in the following format: ENG 103 Rhetoric and Writing (3)

How do I contact Ball State University News Center?

News Center Connect with Ball State Ball State University 2000 W. University Ave. Muncie, IN 47306 800-382-8540 and 765-289-1241 Copyright © 2022 Ball State University

Where is the Equal Opportunity Office at Ball State University?

Connect with Ball State Ball State University 2000 W. University Ave. Muncie, IN 47306 800-382-8540 and 765-289-1241 Copyright © 2022 Ball State University Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy

How do I register for classes in five week term 3?

Five Week Term 3 rd Day of the start of the term You can register for classes at my.bsu. You can also check your grades, check your schedule, or review your academic records. For assistance with registering, please review the student registration instructions (PDF).

How do I register for classes at Ball State?

You can register for classes at my. bsu. You can also check your grades, check your schedule, or review your academic records. For assistance with registering, please review the student registration instructions (PDF).

When should I apply to Ball State?

We recommend applying by the priority deadline to ensure fullest consideration for scholarships and your preferred semester of enrollment. At the latest, your application must be completed two weeks before the start of the semester you're planning to enroll.

Is Ball State rolling admission?

Ball State reviews applications on a rolling basis, which means we make an admission decision as soon as we receive all your application materials. Be sure to apply by the priority deadline to ensure the fullest consideration for your preferred semester of enrollment.

Does Ball State have a spring break?

Start: March 5, 2022 8 a.m. End: March 5, 2022 8 a.m. All residence halls will close for the breaks implemented into the academic semester (i.e. fall and spring).

What GPA is required for Harvard?

In truth, you need close to a 4.0 unweighted GPA to get into Harvard. That means nearly straight As in every class.

How hard is it to get into Ball State?

Admissions Overview Ball State admissions is somewhat selective with an acceptance rate of 87%. Students that get into Ball State have an average SAT score between 1080-1240 or an average ACT score of 20-24.

What is the lowest GPA Ball State will accept?

As a general policy, the minimum GPA required to maintain good academic standing is a 2.000 overall GPA, but as students think more about grades, effort can be made to achieve the highest academic goals.

Is Ball State a good school?

Ball State University is ranked #202 in National Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

What is Ball State University known for?

Ball State has grown into a world-class University with highly respected programs in education, architecture, business, communications, fine arts, sciences and humanities, and the health professions.

What day does Ball State Start Fall 2021?

August 23, 2021Fall Semester (August 23, 2021-December 17, 2021) August 23, Monday University classes for Fall Semester begin.

Does Ball State have a fall break?

October 10,11, Monday-Tuesday Fall Break—no classes University administrative offices open. November 23-27, Thanksgiving recess – no classes Wednesday-Sunday University administrative offices close at noon Wednesday.

Returning Students, Auditors, and Guests

You may enroll in Ball State graduate courses and transfer credit back to your home institution.

Absent Students

At Ball State University, student attendance at class meetings is expected. Faculty shall establish attendance policies for their courses. Such attendance policies must be communicated to students by faculty through course syllabi or outlines.

Cancel Upcoming Schedule of Classes

Cancellation will be permitted online until midnight the Sunday before the beginning of the semester or term ( see academic calendar ). You may also contact the registration office at 765-285-1684 during normal business hours with questions.

Continuing Education Units

Ball State’s Online and Distance Education division offers off-campus options to meet the needs of students facing the challenges of time, distance, and family and work responsibilities.

Proof of Enrollment

Do you need proof of full-time enrollment for an insurance company or other organization? If so, Ball State University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment and degree verifications.

Student Enrollment Adjustments

Students are expected to participate in preregistration periods before their next term of attendance.

What is the course number in a course description?

In course descriptions, the course number is immediately after the prefix, followed by the long title. Course numbers are categorized as follows: Courses numbered below 100 are not offered for credit toward graduation. Courses numbered from 100 to 199 are primarily freshman courses.

What is a prerequisite for a course?

Prerequisite refers to a course or courses that must be taken before the described course. Parallel indicates a course or courses that can be taken at the same time as the described course. Corequisite indicates a course or courses that must be taken at the same time as the described course.
