when do you need refresher course f9r.nurses

by Mrs. Liliane Conroy 3 min read

If your nursing license is no longer active, your state board of nursing will require you to take a nurse refresher course in order to return to active status. (You can check out Monster's nursing site for more valuable information.)

Applicants who have not practiced nursing for 500 hours within the past five years must complete a Board-approved refresher course.

Full Answer

What is a nurse refresher course?

Offered through colleges and health care facilities, nurse refresher courses are designed for registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) who have been out of the field for three years or more.

Where can I find online refresher courses for nurses who have quit?

More and more schools, such as the University of Delaware, are offering online refresher courses for nurses who have been out of the workforce. State board of nursing websites often list both online and in-person refresher courses.

How long is the Ahn return to practice course?

The AHN RetuRN to Practice Program offers a 12 week refresher course in collaboration with the University of Delaware. The didactic portion is completely online with an 80 hour clinical portion provided in AHN facilities. Click here for information on the University of Delaware refresher course.

Do you have to leave your house to take a refresher course?

However, these days, you may not even have to leave your house to take a refresher course. More and more schools, such as the University of Delaware, are offering online refresher courses for nurses who have been out of the workforce. State board of nursing websites often list both online and in-person refresher courses.

What is an RN refresher course?

The RN Refresher Online Program was created to update and enhance the nursing knowledge and clinical skills of inactive registered nurses preparing for reentry into active practice, addressing foundational competencies for medical-surgical nursing in today's increasingly complex practice settings.

Are RN refresher courses worth it?

RN refresher courses are excellent resources that assist nurses wanting to brush up on their knowledge and skills. Whether nurses have been away from the bedside for one year or ten, an RN refresher course will provide helpful updates for nurses looking to return.

Why do I need a refresher course?

It is important for you to attend refresher training to renew any outdated or obsolete information picked up from previous training. Naturally, things change and advance and you do pick up bad habits and forget. This is another reason why refresher courses are imperative.

How long is a nurse refresher course?

R.N. Refresher This 150-hour refresher course is designed to provide an update of both theoretical content and clinical practice.

How do I go back to nursing after 5 years?

Take a refresher course: If you let your license lapse or become inactive for several years, your state board of nursing may require you to take a refresher course before reinstating your license. These programs typically cost between $1,500 and $3,000, and they take a few weeks or months to complete.

How much does a nurse refresher course cost?

Course fee is $2000.00 which includes four (4) months access to the online course, and lab and simulated clinical experience components. Students unable to demonstrate competency via simulation may incur additional cost related to placement in a clinical facility.

How often should refresher training take place?

every three to five yearsThe short answer is every three to five years, but there are important exceptions to this. For example, after a period of absence. This would apply now, at a time where operations are beginning to pick up and where operators may not have worked for some months.

What is meant by refresher training?

Refresher training is an aspect of retraining taken by a person already qualified or previously assessed as competent in a field with the intention of updating skills and/or knowledge to a changed standard, or providing the opportunity to ensure that no important skills or knowledge have been lost due to lack of use.

What are the benefits of refresher training?

Refresher training helps keep important knowledge fresh and current.It builds long-term memory. ... It reduces mistakes and improves productivity. ... It offers an effective warmup for students or employees who have taken a break. ... It keeps coworkers on the same page and makes learning part of the culture.More items...•

What kind of nurses get paid most?

Highest Paid Nursing Jobs:Family Nurse – $113,000.Urgent Care Nurse – $113,000.Oncology Nurse – $113,000.Orthopedic Nurse – $115,000.Cardiac Nurse – $116,000.Emergency Room Nurse – $116,000.Neonatal Nurse – $127,000.Nurse Anesthetist – $189,000.More items...•

How can I change my nursing skills?

Ways You Can Upgrade Your Nursing Skills and Education Level:Find Your Specific Niche. ... Improve Your Communication Skills. ... Continue Your Education. ... Join a Professional Nursing Organization. ... Involve Yourself with the Technology.

What is remediation in nursing?

The remediation process is designed to promote the success of students at risk to fail a course. because they have difficulty accomplishing course objectives and/or meeting course. requirements. The process is not intended to replace course curriculum or course.

How long is a nursing refresher course?

The length of nursing refresher courses varies, but they may range from about 80 hours to over 170 hours . Some may be offered online, while others include clinical work that must be done on-site. Common topics covered in a course include legal responsibilities, ethics, pharmacology, patient assessment and nursing theory. Some courses may cover topics in specialty areas of nursing, such as gerontology and psychiatric-mental health nursing.

Do you need a refresher to renew your nursing license?

In some states, you may be required to complete a nursing refresher course to have your registered nurse or licensed practical nurse license reinstated after being inactive for a certain amount of time. Some states may also let you use nursing refresher courses towards continuing education requirements that must be met to renew your license. Most state boards of nursing maintain a list of approved refresher courses that can be used to meet state requirements.

Why do nurses need refresher courses?

Refresher courses in the medical industry often serve to identify both an employee’s strong points and areas for improvement, which not only allows organization to assess the skills and abilities of nurses, but also helps ensure consistently high quality healthcare services. With properly scheduled and administered refresher courses, nurses and medical assistants will be better equipped to handle tasks and responsibilities in their respective areas of healthcare.

What is a refresher course for nurses?

Nurse refresher courses are developed specifically for registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and are designed to update their respective professional knowledge and skills. Courses can be theoretical (lessons are based on ideas and abstract principles), clinical (lessons relate to the bedside of the patient, with practical applications of the lessons learned), or a combination of both.

Why are refresher courses important?

Refresher courses are also critical to teams working well together. When nurses are on the same page with regards to knowledge, skills and abilities, it will be easier to reassign and transfer nurses according to staffing needs, creating a form of homogeneity between the transferred nurse and the team they will be reassigned to even before they start working together. The team accepting the new team member will be ready to accommodate, while the new member will blend into the team rapidly and effectively.

What is theoretical refresher?

The theoretical refresher course for nurses reviews nursing basics and updates students on recently upheld medical practices and advances. The curriculum is designed to strengthen the foundational knowledge of nurses obtained from school and at work.


What is your recommendation for an RN refresher course? My license is current, but I haven’t practiced nursing for a while. I’m enrolled in WIA program. My career coach suggested a CNA refresher course because transportation to NOVA is an issue. I don’t think WIA will pay for an online course.

Dear Donna replies

I wish I knew how long you’ve been away from nursing and what you did beforehand. I also had to research what all the acronyms in your question might stand for because none of them are standard abbreviations. By CNA, I’m going to assume you mean California Nurses Association although at first I thought it meant certified nurse’s aide.

How long does it take to complete the nursing refresher program?

There are three components to the course: (1) self-study modules (2) post-test and (3) clinical preceptorship which must be completed within a two-year time frame. The modules must be completed before the clinical component is arranged. The Nurse Refresher Program is approved by the Idaho, Nevada, and Utah State Boards of Nursing.

What states have nurse refresher programs?

The Nurse Refresher Program is approved by the Idaho, Nevada, and Utah State Boards of Nursing. The NLI does not guarantee that this course of study will meet the requirements in your state. You must contact your state board of nursing to determine if these programs meet the requirements for your state.

What is a self study nursing course?

Through self-study, RN’s can update their knowledge to meet the requirements of a nursing board or simply acquire a degree of confidence and security before employment . There are three components to the course: (1) self-study modules (2) post-test and (3) clinical preceptorship which must be completed within a two-year time frame. The modules must be completed before the clinical component is arranged.

Where is the Nurse Refresher Program?

How did the Nurse Refresher Program come to be? The Nurse Refresher Program (NRP) was created over 40 years ago by nurse educators throughout Idaho. The program was originally administered by the Area Health Education Consortium (AHEC) and the Idaho Board of Nursing (IBN) and housed at the Boise Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC).

What states require a refresher for nursing license?

The NLI Nurse Refresher Program is approved by Boards of Nursing in Idaho, Nevada and Utah and informally accepted in some other states.

Can a nurse take a refresher course?

No. If a nurse has been out of clinical practice for a certain number of years they may not be eligible for a refresher course and may need to be directed to an instructor-led course through an established nursing program.
