when do i need to take nys real estate salesperson continuing education course

by Dameon Roob 7 min read

two years

What are the continuing education requirements for NYS real estate license?

NYS Continuing Education Requirements. This requirement includes at least three hours of approved fair housing and/or anti-discrimination training and one hour of agency training (2 hours during the licensee’s first license cycle) within their license period to renew their real estate license.

How to become a real estate salesperson in NY?

Requirements 1 Submit a completed application and the required fee to the Department of State. 2 Be 18 years old 3 Have successfully completed a Department of State approved 75-hour salesperson qualifying education course. ... 4 Be sponsored by a NYS licensed Real Estate Broker 5 Pass the NYS Real Estate Salesperson examination More items...

How many hours of Continuing Education (CE) do Utah real estate professionals need?

Utah real estate professionals must complete 18 hours of certified Real Estate Continuing Education Courses (CE) every renewal cycle. from a combination of Core Topic and Elective CE courses.

How do I get Real Estate continuing education credit?

Real estate continuing education credit is granted for programs approved by the DOS only and offered only by DOS-approved providers. NYSAR offers fair housing training through the classroom course GRI-5 Buyers as well as many online options.

How long is the real estate course good for in NY?

8 yearsYes, your Certificate of Completion for the 75-hour NYS real estate salespersons course is only valid for up to 8 years. This means you must pass the NYS state licensing exam and apply for your NYS real estate license within 8 years of completing the course.

How often do you have to renew your real estate license in NY?

every two yearsState Requirements According to Article 12-A of NYS Real Property Law, every agent holding a real estate license must renew their license every two years. Your license expiration date is printed on your real estate license.

How many CE credits do I need for NY?

15 hoursResident Requirements All licensees (producers, brokers, consultants, adjuster) must complete 15 hours of CE credit every 2 years in the line in which the license is held.

How many credits do I need to renew my NYS real estate license?

22.5 credit hoursEvery two years licensed real estate agents and brokers are need to complete 22.5 credit hours of continuing education to satisfy the requirements set forth by the New York Real Estate Commission (Division of Licensing Services).

How many hours of continuing education are required for license renewal New York?

22.5 hoursAs of July 1, 2021, all licensees must complete at least 22.5 hours of CE to renew their licenses. Brokers who were previously exempt from New York's CE requirements will no longer be exempt after July 1, 2021. All licensees must complete the following courses: 3 hours of education about fair housing laws.

How do I renew my NYS real estate license?

Real Estate Sales and Broker licenses must be renewed online through eAccessNY. A postcard and email renewal reminder containing eAccessNY renewal instructions is sent to all Real Estate licensees approximately 90 days prior to their license expiration date.

What are CE credits?

Definition of the CE: The Continuing Education (CE) is a nationally recognized unit of measure that is used to quantify non-credit continuing education and training activities.

How many credit hours of ethics do New York students need for renewal?

30 CE hours total, including: New for licensees renewing after 4/1/2022: Insurance Law: 1 CE hour. Ethics and Professionalism: 1 CE hour.

Can I still renew my insurance license after it expires in NY?

A license in expired status can be re-instated by submitting a relicensing application. If the license has been expired for less than 2 years, you must meet all Continuing Education (CE) requirements to relicense.

What is required to get a real estate license in NY?

New York Real Estate License Requirements Agent license requirements: Must be at least 18 years old. Must complete 75 hours of real estate coursework through an approved provider (good for eight years from date completed) or have a four-year college degree in real estate. Must pass a final exam.

Which illegal act may lead to a real estate salesperson losing his her license?

Not all states consider a criminal conviction as grounds for real estate license revocation. If you are convicted of robbery, embezzlement, rape or murder in Texas, though, you'll lose your license. Alaska, tacks on some non-violent convictions such as fraud, extortion, larceny and others.

How do I become a real estate broker in NY?

In order to qualify for licensure as a Real Estate Broker, an applicant must have at least two years of experience as a licensed real estate salesperson or at least three years of experience in the general real estate field ,or a combination of the both, meet the minimum points required for the experience type, (e.g., ...

What are my education requirements?

Education requirements for license renewal have changed. Real estate licensees whose licenses expire before July 1, 2021, must complete at least 22.5 hours of continuing education (CE) credit including three hours of fair housing and one hour of agency (two hours if you’re in your first license cycle).

Is there any financial assistance available?

Visit the New York State Real Estate Education Foundation at NYSREEF.org to learn how to apply for a designation or certification course scholarship. It’s free!

Did you know?

When you take any NAR designation/certification course, you can apply it toward your GRI designation or in some cases substitute it for a GRI course.

Need assistance?

Take advantage of our staff to assist you, our instructors to support you, and the Education Foundation to help fund your quest for excellence.

Where are classes held?

Classes are held at 22 locations around the state and some are also available online.

Who teaches our courses?

NYSAR faculty members have many years of experience practitioners and expertise instructing adults like you. They share tools and techniques you can apply immediately to grow your business. And they care about your success – they’re available to answer your questions, long after your class is over.

Required Continuing Education Courses in the State of New York

The state of New York recently changed its continuing education requirements for real estate professionals. As of July 1, 2021, all licensees must complete at least 22.5 hours of CE to renew their licenses. Brokers who were previously exempt from New York's CE requirements will no longer be exempt after July 1, 2021.

Brokers Are No Longer Exempt from CE Courses in New York

In the past, brokers who obtained their first license before July 1, 2008, and held that license for at least 15 consecutive years were exempt from New York continuing education courses. A recent amendment removed that exemption.

Where Can I Take My NY Continuing Education Real Estate Courses?

Real estate agents and brokers have busy schedules. You may wonder how you are supposed to fit in continuing education courses on top of talking to buyers, touring houses, creating appraisals, and all the other tasks required to run a successful real estate business.

How many CE credits are required for insurance license renewal?

In accordance with Insurance Law Section 2132, 15 credits of continuing education (CE) are required to renew or to relicense certain insurance licenses. CE will be required once the license has been in effect for more than 2 years and for every subsequent renewal or relicensing. Credits must be accumulated during the licensing period, which begins with the effective date of the license. In the case of relicensing, you may use credits accumulated in the previous licensing period, plus any completed up to the date that the re-licensing application is submitted.

What are the courses that insurance providers offer?

Providers offer courses covering insurance topics, such as life insurance or property insurance, that are applicable to specific license types and topics such as ethics and NY laws and regulations that are common to all license types. You may take any course that is approved for your specific class of license.

When do you have to complete continuing education for real estate?

As a real estate licensee, you will have continuing education requirements that must be completed before June 30 each year (except for the first June 30 that occurs after you become licensed for the first time or become newly relicensed after your license was inactive for more than two years).

How many hours of continuing education do you need to be a realtor in Connecticut?

Every two years, the State of Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection's Real Estate Commission requires licensees to complete a minimum of 12 hours of continuing education (CE).

How many hours of continuing education do you need to become a property manager?

For Property Managers, each active licensee is required to complete a minimum of 12 hours of continuing education every licensing year. The required hours shall be in property management or real estate education.

How many hours does a real estate broker need to complete?

As part of the 15 hours each license year, a real estate broker must complete a specific general module continuing education course and a specific broker module continuing education course (if one is required for that year).

How many CE hours do you need to become a leasing agent?

Each Leasing Agent licensee shall complete a minimum of 8 CE hours from a single core curriculum recommended by the Board and approved by the Department. Renewal period is 2 years.

How many hours of CE do you need to supervise a team?

Supervisors. All team members, team leaders, and designated brokers who supervise teams are required to complete three hours of CE coursework on teams or team leadership which are approved and so designated by the Commission for all team members, team leaders, and designated brokers who supervise teams.

How many hours of real estate CE are required in Oklahoma?

Every three (3) years a total of 21 clock hours of real estate CE must be completed in order to renew and maintain an active license in Oklahoma. Broker types listed (with the exception of nonresident broker licenses) must take a 15 clock hour Broker in Charge (BIC) course and two (2) of the six (6) required subject matter courses of: Broker Relationships (BRA), Contracts (CON), Professional Conduct (PSC), Fair Housing (FHR), License Code & Rules (CAR), and Hot Topics (HOT). The required subject matter courses must be at 1 clock hour in length.