when can i apply for a reduced course load

by Avis Prosacco 3 min read

You are eligible for a reduced course load if: it is your last semester before you graduate and you have fewer than 12 credits left to finish your degree or program. it is your first semester in the US, and your department recommends English-language courses in addition to your studies.

Full Answer

Can I take a reduced course load in first year?

Jun 17, 2020 · DSO must update SEVIS registration to full course load within 21 days of the student’s commencement of full course of study Authorize a Reduced Course Load/“Drop Below Full Course” in SEVIS

What is reduced course load (RCL)?

Jun 22, 2021 · Last but not least, graduating students can apply for Reduced Course Load (RCL) if they have only one or two classes left to meet the graduation requirement. “RCL-Completing the course of study during the final term” allows students who are in their final terms to drop the course below the full time as they have taken all the necessary courses .

Will a reduced course load affect my visa or study permit?

If your qualifying circumstances will affect future terms or semesters, you will need to speak with your DSO and obtain permission during each term you wish to reduce your course load. This is because a reduced course load authorization can only apply to one term or semester at a time. Remember, dropping below a full course of study without the proper authorizations could …

What is the difference between full-time enrollment and reduced course load?

Under F-1 regulations, you can request up to but no more than 12 months (three semesters) of medical reduced course load during your program. During a semester in which you have a medical reduced course load, you are still considered an F-1 student in valid status.

How do I get a reduced course load?

Qualifying circumstances for a regular F-1 student to receive a reduced course load authorization include:Medical condition or illness.Certain initial academic difficulties, including: Improper course level placement. Initial difficulty with the English language. ... Being in your final term or semester.Feb 16, 2016

Which are valid reasons for reduced course load?

*Authorization ReasonIllness or Medical Reason.Improper Course Level Placement.Initial Difficulty with Reading Requirements.Initial Difficulty with the English Language.To Complete Course of Study in Current Term.Unfamiliarity with American Teaching Methods.

What reason can an F-1 student be allowed to enroll less than full-time?

Valid academic reasons for enrolling less than full-time. A student who is having academic difficulty should meet with a counselor at the International Counseling Office to discuss permission to drop below 12.0 units. In special circumstances, students may be allowed to drop below 12.0 units for an academic reason.

Is reduced course load?

OIS may authorize a final semester RCL for students who are in their final semester of study and only have a few units remaining to meet academic program requirements. Students may request an RCL due to the final semester only once per degree level.

How long can F-1 student be out of status?

Individuals in the US for more than 1 year without a valid status are banned from returning to the US for at least 10 years. These bans are removed if the student is able to be reinstated within the US.

Can international students take less than 12 credits?

Federal student immigration regulations only allow for one 4-credit class to count towards the minimum full-time enrollment requirement of 12 credits. Therefore, F-1 and J-1 students must be careful when registering for online coursework.

How many hours can F-1 students work on campus during the semester?

20 hoursAn F-1 student has three main employment-related guidelines: May work at any qualifying on-campus job that does not displace a U.S. citizen or LPR. May work up to 20 hours per week while school is in session (full-time during those periods when school is not in session or during the annual vacation)Nov 16, 2020

How many credits do graduate students need to be considered full-time and maintaining F-1 status?

Minimum unit requirements by degree level: Undergraduate students – 12 units. Master's graduate students – 8 units. Graduate Certificate students – 8 units.

What is reduced course load MTU?

An approved reduced course load must consist of at least 6 credits (UG) or 1 credit (GR), except for medical conditions. The student must not drop/withdraw below a full course of study without prior approval from IPS.Aug 22, 2016

How many credits is a full-time student at NC State?

12Full-time enrollment at NC State University is normally defined as 12 or more credit hours for undergraduate students and a minimum of 9 hours per semester for graduate students.

How many online classes can you count for Immigration's requirements of full-time enrollment?

Online courses and “Distance Learning” Only one online or distance learning class can count toward a full course of study for an F-1 student during each term or semester. No online or distance learning classes may count toward an M-1 or ESL student's full course of study requirement.

What does improper course level placement mean?

If the reason is “improper course level placement,” the letter should explain the missing prerequisite courses or skills that prevented the student from being academic successful.

Reduced Course Load 1: Academic difficulty

If you are a new student, you might have a hard time at first adjusting to the new academic environment or understanding the lectures in English. In this case, students can reach out to their International Student Advisors to apply for “ Reduced Course Load for Academic Difficulty”.

Reduced Course Load 2: Illness or medical condition

The next RCL-illness or medical condition is pretty straight forward. If you can’t attend the class due to illness or severe medical condition, you can apply for the Reduced Course Load. Unlike the first RCL-academic difficulty, the student who apply for the reduced course load due to the medical condition can entirely drop the course.

Reduced Course Load 3: Completing the course of study during the final term

Last but not least, graduating students can apply for Reduced Course Load (RCL) if they have only one or two classes left to meet the graduation requirement. “RCL-Completing the course of study during the final term” allows students who are in their final terms to drop the course below the full time as they have taken all the necessary courses.


International students in F-1 and J-1 status are required to maintain full-time enrollment during the school year. If you cannot or will not meet this requirement, you must request a reduced course load.

Academic Difficulties

You may apply for reduced course load due to academic difficulties if an academic advisor to verifies your situation. Immigration regulations specify four academic difficulty reasons for which a reduced course load may be approved:

Medical Conditions

A student must apply for RCL if, due to a temporary illness or medical condition, he/she is unable to be enrolled full time (or, if necessary, no course load).

Completion of Course of Study

A student must apply for RCL in his/her final term if fewer courses (i.e. less than full time) are needed and required to complete the course of study.

How to Apply for a Reduced Course Load

Meet with your academic advisor or licensed medical professional physician (DO, MD or licensed clinical psychologist) and request a letter. The letter must be printed on official letterhead and contain contact information of the person who signed the letter.


Always sign your name on the I-20 and keep a record of all I-20s issued to you.

How many hours can you work on campus for F-1?

Note: If you are approved by the International Center for a reduced course load, you are considered to be maintaining valid F-1 student status and are eligible to continue on-campus employment up to 20 hours per week (full-time on-campus employment over 20 hours per week is permitted during school breaks, including the summer vacation).

How many SHUs are required for F-1?

As an F-1 student, you must register full-time (a minimum of 12 SHUs for undergraduate students, 9 SHUs for graduate students) every fall and spring term. Failure to study full-time is considered a serious violation of F-1 regulations. However, you can request a reduced course load in certain situations as described below. Unless otherwise indicated, you must get authorization from the International Center BEFORE you drop below full-time enrollment.

What is reduced course load?

A Reduced Course Load (RCL) is a permission from an ISS Advisor to enroll below the full-time requirements for a given semester. Federal regulations provide limited circumstances when an F-1 student may be authorized for an RCL. These include medical reasons, academic reasons, and completion of studies during the final term.

When do you need to get RCL approval?

2. An RCL approval must be obtained: before the 20th day of classes each Spring and Fall semester, or. if after the 20 th day of classes, before a student drops below full time.

What is a doctoral student?

Doctoral students who have completed all required lecture coursework and are solely completing their dissertation. Graduate students who are taking their final required lecture course (s) in the current term before starting a thesis, dissertation, or final project.

Can I get a final semester RCL?

Students who need less than a full course load to complete degree requirements in their final semester may qualify for a final semester RCL. A final semester RCL is available even if a student has previously been authorized for a medical or academic RCL. GRADUATE STUDENTS. WITH PART-TIME ENROLLMENT.

What is RCL in college?

Reduced Course Load (RCL) International (F-1/J-1) students are required to enroll and complete a full course load each semester in order to maintain valid non-immigrant student status. There are only a few exceptions to the full-time enrollment requirement for the fall and spring semesters.

Do non-F-1 students need to submit an RCL?

They do not have to submit an RCL form.

Does SEVP have RCL?

The current SEVP guidelines do not make any exceptions to the RCL categories based on COVID-19. Therefore, unless you meet the eligibility requirements for one of the three categories mentioned above, you are expected to maintain a full course load.

Can OIS give final semester RCL?

OIS may authorize a final semester RCL for students who are in their final semester of study and only have a few units remaining to meet academic program requirements. Students may request an RCL due to final semester only once per degree level.

What GPA do I need to renew my scholarship?

You must maintain an annual GPA of 10.0 or better and register in and complete at least 4.0 credits over the fall and winter terms in order to renew your scholarship. For more information about your scholarship and its terms and conditions, please contact the Awards and Financial Aid Office.

How many credits do you need to live on campus?

Residence. In order to be eligible to live on campus, students must be enrolled in at least 1.5 credits per term. If you are a Residence student considering taking fewer than 1.5 credits in the fall or winter terms, you must contact Housing and Residence Life Services to discuss your situation in more detail.

How many credits does Carleton University take?

Although degree students may take up to 2.5 credits per term (or 3.0 with an “Overload”), Carleton University considers any student enrolled in 1.5 credits or more per term a “Full-time” student. Conversely, the University considers any student enrolled in fewer than 1.5 credits per term a “Part-time” student.

What is the importance of mental health at Carleton University?

Carleton University believes that students’ physical and mental health is of vital importance. If you have a medical condition that you feel may affect your studies, you’re strongly encouraged to speak with a health care professional, such as a doctor or counsellor, ahead of registering for courses. With his or her advice and support, you can decide on what kind of course load will work best for you.

What is a FYSM?

If you’re in a BA program, a First-Year Seminar (FYSM) will help make your transition to university a smooth one. Because FYSMs are capped at 30 students, you’ll get to know your classmates and professor well during the year, and will develop a range of skills that will help you succeed in your other courses.



Academic Difficulties

  • You may apply for reduced course load due to academic difficulties if an academic advisor to verifies your situation. Immigration regulations specify four academic difficulty reasons for which a reduc...
See more on internationalcenter.umich.edu

Medical Conditions

  • A student must apply for RCL if, due to a temporary illness or medical condition, he/she is unable to be enrolled full time (or, if necessary, no course load). 1. The student must provide medical documentation from a licensed medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or licensed clinical psychologist, to the DSO to substantiate the illness or medical condition. 2. The letter from the …
See more on internationalcenter.umich.edu

Completion of Course of Study

  • A student must apply for RCL in his/her final term if fewer courses (i.e. less than full time) are needed and required to complete the course of study. The student must obtain a letter from his/her academic advisor to verify that the current term will be the final term for the student to complete his/her academic program. Source: [8 CFR § 214.2(f)(6)(iii)(C)]
See more on internationalcenter.umich.edu

How to Apply For A Reduced Course Load

  1. Meet with your academic advisor or licensed medical professional physician (DO, MD or licensed clinical psychologist) and request a letter. The letter must be printed on official letterhead and con...
  2. Compile and submit the following documents:
  3. If you are requesting RCL for “Completion of Course of Study” because this is your final seme…
  1. Meet with your academic advisor or licensed medical professional physician (DO, MD or licensed clinical psychologist) and request a letter. The letter must be printed on official letterhead and con...
  2. Compile and submit the following documents:
  3. If you are requesting RCL for “Completion of Course of Study” because this is your final semester of required courses, you may drop off your request form at the International Center's front desk or...
  4. If you are requesting RCL for “Academic Difficulties” or “Medical Condition”, you must meet with an International Student Advisor by virtual appointment. If you are requesting an RCL for Completion...


  1. Always sign your name on the I-20 and keep a record of all I-20s issued to you.
  2. Ensure that you have health insurance coverage. Your request for RCL will not be processed until the U-M International Center verifies that you have health insurance.
  3. Update your address in Wolverine Accesswithin 10 days of any change.
See more on internationalcenter.umich.edu