what you write in an introduction about course expectations for ethics in the information age

by Prof. Braulio Feeney Sr. 5 min read

What is the introduction to ethics in philosophy?

COURSE EXPECTATIONS: My expectations include the following: read the assigned materials before the class meeting, submit a weekly reaction paper and share your reactions to the readings in our class discussions. In addition, you are expected to research a case study from the textbook and to give a short oral report

What is the aim of ethics?

An Introduction to Ethics * Wilson Jose Introduction Etymologically the term “ethics” correspond to the Greek word“ethos”whichmeanscharacter,habit,customs,ways ofbehaviour,etc.Ethics is also called“moral philosophy”. The word “moral” comes from Latin word “mores” which signifies customs, character, behaviour, etc. Thus ethics

What are the ethical questions in history?

If you are still unsure, contact: your supervisor, the Ombuds, Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management, the head of the related compliance area, the Office of Compliance, Risk and Ethics, or the Ethics reporting line; before taking action. For more information, refer to the Ethics Resources section.

What is professional ethics?

Classroom Expectations and Ethics Christian Citizenship. UMHB accepts students of all faiths or persuasions, but attendance at the University should be understood by all as a statement of agreement to live in accordance with the regulations governing the campus community.

What can I expect from an ethics class?

Ethics class skills building on others' ideas. respectfully disagreeing. evaluating evidence, giving reasons for their opinions. carefully considering views that are different to their own.

Why taking an ethics course is important?

Ethical discussions not only expose students to contrasting ethical opinions, they also provide an opportunity to understand the reasons behind the differences. As a result, students are able to expand their understanding of ethics, sometimes even altering their own values and ethical decision-making process.Mar 26, 2018

What is ethics in your own understanding?

At its simplest, ethics is a system of moral principles. They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also described as moral philosophy.

What is your idea of ethics and how do you apply it in your life?

Ethics teaches us what we ought to do, not what we do. We ought to treat others with kindness, compassion, respect, and so on. In other words, an ethical person practices applying virtues, our character traits, in making everyday decisions. Virtues are the positive traits of character that inform our ethical being.Nov 1, 2016

What is ethics short essay?

Essay on Ethics – Ethics refers to the concepts of right and wrong conduct. Furthermore, ethics is basically a branch of philosophy dealing with the issue of morality. Moreover, ethics consist of the rules of behavior. It certainly defines how a person should behave in specific situations.

What students learn about ethics?

Students learn “to search for and evaluate their assumptions, to excavate the reasons behind those assumptions, to examine without prejudice another's opinion and to make a thoughtful decision with confidence,” says Jana M. Lone, director of the University of Washington's Center for Philosophy for Children.Jul 18, 2019

What words would you use to define ethics?

honest, honorable, humane, principled, proper, virtuous, clean, conscientious, correct, decent, elevated, equitable, fair, fitting, good, just, moralistic, noble, respectable, right.

Is ethics important or relevant in your chosen course or profession?

Your ethics allow you to choose a professional position and an environment where you'll thrive. When an employee's values align with their company's values, they feel more committed to the organisation and their work. As a result, this leads to increased job satisfaction and improved performance.Mar 10, 2021

How do you practice ethics as a student?

Encouraging students' ethical behaviorStandards and ethical behavior. The time to start is before the semester begins when instructors plan their courses. ... Communicate expectations for ethical behavior. ... Proactively preventing cheating. ... Proactively preventing plagiarism.

How can I apply my values and ethics to develop a personal code of conduct?

Follow these steps to create a personal code of ethics:Determine your purpose for writing a personal code of ethics. Establish your personal reasons for developing this code. ... Make a list of your traits. ... Consider your relationships. ... Create a set of statements to follow. ... Develop guidelines.Nov 8, 2021

What is the meaning of ethics?

Thus ethicsmay be defined as the systematic study of human actionsfrom the point of view of their rightfulness or wrongfulness,as means for the attainment of the ultimate happiness. It isthe reflective study of what is good or bad in that part ofhuman conduct for which human has some personalresponsibility. In simple words ethics refers to what is goodand the way to get it, and what is bad and how to avoid it.It refers to what ought to be done to achieve what is goodand what ought not to be done to avoid what is evil.

What is the study of ethics?

The whole study of ethics can be divided into GeneralEthics (nature of moral activity, norm of morality,foundation of morality, end of morality, etc) and SpecialEthics (applies the principles of general ethics to thevarious actions of human activity).

Is ethics a science?

In our analysis of the definition and nature of ethics, wehave seen that ethics as a science is concerned with anend or ideal or standard. Most sciences, instead, areconcerned with certain uniformities of our experience –with the ways in which certain classes of objects (such asrocks or plants) are found to exist, or with the ways inwhich certain classes of events (such as phenomena ofsound or electricity) are found to occur. These scienceshave no direct reference to any end that is to be achievedor to any ideal by reference to which the facts are judged.Ethics is distinguished from the natural sciences,inasmuch as it has a direct reference to an end that humanpersons desire to attain. Although ethics is sometimesregarded as a practical science, it is not a ‘practical science’as medicine, engineering or architecture in as much as itis not directed towards the realization of a definite result.Ethics is often said to be the fruit of all the sciences sinceit ultimately perfects human person, by ordering all othersciences and all things else in respect to an ultimate endthat is absolutely supreme.

What are the questions asked in MC?

What does this look like in our everyday work lives? When an employee is faced with a concern, the employee should consider asking the following questions: 1 Is it legal? 2 Does it adhere to MC policy? 3 Does it adhere to the College Labor contracts? 4 Is it in line with MC Values and the Code of Ethics and Employee Standards of Conduct? 5 Should the Decision Making Framework come before you ask if they are still unsure?

What is college employee accountability?

Accountability: College employees will fulfill their roles and responsibilities to the best of their abilities. College employees will be personally accountable for the highest standards of moral and ethical behavior in all aspects of their work .

What is the difference between fairness and honesty in college?

Fairness: College employees will follow and execute the policies, procedures, and standards with objectivity and consistency, without discrimination or favoritism. Honesty: College employees will be open, honest, and direct.

What is the learning environment?

The learning environment involves an exchange of ideas and an exploration of concepts between faculty and students and a certain level of decorum facilitates that learning environment. In order to create an effective learning environment, students pledge to:

Why is it important to attend Mary Hardin Baylor?

Punctuality is deemed to be as important as attendance, because tardiness is disruptive and distracting to both faculty and fellow students and is undesirable for personal and professional activities. Students coming to class late are responsible for checking with the instructor to make sure they were not marked absent. Because attendance is expected, students are responsible for all course work and assignments.

How long does it take to appeal a decision at UMHB?

Appeals will be considered only if they are from students enrolled at UMHB upon initiation of the first appeal. Furthermore, appeals must be initiated within 30 days calendar of the date of the decision or action being appealed. The student should send the appeal by campus email. A written copy delivered to the recipient is also strongly encouraged.

What are the responsibilities of a student?

All students are responsible for knowledge of and adherence to regulations governing admissions, ad vising, registration, drop/add, withdrawal, and financial settlement. Students are also expected to be familiar with the specific academic and attendance requirements of the degree/certification that they plan to pursue.

Can you appeal a university decision?

Students may appeal any academic decision believed to be arbitrary, capricious, or unfair. A student’s mere dissatisfaction with a grade or decision is not grounds for an appeal. For an appeal to have merit, there must be some evidence that the student has been treated inappropriately with regard to the administration of the university’s policies and procedures.

What is the introduction to ethics?

Introduction to Ethics. 1 January 2018. All actions are motivated by desires we seek our own happiness, therefore our desires seek happiness not selfishness. Ethical egoism makes people put more importance on themselves than others, it’s trying to be helpful, and it seems that the argument goes about it in a very selfish way.

Why is giving to charity not rational?

Since it may be rational for me to make an uncompensated sacrifice for the sake of others. Giving to charity it’s not rational given my preference. because it maximise happiness.Ayn Rand believes that a man should not sacrifice himself for other and should not sacrifice other for himself.

Do we see anything that is a work of genius?

Even though on average humans will get the better for themselves by looking out for the greater good, we will never see anything that is a work of genius. It is necessary and sufficient for an action to be rational, that it maximise the satisfaction of one’s preference.

What is ethical principles?

As mentioned earlier in this document, ethical principles are often state-of-the-art legal matters. These principles are often applied to current, major ethical issues to become legislation. Attention to ethics ensures highly ethical policies and procedures in the workplace.

What is a values oriented code of conduct?

To achieve these goals, a values-oriented code of conduct is the necessary first step toward greater consideration of ethical issues during the decision-making process. Productivity of Staff.

Why are ethical practices important?

Ethical practices are driven by trust, honesty and with the thinking which is above profit. Any business organization can deny to follow ethics as none can be compelled to follow ethics. On short term view, Ethical practices can hamper profit of business but it is believed that ethical practices are fruitful for every business on long term.

How to be successful in ethical business?

In order to be successful, ethical business practices need to be supported by the culture of the business. Management should lead from the front on ethical business practices and build ethical business practices into each dimension of the business from production to follow up customer service.

What are the benefits of ethical practices in business?

As never before, there are huge organisational advantages from behaving ethically, with humanity, compassion, and with proper consideration for the world beyond the boardroom and the shareholders: Customer Retention.

What factors contribute to customer loyalty?

Factors identified include increases in customer loyalty, enhancement of brand image , and tiebreaker effects for customer purchasing decisions. Empirical evidence suggests that customers’ sensitivity to corporate citizenship continues to gain momentum.

How does corporate citizenship affect business?

Good corporate citizenship also enhances overall business performance, particularly improved competitive advantage, higher financial returns, and better reputation. A considerable number of studies, including work done by this editor, demonstrate a positive link. Employee Retention.

What are the rules of ethics?

The rules governing ethics shall stipulate explicitly the accepted policies on practices, compliance with laws, rules, regulations and other statutory obligations. Professionals shall have an understanding of their professional and ethical responsibility, maintain and improve their expertise by continuing professional developments and encourage others to follow updates in the industry. Ethical guidelines shall assist the professional in making appropriate decisions, particularly in the situations of ethical dilemma

What is ethics in a professional environment?

In a professional environment ethics is all about development of reasonable standards for deciding between what is right and wrong or goodness and badness, an established set of moral beliefs, normative rules of conduct, and a description about what one should do instead of what one will do in any particular instance.

What is conflict of interest?

The definition of Conflict of Interest is used to describe the situation in which an official, contrary to the obligation and absolute duty to act for the benefit of the designated task, exploits the relationships for personal benefit, typically pecuniary.

What is the first step in ethical dilemma?

Whenever any matter related to ethical dilemma is assigned to a professional for evaluation; the first step is to prioritize them and check whether there are sufficient data and facts on the matter is available or not and always try to separate the facts from emotional responses.

What is ethical dilemma?

Ethical dilemma can be considered as a situation whereby you have to choose between different rules or there are no specific rules or case history to follow or a situation which may require more than one course of action to conclude.

What is the code of conduct?

The code of conduct is applicable to all professionals as they are responsible and accountable in their professional lives. Main points of code of conduct for professionals can be summarized as proportionality, accountability, consistency, targeting and transparency. The codes usually address the interpretation of terms, modes of communication, ...

What is the purpose of a code of conduct?

These are basically the relevant specific behavior codes for professionals such as keeping all of their own actions under review, maintaining a level of knowledge, understanding and training appropriate to their area of work through continuous learning process, following advices on ethical behavior, and helping the organization to develop ethical ways of working. There is a need for the development of clear and objective professional and corporate code of conduct based on the ethical principles.

What is the primary aim of the Ethics of the Conduct of Life?

Its primary aim is to determine how one ought to live and what actions one ought to do in the conduct of one’s life. ”. ( Introduction to Ethics, John Deigh) It will also be useful to define morality, given how often the term is used in ethical discourse. Deigh defines morality in the sense used in philosophical ethics as:

Who said the point is always to speculate, but also ultimately to think about applying our knowledge?

Immanuel Kant, for example, understood that within the discipline of ethics there is a vast gulf which exists between theoretical speculation and practical implementation. He wrote: “The point is not always to speculate, but also ultimately to think about applying our knowledge.

What is the origin of deontological ethics?

Often deontological theories have used a god as the authority which grounds morality and the Judaic and Christian conceptions of divine law are believed to be the original inspiration for deontological ethics. However, it should be noted that not all deontological theories of ethics make use of a supernatural being.

What are the three teleological theories of ethics?

Teleological theories of ethics include egoism (which identifies the ultimate end as happiness or pleasure), eudaimonism (which identifies the ultimate end as well-being), and utilitarianism (which identifies the ultimate end as the general good, or welfare, of humankind).

What is the study of morality?

Ethics is often defined as the study of morality but a more detailed and revealing definition is provided by John Deigh in his book Introduction to Ethics : “ [Ethics] is a study of what are good and bad ends to pursue in life and what it is right and wrong to do in the conduct of life.

What are moral realists called?

Those who believe, on the other hand, that moral judgments can be true or false, and are made so by objective feature of the world, are called moral realists or moral objectivists. Closely related to the question of whether morality is objective is the “is-ought problem”.

Which of these philosophers put forth teleological theories?

Plato, Aristotle, and Epicurus, whose ethical theories are some of the oldest we have record of, all put forth teleological theories. The deontological view of ethics differs from the teleological view in that actions are not evaluated as moral or immoral based solely on their consequences.

Why is ethics important in media?

It can either make a society or break it. Ethics teaches us the value of watching over our words just as we watch over our hands. Because we never know when we might be using them to hurt other people. Media practitioners, with all the respect they get from the public, must always speak of the truth.

Do media practitioners speak truth?

Media practitioners, with all the respect they get from the public, must always speak of the truth. ♥ It’s the least they can do for the people. I know it’s easier said than done. I know it’s almost impossible to imagine media companies only speaking of the truth. But the truth is, it is imperative that they do.

Is journalism a noble job?

Journalism is a noble job – and whatever happens, it should remain like that. ♥ Sometimes, the objective of journalism can be a bit vague and twisted. It’s not just about the job anymore, it’s about hidden agendas, politics, culture.
