what you hope to get out of this course learning theory

by Miss Candace Daugherty 5 min read

What are the theories of learning?

Learning theories are a set of principles that explain how best a student can acquire, retain and recall new information. What Is Behaviorism? Behaviorism involves repeated actions, verbal reinforcement and incentives to take part. It is great for establishing rules, especially for behavior management.

Why did you choose the course you did?

You chose the course because it’s required for your major, or it aligns with an interest of yours. However, when you say this, you may sound passive or even passive-aggressive.

What are the learning outcomes of a course?

Main Content. Learning outcomes describe the learning that will take place across the curriculum through concise statements, made in specific and measurable terms, of what students will know and/or be able to do as the result of having successfully completed a course.

What is Laird’s theory of learning?

In 1985 Dugan Laird stated in his book Approaches to Training and Development that learning occurs when the senses are stimulated. He quoted research that found that 75% of an adult’s knowledge was obtained by seeing. 13% was through hearing, the remaining 12% was learned through touch, smell and taste combined.

What I want to find out about learning theories?

Learning theories offer frameworks that help understand how information is used, how knowledge is created and how learning takes place. Learning designers can apply these frameworks according to different learning and learner needs and make more informed decisions about choosing the right instructional practices.

What are the benefits of learning theories?

The importance of learning theories Learning theories are important because they allow teachers to understand how their students learn. Through using different learning methods, teachers can develop more comprehensive learning strategies and help students find success in education.

Why are learning theories important for students?

With a basic understanding of learning theories, we can create lessons that enhance the learning process. This understanding helps us explain our instructional choices, or the “why” behind what and how we teach.

What is learning theory and why is it important?

Harasim (2017), states that “a theory is an explanation for why something occurs or how it occurs”. She defines a learning theory as a theory which aims “to help us to understand both how knowledge is created and how people learn”.

What do you think is the most effective learning theory?

1. Behaviorist Learning Theory. Behaviorism is one of the classic learning theories; it predates cognitivism and most of the other theories we'll explore in this post. Behaviorism suggests that the learner is a 'blank slate' and that all human behavior can be caused or explained by external stimuli.

What is effective learning theories?

There are five primary educational learning theories: behaviorism, cognitive, constructivism, humanism, and connectivism. Additional learning theories include transformative, social, and experiential.

How can we apply learning theories to meet learners needs?

Make Learning Meaningful and RelevantAsk meaningful questions that focus on the deeper meaning instead of the minor details.Give students opportunities to collaborate and learn from each other.Create meaningful activities that give students the opportunity to apply new knowledge.More items...

What is your understanding of learning?

Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences. The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals, and some machines; there is also evidence for some kind of learning in certain plants.

What are the benefits of effective learning?

9 benefits of active learning (and why your college should try it...Develops collaborative skills. ... Encourages risk taking. ... Requires student preparation. ... Increases engagement. ... Improves critical thinking. ... Increases retention. ... Makes tech more powerful. ... Sparks creative thinking.More items...•

How do learning theories apply to teachers?

Make Learning Meaningful and RelevantAsk meaningful questions that focus on the deeper meaning instead of the minor details.Give students opportunities to collaborate and learn from each other.Create meaningful activities that give students the opportunity to apply new knowledge.More items...

When to leave off the first portion of the learning outcome statement?

If the educational unit is implied, based on the context in which the learning outcomes are shared, you might leave off the first portion of the learning outcome statement.

How do learning outcomes help instructors?

describe to students what is expected of them. plan appropriate teaching strategies, materials and assessments. learn from and make changes to curriculum to improve student learning. assess how the outcomes of a single course align with larger outcomes for an entire program.

How are Learning Outcomes Different from Learning Goals or Learning Objectives?

However, the difference between goals or objectives and outcomes lies in the emphasis on who will be performing the activities.Learning goals and objectives generally describe what an instructor, program, or institution aims to do, whereas, a learning outcome describes in observable and measurable terms what a student is able to do as a result of completing a learning experience (e.g., course, project, or unit).

Why Write Learning Outcomes?

Identifying the desired results of a learning experience is the first step of backward design.Learning outcomes are used for this purpose. Learning outcomes are also valuable in these ways:

What about Hard-to-Measure Outcomes?

Some faculty find it stifling to only include measurable outcomes in their course-planning process. You might have learning goals in mind that are valuable but more difficult to measure in a quarter, such as

What is outcome in education?

Outcomes emphasize higher-order thinking and are consistent with university, college, department, and program learning outcomes or objectives.

What is learning objective?

Learning Objectives. Learning objectives are statements of what you intend to teach or cover in a learning experience. They tend to be. More specific than learning goals. Not necessarily observable nor measurable. Instructor-centered rather than student-centered. Useful in helping you formulate more specific learning outcomes.

Why is Stuy a good school?

For starters, schools like Stuy foster hard work and intellect, without many of the negative distractions common in NYC high schools, like violence. Going to an elite school also carries a certain prestige about it, one which has benefited me and my peers multiple times in past job searches.

What measures did the authors look at when determining the marginal student's high school graduation?

Fryer wrote, was borderline students: “Attending an exam school increases rigor of the marginal student’s high school course work, and makes the marginal student more likely to graduate from high school with an advanced diploma.” The authors pointed out that the only measures they looked at were SAT scores, college enrollment and graduation. “Without longer-term measures such as income, health, or life satisfaction,” they note, “it is difficult to fully interpret our results.”

Why is education important in high school?

I believe the most important is education because its the main reason your actually supposed to go to school for. Anyway school offers many sorts of great things such as making friends with other people, getting fit (works mostly for those that are involved in sports), and if you do well, you will always enjoy your school enviorment. If you work really hard overall in high school, you can achieve all these things and much more.

Why is school important?

I have always believed that school is like a second home; probably it is because I enjoy school and people that don’t disagree with me. Parents educate and teach us manners but as kids we can only put them at use in school where we learn to interact socially. Academics are very important, we must learn how to read, write and gain common knowledge. However I feel school goes beyond that and specially high school. As kids we don’t realize the benefits that school give us beside that we learn. As we get older we realize the values we learn, the friendships we make, and how school prepares us for the “real world”.

Why are there so many applicants of similar ability and achievement who are not accepted to these New York institutions?

Because there are so many applicants of similar ability and achievement who are not accepted to these New York institutions, the authors were able to compare the average outcomes of students who graduated from different high schools.

When did Rob teach journalism?

Hi Rob – Thanks for writing in and sharing your experience. As you may (or may not) know, I taught English, journalism and philosophy at Stuy from 2000-2005. Best, Holly

Does exam school affect SAT scores?

Dobbie were surprised by their results: “The impact of attending an exam school on college enrollment or graduation is, if anything, negative. There is also little impact of attending an exam school on SAT reading and writing scores, and, at best, a modest positive impact on SAT math scores.” The results were the same for both boys and girls, and for those who came from different types of middle schools. “Our analysis of exam schools suggests that students are encouraged or pushed to take harder course work, but that their actual human capital essentially remains unchanged.”

What is the goal of becoming an adult?

That's also part of becoming an adult-- learning to recognize when you need somebody else's help to get through whatever's going on. Fortunately, a college or university environment comes with a lot of people who can do just that-- faculty and staff who can help you choose classes and navigate academic requirements, residential staff who can help resolve problems with dorms and facilities, counselors and medical staff who can help with physical and mental health. And you'll be surrounded by fellow students who can help in a more informal way with all that stuff. Which brings us to the last item:

Why is it important to have good relationships with faculty?

There is, of course, a formal educational component to this-- it's important to have good relationships with faculty who will serve as references down the line when you need a job or apply to grad school. And this often comes up in discussions of higher education, particularly more elite colleges and universities, in a sort of cynical sense-- the idea of being able to tap into "old-boy" alumni networks for favors and jobs and so on.

What is the purpose of setting and maintaining a reasonable schedule of classes, studying, and other activities?

Setting and maintaining a reasonable schedule of classes, studying, and other activities; managing personal relationships with other students, and navigating the various distractions that come with those; just keeping themselves properly fed and clothed when parents aren't around to do laundry and make dinner.

Why is residential life important?

At the same time, though, the residential-life side of college provides an important safety net for people who are still learning how to be adults. And that makes a big difference-- exceeding your time-management skills for a semester or so might hurt your GPA, but you're not going to get fired or starve. A typical dorm room might get a little messy, but living in space maintained by a college or university prevents a fall into the risk and squalor you can easily find on the private housing market. And so on. Mistakes made while figuring out how to manage life on your own are much less likely to wreck your future, or anyone else's.

What is the most obvious outcome of a college education?

1) Subject-Specific Knowledge. The most obvious outcome of a college education is detailed knowledge about some specific subject. If you get a four-year degree, that degree will be in something: Physics, Political Science, English Literature, Business, Art History, Journalism, Mechanical Engineering, whatever.

Why do you major in a specific subject?

When you eventually graduate and get a job, one of these modes will probably be the most immediately important, which is why you major in a specific subject, with its particular set of standard practices. But on the time scale of a career, unless you plan to retire from the exact same job you start in, you'll eventually need to operate in new ways, and different contexts. And that's where those non-major classes help. Being forced to think, act, and learn in the characteristic manner of several different fields, not just your narrow major area, helps build some flexibility that will serve you well down the road.

When do college acceptance letters come out?

The first, calendar-wise, comes in February/March when admissions departments send out acceptance letters and students have to make a choice; the second is in late summer, when those students confront the reality of actually starting college. (There's a third stress peak in late fall when students are deciding where to apply, ...

Why do parents want subject experts?

They want subject experts to teach their kids in a manner that they understand. They are also concerned about the curriculum and the learning structure followed at the school. Every parent of the 21st century is concerned about what their kids learn at school, and they want to be a part of the learning process.

What is the purpose of acquiring knowledge regarding humanities?

For humanities course: Acquire knowledge regarding (Fill in with course content) so that I can become a better citizen and make a greater contribution to our society.

Why is teamwork important in training?

Teamwork. Training will throw you to a group of other trainees so you will learn to work with other motivated and driven individuals. Also, drive productive work with people you won’t like. You will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of people and how to synergize this imbalance of abilities.

What to do if you are familiar with a topic on the syllabus?

Or, if you really are familiar with a topic on the syllabus, point it out as an area of interest.

Why do you choose what you are going to teach?

The best answer is “what you are going to teach.” You chose the course because it’s required for your major, or it aligns with an interest of yours. However, when you say this, you may sound passive or even passive-aggressive.

Can kids study from home?

Your kid can study from any location, or the comfort of your home as the resources and recorded classes are available to everyone 24*7. You just need a secure internet connection and a smartphone or a laptop or a tablet, and you are good to go.

Is the old saw true?

As you were probably told by your parents when you were young — and by many other well-intentioned mentors ever after — the old saw is true: “honesty is the best policy.” Whenever you need to answer questions like this, it is probably best to employ that rule (unless you fear the true rationale is inadequate or offensive).

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What do you expect out of a psych class?

So in general, what do you expect out of your psych classes? For undergard, lots of common sense, but hopefully systematic study of these common sense could prompt you to think more deeply about your every behaviour and some important questions about life. You’ll also get a degree to move on. For grad level, practical knowledge to become a professional.

What classes do you take for a grad level in psychology?

For grad level classes, depending on what you choose to specialize in, you might take classes in test/diagnosis/therapies/stats to help you apply your knowledge of psychology in real life situation - school/court/hospitals.

What is the basic of psychopharmacology?

Psychopharmacology; Basics in research and experimenting (methodology, variables, designing experiments, subjects, how to write article, research project, etc.); Psychological testing (how tests are designed, what they measure, how they measure, etc.); Psychobiology; Learning; Psychology of development; Personality;

What is an intro to psychology?

An intro to psychology will discuss how psychology became a discipline (history), how it is useful in society (application), and a broad overview of some of the many areas of psychology…and there are quite a few.

What do we expect from a researcher after they consent to a study?

After they consent to this, we expect them to be honest in how they behave during the study.

What is research class?

Research classes: (research practicums, independent studies, etc.) a more hands-on take on a specific discipline. Here, you get to actually read the full research articles that you only learn summaries of in prior classes. For example, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment or Festinger’s cognitive dissonance theory.

What will be the most pressing issue of 2021?

Such quotes immediately shift our attention towards one of the most pressing issues of 2021 – Mental Health! Increased acknowledgement of this issue is illustrated by its inclusion in the Sustainable Development Goals. How do you fix someone with poor mental health? By referring them to a psychologist or a psychiatrist, both of which require studying Psychology.


Behaviorist Theory

Cognitive Theory

  • What is it? Cognitive Learning Theory is largely based on the work of Jean Piaget, who rejected the idea that learners are passive and simply react to stimuli in the environment. Instead of focusing solely on observable behavior, Cognitive Theory seeks to explain how the mind works during the learning process. Like a computer, the mind takes in inf...
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Constructivist Theory

  • What is it? Constructivists see the learner as a constructor of knowledge. New learning is shaped by schemas, which the learner brings to the learning process. Lev Vygotsky is an important founder of Constructivist Learning Theory. Vygotsky believed that learning is a collaborative process, and that social interaction is fundamental for cognitive development. According to Vyg…
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Humanist Theory

  • What is it? Humanist Learning Theory approaches learning as a way to fulfill an individual’s potential rather than meeting specific learning targets. Maslow’s research on the Hierarchy of Needs is a major concept within this theory, as it focuses on the whole person, specifically the cognitive and affective needs of the learner. The theory holds that self-actualization is the ultima…
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Learning outcomes describe the learning that will take place across the curriculum through concise statements, made in specific and measurable terms, of what students will know and/or be able to do as the result of having successfully completed a course. 
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  • These terms are often used interchangeably and they are all related to the teaching and learning that is expected to take place in the classroom. However, the difference between goals or objectives and outcomes lies in the emphasis on who will be performing the activities. Learning goals and objectives generally describe what an instructor or program aims to do; i.e., This cour…
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  • Writing learning outcomes should be a reflective process. Many departments find the following steps to be helpful as they begin the process of creating learning outcomes for their courses.
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  • If your department already has learning goals that it would like to develop into outcomes or is examining its current learning outcomes there are several characteristics to look for:
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  • The Center for Teaching & Learning is available to consult with departments and individual faculty members on developing learning outcomes.
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  • As mentioned, identifying the most important things students should learn within your course is the first step in deciding what should be assessed, but learning outcomes have other uses as well; they:
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