what would you like to see change about the course

by Fermin Larkin 7 min read

Here are a few common reasons why you might decide to change paths: You’re using the course as a pathway to a different course or institution. After being exposed to different disciplines in a general course, you’ve found an area you like and want to move to a more specialised course.

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What aspects of school should be changed?

Another aspect of the school that needs changing is the set of school rules. Some are so irrational or petty! Take, for example, the rule on short hair for boys. What is the rationale behind this? Do the people in authority believe that everyone with long hair will turn out to be a thug or a villain?

What should I know before switching majors?

Keep in mind the long-term goals and explore the new major thoroughly before switching. Remember, an elective would only give you a sample of what a major in that field would be like.

What changes would you like to see in the future workplace?

Here’s what they said. What change would you like to see in the future workplace? “Ooh, tough one. Greater flexibility around working hours would be nice. Less cluttered file storage on servers (although I guess this one's down to the company in question).

Should I change majors or elective classes?

If you’re more interested in elective courses than required courses for your major, it may be smart to switch to something you’ll be happy perusing. Keep in mind the long-term goals and explore the new major thoroughly before switching. Remember, an elective would only give you a sample of what a major in that field would be like.

How do you answer why did you change your course?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.

What are some of the things you would change about your school?

“If I could change something about our schools, it would be the structure of the day to allow more flexibility for all. Students who want to start late could. Staffing would be flexible too! Classes could also be flexible, with some delivered by other means along with traditional classroom instruction.”

Why do you want to change your course?

Reasons for changing Here are a few common reasons why you might decide to change paths: You're using the course as a pathway to a different course or institution. After being exposed to different disciplines in a general course, you've found an area you like and want to move to a more specialised course.

How would you improve your course?

8 Ways to Improve Your Online CourseBuild a personal connection with your students. ... Motivate your students. ... Help students maintain focus. ... Create a sense of community. ... Make discussions meaningful. ... Increase student engagement. ... Address equity issues. ... Identify and support struggling students.

What would I change if I could and why?

We should end global warming, crime, war, racism, terrorism, cancer, pollution, poverty, climate change and more. Those are all things that many people would change about the world but I want everyone to think bigger. Why are there so many problems in our world today?

What changes will you bring to the school as a prefect?

Answer: Be punctual for duties and attend all Prefect meetings where possible. Maintain an excellent academic and behaviour record and lead by example, ensuring the pursuit of academic excellence and orderly behaviour. Be positive and enthusiastic, encouraging and motivating fellow students.

How do I write a letter to change my course?

So please allow me to change my course from (Present subject name) to (Required subject name), as I have interest in that and the studies there is a bit easy than (Present subject name). Please allow me changing course letter so that I can further continue the procedure.

Why did you change your field?

Taking a job that is better suited to your skills, experience, and/or personality. Following colleagues from a previous company who have made a successful career change and have recommended this new job/career to you.

How can I change my college course?

For Shifting of Curricular Program within the same College Head endorses the shifting form to the Department Head offering the curricular program the student wishes to transfer to. If the Department Head finds the student qualified, he/she endorses the shifting form by sending it to the College Dean.

What suggestions can you give to improve your online classes?

10 Tips for Success in Online ClassesEstablish a productive learning environment. ... Set a schedule for completing and reviewing assignments. ... Seek virtual interactions with your peers.Use the 'chunking' strategy to section out tasks.Try to increase your interest in the work.More items...

Why are there too many professors teaching pie in the sky?

There are too many professors teaching pie in the sky in place of actual facts. There is a need for more laboratory work, field work etc. Philosophy is great but the greatest need is today’s problems, past solutions and the need to teach simplicity.

Does dedication exist anymore?

It seems they all want to teach one or two classes and earn six figure salaries. Dedication doesn’t exist anymore. Secondly, and furthermore, all the institutions want to kiss the gods of accreditation agencies at the expense of quality education.

Why do we blog?

Blogging helps to find a written voice. It’s a chance to articulate thoughts on issues raised in class. It’s a chance to be creative, and to think about application. It’s a chance to get ideas out into the world. Blogs could even be part of the assessment process.

Why is it important to assess people on a regular basis?

Assessment on a regular basis (to encourage people to keep up with the work – rather than trying to cram it into the short term memory) that is more closely modeled on the real world (discussions, presentations etc) is surely a better gauge of a person’s progress.

How long does it take to get to college in peak hour?

What they don’t advertise is that you have to drive to college in peak hour. We live 17 km from the college (according to the GPS) and it takes 40 minutes to get there in peak hour, and 25 minutes off peak. Peak hour seems to start at about 3pm anyway – so the trip home isn’t substantially faster.

What happens if you don't take all the required courses?

After taking a few of the required courses for a specific major, if you’re still not interested in the topics, it may be time to switch gears. While not every required course is going to be your favorite, the concepts should be something that you are inherently excited to learn more about.

Is it hard to choose a college major?

Selecting a college major is a tough decision. After all, you are choosing a field you might potentially be working in for the rest of your life. It’s a difficult choice to make, especially before you’ve had a real taste of what that field entails. All of this, along with the financial investments a college education entails, ...
