what would you do to pass this course

by Prof. Presley Rowe DVM 4 min read

I Am doing my best to pass this class by Paying attention when the instructor is teaching because i remember in high school my teacher told me the only way you can pass class is based on three things. by paying attention, coming to class on time,and doing all homework on time.

Full Answer

How do you pass a class in college?

Feb 06, 2017 · Passing a difficult class may be challenging, but it's definitely not impossible. 1. Communicate with your professor the moment you start to struggle with the course material. Stressed College Life GIF... 2. Start on your work in advance to avoid procrastination.

How can my instructor help me pass a class?

Take copious notes and make sure that professor sees you. Ask questions even if you know that they are stupid questions. Do not skip any classes —- NEVER ! Take every exam Memorize every formula - every help aide you are told of for the exams. …

How can I pass a college course without studying harder?

When inputting your Current Grade and the Weight of the Final, our calculator automatically assumes that your current grade is based is based on weight of your course prior to the final exam and is calculated as 100% minus the inputted weight of the final. If your current grade does not account for all the course work (assignments, labs, tests ...

How can I pass a class without failing?

Dec 08, 2014 · 3rd Reason. I need to pass this class because I am on 12 grade and my level of English is to low. Also I need to pass this class for other reasons that I will show you below. I need to pass this class because I am in 12. grade and I can't to lose any class. On the other hand, I want to pass this class. because I know that I am learned good all the.

What can I do to pass the course?

Top 10 Tips for Passing College Classes
  1. Take classes you're interested in. ...
  2. Be on time and pay attention. ...
  3. Ask questions. ...
  4. Participate. ...
  5. Read the syllabus. ...
  6. Open those books. ...
  7. Establish a study routine, and stick with it. ...
  8. Find a study buddy in each class.

How would you improve your course?

8 Ways to Improve Your Online Course
  1. Build a personal connection with your students. ...
  2. Motivate your students. ...
  3. Help students maintain focus. ...
  4. Create a sense of community. ...
  5. Make discussions meaningful. ...
  6. Increase student engagement. ...
  7. Address equity issues. ...
  8. Identify and support struggling students.
Aug 11, 2020

How can I pass an online course?

Successful Strategies for Passing an Online Class
  1. Ensure you have reliable internet access. Almost every facet of an online class requires internet access. ...
  2. Treat it like a regular class. ...
  3. Set aside a “study space” ...
  4. Take notes and organize your study materials. ...
  5. Participate in discussions and forums. ...
  6. Tap into self-motivation.
Jan 15, 2021

How do you pass classes you don't like?

Here are six ways to like the course you hate:
  1. Go to the class. Skipping classes will only make the situation worse. ...
  2. Try. ...
  3. Don't procrastinate. ...
  4. Talk to the professor. ...
  5. Engage with other students. ...
  6. Try to connect the class to something you do like.

How can students improve online learning?

  1. 8 Tips to Improve Online Learning. Some things are constant. ...
  2. Get Personal. We hear a lot about 'social distancing,' but a more appropriate term would be 'physical distancing. ...
  3. Forge Connections. ...
  4. Engage and Motivate. ...
  5. Provide Clarity. ...
  6. Monitor Performance. ...
  7. Ensure Equity. ...
  8. Stimulate Conversation.
Apr 7, 2021

How can I improve my online learning skills?

Successful Online Students Identify Seven Tips
  1. Develop a time-management strategy. ...
  2. Make the most of online discussions. ...
  3. Use it or lose it. ...
  4. Make questions useful to your learning. ...
  5. Stay motivated. ...
  6. Communicate the instruction techniques that work. ...
  7. Make connections with fellow students.
Feb 1, 2007

How can a student prepare for a class?

Below are some helpful tips on how best to prepare for class:
  1. Arrive early. Try to arrive early for class, at least a few minutes before it begins. ...
  2. Review what has been covered. ...
  3. Anticipate what's coming. ...
  4. Assess your understanding. ...
  5. Formulate your questions and comments. ...
  6. Come organized (or at least look like it!).

What the students should do?

10 Habits of Successful Students
  • Get Organized. Making a plan for what you're going to do and when you're going to do it will make sure you're always ahead of the curve - literally.
  • Don't multitask. ...
  • Divide it up. ...
  • Sleep. ...
  • Set a schedule. ...
  • Take notes. ...
  • Study. ...
  • Manage your study space.

How do you pass a subject you don't understand?

As with any studying, it's important to be methodical and organised. Plan out what you need to cover and go through the material one thing at a time. If you don't understand what you need to be studying, speak to your teacher and ask for some extra help in planning your studying and improving your understanding.

How do you motivate yourself to study?

Here are some ways to increase your motivation to study.
  1. Reward yourself for studying. ...
  2. Study with your friends. ...
  3. Remind yourself of your long-term goals. ...
  4. Eliminate distractions. ...
  5. Develop interest in what you have to study. ...
  6. Take breaks. ...
  7. Establish a comfortable environment. ...
  8. Establish reasonable goals for a study session.

Why is it important to study what you like?

In a subject that you love it will push you to do better and really work to your advantage to excel. Your life can be better if you study something you love because you can show your passion through your work and it will give you drive to give your best effort.Feb 20, 2014

What to do if you have difficulty with a subject?

If you're having difficulty with a certain subject, don't fret! There are many things you can do to improve your performance and avoid the dreaded "F." Be prepared to put in some hard work, take some time to understand how your grade will be determined, and don't be ashamed to ask for help if you need it. Steps.

How to get help from your teacher?

1. Go to office hours. If your teacher offers office hours outside of class (i.e. for a college course), attend them regularly. This is a good chance to get some extra help and one-on-one attention from your teacher. When you go to office hours, come with specific questions or topics you want to discuss or review.

What to do if you miss an assignment?

If you miss an assignment or exam due to illness, a crisis, or some other unavoidable situation, let your instructor know as soon as possible.

What are extra credit opportunities?

Some teachers offer extra credit opportunities that allow students to add points to their final score in the class. These opportunities are often designed to supplement the primary assignments or give students a second chance to master skills. Find out if your teacher offers any opportunities.

What can a tutor do for you?

A tutor can help you by clarifying concepts and reviewing information with you in a structured way. Many schools offer free tutoring services to students in the form of writing or tutoring centers.

Where is Emily Listmann?

Emily Listmann is a private tutor in San Carlos, California. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014.

What to do if you have months left to complete an assignment?

Even if you have months left to complete an assignment, or to start studying for an exam, do a little bit of the work as soon as possible. This is a great way to help you complete your course for 2 reasons:

Is college hard?

College can be hard. To some people, passing their college course can seem like the hardest thing they’ve ever had to do. This is especially true for those studying part-time, or from home via distance learning.

When is the best time to study?

Sometimes the best time to study is actually right after you get home from work, before you start relaxing.

How to write a paper for a paper?

If you are struggling with getting through the work, committing information to memory, or understanding something difficult, then approach the work in different ways. You can: 1 Look online for different or additional information on your specific topic. 2 Talk to a working professional or expert in your field of study. 3 Ask someone else to read the section and explain it to you in their own words. 4 Read the work out loud. 5 Try summarising an entire section in one sentence.

How to catch up on a missed class?

If you miss a class, the easiest way to catch up is to consult with someone who’s also in that class. Your professor or instructor may be too busy to reply to your email about what you missed, and it’ll show initiative if you figure it out on your own and come prepared the next time around. Find a reliable friend in each class you have that you can contact in the case of any missed classes. In fact, it may be wise to find two in each class, just in case that study buddy misses the same class you do.

What is the syllabus of a class?

The syllabus for your class may be the most important document you receive from your professor, and it’ll include information like how to reach your instructor and the schedule of the course (when you’re expected to turn things in, prepare for tests, and, perhaps most importantly, when you’re not supposed to come to class).

How to be a good professor?

Be on time and pay attention. Do your best arrive to class on time. Professors notice students who are consistently late, absent, or leave class early and not in the good way. Once you’re there, do your best to pay attention, even when you’re operating on a half night’s sleep or have other things on your mind.

How many hours of work do you need to do to get a credit?

The general rule of thumb is that for each credit hour, you’re expected to put in two to three hours of independent work, completing assignments, studying, or preparing for the next class. That may seem like a lot, and only you know how much work you need to put in to excel in a course.

How much debt did the 2019 class of college students have?

That’s why a majority of college students take out student loans. Nearly 70% of the Class of 2019 took out student loans and graduated with almost $30,000 in debt. It’s a frightening statistic, and it’s part of why Scholarships.com exists to help students discover scholarships to pay for college.

How many hours of work do you need to do to get a credit?

The general rule of thumb is that for each credit hour, you’re expected to put in two to three hours of independent work, completing assignments, studying, or preparing for the next class. That may seem like a lot, and only you know how much work you need to put in to excel in a course.

How to avoid procrastination?

2. Start on your work in advance to avoid procrastination. Nothing is worse than having to rush to study or finish your homework at the last minute, so make sure to at least start doing so a few days or so in advance to avoid the stress that comes with procrastination.

Is it bad to rush to do homework?

Nothing is worse than having to rush to study or finish your homework at the last minute, so make sure to at least start doing so a few days or so in advance to avoid the stress that comes with procrastination. After all, you want to make sure that your assignments are in the best possible condition they can be, and the only way you can do that is to dedicate a generous amount of your time to them early on.

Important Notes

Our Final Exam Grade Calculator calculates the final exam grade you would need to get a desired overall course grade and would require you to input your current course percentage grade as well as the weight of the final as a percentage.

Inputting Data in our Final Exam Calculator

When inputting your Current Grade and the Weight of the Final, our calculator automatically assumes that your current grade is based is based on weight of your course prior to the final exam and is calculated as 100% minus the inputted weight of the final.


I need and I want to pass this class because I think that I deserve a good grade for the work that I made all the semester. Also is important to me pass because I want to graduate this year with all my pass classes.

3rd Reason

I need to pass this class because I am on 12 grade and my level of English is to low. Also I need to pass this class for other reasons that I will show you below.

How to pass multiple choice exam?

How to pass a multiple choice exam: While reading the question, try to answer it first without looking at the given answers. Next, read all of them, dismiss the wrong ones, and examine the distractors (state ments that are true but don’t quite answer the question).

How to maximize performance?

To maximize your performance, take into consideration the context of your testing environment while studying. It’ll be easier to recall the information during the exam if you learned it in a similar environment. That’s why many students prefer preparing for a test in a classroom or library.

Does cramming work?

Contrary to popular belief, cramming doesn’t work. In fact, it can cause more harm than help. It’s better to plan everything ahead of time and spread out your study periods for at least one week before the exam. In this way, you will have enough time to develop a deeper understanding of the subject.
