what wind direction means on boston marathon course

by Della Torp 9 min read

In general, marathon runners spend about 2 percent of their energy overcoming wind resistance on a normal day. Boston, though, is run almost entirely west to east, which means the wind can be either entirely in your face or at your back, adding an extraordinary variability to the results.Apr 11, 2019

Full Answer

How much wind resistance do Boston Marathon runners overcome?

In general, marathon runners spend about 2 percent of their energy overcoming wind resistance on a normal day. Boston, though, is run almost entirely west to east, which means the wind can be either entirely in your face or at your back, adding an extraordinary variability to the results.

How do you deal with wind during a marathon?

There are ways, of course, to deal with the wind. Runners can draft behind each other, a strategy that could save approximately 1 percent of energy expenditure on an average day.

What is the direction of wind?

The first thing we need to understand is that wind direction is stated as the orientation of the wind’s direction of movement. For example, if the wind is blowing from the southeast and is blowing towards the northwest, it is referred to be a southeast wind.

What is the elevation of the Boston Marathon finish line?

You start out in the distant suburb of Hopkinton— elevation 490 feet above sea level—and then cruise steadily downhill until about mile 9. The finish line has an elevation of a mere 10 feet above Boston Harbor.

What direction is a tail wind for the Boston Marathon?

southwestIdeal Boston Marathon weather means a temperature of around 45-50 degrees, overcast skies, enough moisture in the air to make breathing comfortable and minimize dehydration - and a southwest breeze to act as a tailwind. Occasionally Boston Marathon race day weather really does hit this ideal mark.

What waves are in the Boston Marathon?

Bib numbers are color coded. Red bibs (numbers 101 to 7,700) are assigned to Wave 1 (10:00 a.m.). White bibs (numbers 8,000 to 15,600) are assigned to Wave 2 (10:25 a.m.). Blue bibs (numbers 16,000 to 23,600) are assigned to Wave 3 (10:50 a.m.) Yellow bibs (numbers 24,000 to 32,500) are assigned to Wave 4 (11:15 a.m.).

What is high wind for running?

Potential effects running in to a headwind: Running in 10 mph wind: 20 seconds per mile. Running in 15 mph wind: 30 seconds per mile. Running in 20 mph wind: up to 1 minute per mile.

How much does headwind affect running?

So, how much does the wind affect you? Runners Connect explains that “A 'substantial' wind (i.e., one approximately equal to the pace you are running at) will set you back 12 seconds per mile with a headwind, and aid you by 6 seconds per mile with a tailwind.”

How do I know what wave Im in for Boston Marathon?

When you search your bib number, your assigned wave and corral will appear. Within each wave there are eight corrals. Registrants will receive an email with their bib, wave and corral numbers, but you can also search them on the B.A.A.

How are marathon waves determined?

Runners are assigned to their waves based on their estimated finish times, specified during registration. Diagram of starting corrals, including associated times. The fastest runners are assigned to the first wave and occupy the first starting corral.

Does running with the wind make you faster?

With the wind behind you you'll be able to run slightly faster helping improve your stride. Don't sprint too fast though – you still need to keep enough energy to finish your run!

Is 12 mph wind strong?

Small ripples appear on water surface. 4-7 Mph 6-11 kph 4-6 knots Light Breeze Leaves rustle, can feel wind on your face, wind vanes begin to move. Small wavelets develop, crests are glassy. 8-12 Mph 12-19 kph 7-10 knots Gentle Breeze Leaves and small twigs move, light weight flags extend.

Is 20 mph wind strong?

Sustained wind speeds around 20 mph, or frequent gusts of 25 to 30 mph. " No Discernable Threat to Life and Property from High Wind." The sustain wind speeds are non-threatening; "breezy" conditions may still be present. Note: In "High Wind" conditions, small branches break off trees and loose objects are blown about.

How do you run in headwind?

5 OTHER WAYS TO TACKLE HEADWINDSLean into the wind to reduce your energy loss.Wear tight-fitting running clothing that doesn't cause drag.Get your breath back through wooded trails that block the wind.Shorten your stride – the longer your feet are off the ground, the more they're resisting the wind.More items...•

Does running in the wind burn more calories?

Running in very windy conditions is likely to increase your intensity, meaning you'll burn more calories if you maintain your speed.

Does wind make running harder?

Why is running in the wind so tiring? Simple physics. The wind pushes back against you at a speed faster than you are moving, thus increasing the energy costs of running. This means that any given pace will feel significantly more difficult in the wind.

What is the meaning of the Boston Marathon?

Save this story for later. Save this story for later. The Boston Marathon is America’s iconic race, the oldest marathon in the country, and the most important. Eighteen people ran it in 1897; last year, thirty-five thousand did. It’s the site of Alberto Salazar and Dick Beardsley’s 1982 duel in the sun.

How many hills does a marathon feel like?

It can feel like five hills, or six. The course makes your mind falter right when your body does the same. And you’re still going east. Most marathons are run in some kind of a loop, which means that sometimes the wind is in your face and sometimes it’s at your back. In Boston, it’s all or none.

What does it mean to wear a shirt at the New York Marathon?

The race is also iconic because you have to qualify. A New York Marathon shirt means someone got lucky in a race lottery.

How many miles is Wellesley College downhill?

At Wellesley College, at mile fourteen, the students come out en masse and cheer. The course is slightly downhill for fifteen miles, then you blitz down what feels like a ski shoot. Suddenly you come to the bottom of the Newton hills.

What is the attack on a marathon?

There’s something particularly devastating about an attack on a marathon. It’s an epic event in which men and women appear almost superhuman. The winning men run for hours at a pace even normal fit people can only hold in a sprint. But it’s also so ordinary. It’s not held in a stadium or on a track.

Is a marathon more devastating than a stadium?

It’s not held in a stadium or on a track. It’s held in the same streets everyone drives on and walks down. An attack on a marathon is, in some ways, more devastating than an attack on a stadium; you’re hitting something special but also something very quotidian.

How many wind directions are there?

16 Wind Directions. The more directions on a compass or wind rose we have, the more accurately we can read where the wind is blowing FROM (and to), so these eight directions were further divided, up to 16: north-northeast (NNE), east-northeast (ENE), east-southeast (ESE), south-southeast (SSE), south-southwest (SSW), west-southwest (WSW), ...

What are the four primary wind directions?

The four primary wind directions are north, south, east, and west at the start . They are usually marked by the letters N, S, E, and W on a compass to abbreviate the direction.

What instrument is used to measure wind?

There are a variety of wind measuring methods; some are quite exact and exact, while others are just enough to get you sailing. The wind compass is a simple and useful instrument for determining the direction of the wind.

How many directions are there in a compass?

Finally, the 16 primary directions are combined with 16 extra points to form a 32-direction compass: north by east (NbE), northeast by north (NEbN), and so on. A compass with 16 directions, on the other hand, is already regarded quite accurate… and easy. It is frequently used in everyday life.

How are windmill blades counted?

The rotations performed by windmill-style blades are counted using a similar sort of anemometer. Windmill anemometers have a horizontally rotating rod. Other anemometers use a variety of methods to calculate wind speed. The fact that air cools a heated item when it flows over it is used by a hot-wire anemometer.

Why do we need wind socks?

Windsocks are used to determine wind speed as well as the direction of the wind. Windsocks are commonly used at airports to inform pilots of the wind’s direction and strength, as well as in chemical industries where there is a risk of gaseous leakage. They’re sometimes seen beside to roadways in windy areas.

What is the cardinal direction?

A fascinating fact about Ancient Greece is that the cardinal directions were also distinguished by the distinct winds that blew in each direction.

Train for A Lot of Downhill (and Some Uphill) Running

The first 4 miles are especially “downhill”y, and so are the last 5 miles, so make sure to train your quads properly!

Eat Enough in the Morning (Late Start Time)

Speaking of a fuel plan – this advice is especially great for 1st-timers:

Pace Yourself

Again, the intoxicating Boston Marathon excitement can make you forget your pacing plan and run too fast out of the gate.

The Citgo Sign Is Further Than You Think

The iconic Citgo sign is a visual notification that you’re close to the finish line …buuuuut, not that close…so make a mental note now. (another excellent tip from @stilettorunning!).

Remember to Enjoy the Experience

Runners train so hard for the Boston Marathon. Like, months and months of dedication.

Keep Moving & Stretch Those Quads After

This advice is true of any long-distance race: never stop moving after crossing the finish line.

Use the T

IMPORTANT BOSTON MARATHON TIP: parking is virtually non-existent in the city on race day, so plan to take public transportation to be safe.
