what was the car used that popped out on the distracted driver course

by Mabel Prosacco 6 min read

Who are the most distracted drivers in the US?

In the U.S. in 2018: Twenty-five percent of the distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes were young adults aged 20–29. 1 Drivers aged 15-19 were more likely to be distracted than drivers aged 20 and older, among drivers in crashes where someone died.

What do participants learn about distracted driving in the course?

Participants learn about the science and impact of distracted driving, myths about multitasking, financial and legal ramifications, and state and federal laws. Real-life driving scenarios and incident evaluation provide participants the opportunity to think about their current risk level and track how those attitudes change during the course.

What can a passenger do if the driver is distracted?

What passengers can do Speak up if you are a passenger in a car with a distracted driver. Ask the driver to focus on driving. Reduce distractions for the driver by assisting with navigation or other tasks.

How can I talk to my teen about distracted driving?

Ask the driver to focus on driving. Reduce distractions for the driver by assisting with navigation or other tasks. Talk to your teen or young adult about the rules and responsibilities involved in driving. Share stories and statistics related to teen/young adult drivers and distracted driving.

What are the 3 categories of distracted driving that were mentioned in the video?

The top 3 distractions depicted included texting, talking on the phone, and eating and/or drinking. Motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) and death were depicted in 742 (94.2%) videos, whereas 166 (21.1%) of the videos depicted injuries.

What is the most common type of car crash due to distracted driving?

Sideswipe Collisions These accidents most often occur when one driver merges into another, usually because they failed to check their blind spot. They can also happen when one driver is distracted and weaves out of their lane.

When driving at 65 mph if you take your hand off the wheel and eyes off the road for five seconds to grab something the distance you'll travel blind is about?

about 475 feetPg 4 When you're driving a tractor-trailer at 65 miles per hour, a lot can happen in five seconds. If you take your hands off the wheel and your eyes off the road to grab a CD, you're going to travel about 475 feet.

What is a distraction outside the vehicle?

Distractions Occurring Outside the Vehicle: Crash scene Road construction People, places, or things of interest alongside the road Page 2 Distractions: In and Out of the Vehicle Page 2 of 2 By giving advanced thought toward addressing in-vehicle distractions, drivers can maintain focus on the driving task.

What is the most popular car accident?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Institute (NHTSA), front impact car collisions are the most common. In 2019, there were 2.8 million front impact collisions. This means that two or more vehicles collided head on. The second most common type of crash was rear impact, with 1,570,000 collisions.

What make of car is involved in the most accidents?

U.S. Auto Make Fatal Crash StatisticsRankAuto BrandPortion of All Crashes1Ford16.7%2Chevrolet16.0%3Toyota10.1%4Honda8.6%19 more rows•Apr 29, 2022

When driving at 55 miles per hour and texting the driver fails to see the road and is driving blind for how many feet?

Sending or receiving a text takes a driver's eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds. That means when traveling at 55 mph and looking at a text, the driver is operating the vehicle blindly for the distance of an entire football field.

When traveling at 55mph How many feet do you need to stop 300 ft 200 ft 400 ft 500 ft?

The average passenger vehicle traveling at 55 mph can stop within 400 feet. However, a large truck traveling at the same speed can take almost 800 feet to stop.

When traveling faster than 50 mph then you should put your turn signal on a minimum of?

You can signal with your hand and arm or with your vehicle's turn signals and brake lights. You should signal at least 100 feet before you turn so the other drivers can be ready.

What are three examples of distractions outside the vehicle?

Distractions Occurring Outside the Vehicle: Crash scene Road construction People, places, or things of interest alongside the road Page 2 Distractions: In and Out of the Vehicle Page 2 of 2 By giving advanced thought toward addressing in-vehicle distractions, drivers can maintain focus on the driving task.

What are the four most common categories of outside the vehicle distractions?

Driving distractions can be classified as one of four types: visual, manual, auditory, or cognitive.

What are the top 5 driver distractions?

EYES ON THE ROAD: The top five driver distractionsMobile phones (talking and texting) Using a mobile while driving can increase the risk of a collision by four times, according to several studies. ... Adjusting vehicle settings. ... Passengers. ... Eating, drinking and smoking. ... External distractions.

What is news wheel?

The News Wheel is a digital auto magazine providing readers with a fresh perspective on the latest car news. We’re located in the heart of America (Dayton, Ohio) and our goal is to deliver an entertaining and informative perspective on what’s trending in the automotive world. See more articles from The News Wheel.

What is the Ohio Distracted Driving Course?

In lieu of paying the extra $100 fine on top of the penalty for committing a moving violation, drivers can complete a Distracted Driver Course. But even if you don’t zip down the freeway at 120 MPH while noshing on a burrito, petting five puppies running loose in the cabin, and video chatting with your friends, the course still offers plenty of helpful information and sobering statistics to keep you safe on the road.

What are the penalties for distracted driving?

This net-widening definition of distracted driving gives police officers and courts greater discretion when determining whether a driver was distracted when involved in an accident — and whether they can apply that $100 fine. So to help you stay safe and informed, here’s a list of actions that can be considered distracted driving: 1 Adjusting your mirrors 2 Eating food and drinking beverages 3 Attending to pets or children 4 Adjusting your climate control, navigation, or infotainment settings 5 Checking email 6 Watching videos 7 Reading books, maps, flyers, and other similar materials 8 Texting at a stop light or stop sign 9 Rubbernecking at scenes outside of your vehicle 10 Grooming tasks, like shaving or applying makeup while driving 11 Using a hands-free communication system

Do you have to be a ticketed offender to take the distracted driving course?

You don’t have to be a ticketed offender to take the course — anyone is free to take the tests, read the materials, and watch the videos. However, in order to have the $100 distracted driver fee waived from a moving violation, you have to complete the entire course in a single sitting without closing the browser tab or reloading the page.