what was the best thing that you learned from this course?

by Kelli Fay DVM 5 min read

What did you learn from the course content?

Apr 16, 2017 · Views. 276. I have learned a great deal in this course in relation to writing argumentative essays. There is much research involved, as well as objectivity to the position taken on a particular subject. These are, what I have learned, to be the two most important factors in the preparation for a paper. A writer must look at all possible ...

What is the most important thing you have learned from OD?

Aug 11, 2016 · I think i have learned entirely too much in this course to place a lot of emphasis on one specific area. As an essentials course i feel that the course filled out well and did a great job of getting my feet wet with the principles, philosophies, theories, ideas, and practice of Organization Development. I think the most important thing about OD that i learned throughout …

Why did you choose the course you chose?

The first thing I learned was my Learning Patterns and how to use them not only in my course through school but my everyday life. Learning how my brain-mind connection work’s best for me. In this course, I was able to find out how I was already using my Learning Patterns before I even knew what they were and how valuable they are to myself and my future goals.

What are the best answers on “what are you expecting to learn?

The most important things I learned were: 1. How to think analytically 2. How to maintain a healthy work/life balance 3. A good mentor is extremely important for career advancement. I had a very positive experience throughout my doctorate training, so I also learned that everyone's experiences are going to be different.

How do you answer what have you learned from this course?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.Apr 1, 2021

What is the greatest lesson that you have learned?

The following list unveils some of the most important lessons in life that people learn the hard way.Walk your own path. ... Don't hesitate when you should act. ... Experience what you have learned. ... Good things don't come easy. ... Never fail to try more. ... Take care of your health early. ... Make every moment count. ... Live and let live.More items...•Sep 18, 2021

What are the most useful things you have learned from the online course?

10 Things I've Learned from Online ClassesCreate a daily schedule. ... Use a planner or calendar. ... Make a daily to-do list. ... Actually attend your online Zoom meetings and be actively engaged. ... Check your email and D2L regularly. ... Email your professors if you have questions. ... Have a designated study or “school” space.More items...

What are the things that you have learned from our lessons?

Here're important life lessons you should learn early on:Money Will Never Solve Your Real Problems. ... Pace Yourself. ... You Can't Please Everyone. ... Your Health Is Your Most Valuable Asset. ... You Don't Always Get What You Want. ... It's Not All About You. ... There's No Shame in Not Knowing. ... Love Is More Than a Feeling; It's a Choice.More items...•Mar 3, 2022

Why is learning about life lessons important?

The sooner a person gets acquainted with what real life is about—the challenges and the opportunities, the unique slot everyone fills, the dangers of entitlement and self-pity—the sooner he or she learns to handle the challenges, take the initiative to find his or her slot, and head off wrong habits before they develop ...

What life lessons did you learn the hard way?

30 Life Lessons I Learned The Hard WayTake One Action Every Day. ... Be deliberate. ... Challenge what you think you know. ... Be kind. ... Pause When You Need To, But Not For Long. ... Do What You Hate and Do It First. ... It's Not Selfish to Put Yourself First. ... Stop Being Shocked When the World Isn't Fair.More items...

What are 5 advantages of online learning?

Here are five advantages to studying online.Career advancement and hobbies. Studying online gives you more flexibility. ... Flexible schedule and environment. ... Lower costs and debts. ... Self-discipline and responsibility. ... More choice of course topics.Jun 5, 2017

What do you like about online learning?

Similar to the flexibility component, many students prefer online learning to traditional schooling because they are able to work at their own pace. You don't have to be afraid to work ahead or feel discouraged if you want to take more time on a particular subject or topic.Jan 24, 2019

How do you feel about online learning?

I could divide the day and time I complete my work, I can sleep in a little longer, and overall just be comfortable while in my own home. I feel that online learning is nothing compared to physical learning. With physical learning, I can talk to my teachers one on one and visually see and interact with everything.May 12, 2020

What is the most important thing you learned in school and why?

The most important thing I learned at school is that our abilities matter more than our knowledge. Let me explain. When you know how to work with information, when you are responsible and excel in communication, you will learn whatever you want to learn. At school or not, it doesn't matter.

What should we learn from our teachers answer?

What should we learn from our teachers? Answer: We should learn the value of inclusion and good communication from our teachers.Dec 18, 2019

What can a teacher learn from their students?

“It's easy to feel motivated if you love what you're doing” ... “Not everyone will love science – but that's not the point” ... “Every day is different and the emotional rewards are great” ... “Bringing classes into the 'real world' can have the biggest impact” ... “My students are fearless – and I should be, too”Feb 14, 2019

Who developed the 61?

61, developed by Clay Dulgarian did not present restrictions based on the content displayed and the intended audience (Graduate Level). Due to Clay utilizing Schoology for his online course the menu options were presented and shown in a manner to fluently access course contents, navigate, and take assessments with the ability to view results. The only error was during his uploading of the following: Question 1 Which number scantron will you need to purchase from the campus bookstore for all BUSM

Is online learning a trend?

Technology is changing every aspect in our lives, even the way we learn. Online classes are a rapidly growing trend it today’s society. Online classes are a cost-effective substitute for traditional courses and more convenient for many, so more schools and universities are offering this option. Due to the increase in online course enrollment, people are questioning if students truly learn something from online classes because it’s not a traditional learning environment. Online classes are just, if

1. We have so much to learn from one another

This semester, I had the opportunity to take classes where we actually had to talk to one another. Teachers didn't just lecture on for an hour and fifty minutes. Instead, they created environments where we felt free to speak up, ask questions, and share experiences.

2. Big business is the root of all our problems

No offense to any business majors out there, but I truly believe in this. Large corporations take advantage of people every day, but turn around and tell us that we would be nowhere without them. They influence politicians to push certain laws that only benefit the 1% by throwing a little bit of money their way.

3. We need to talk about race more in America

Race is not a bad word, so we need to stop acting like it. Racism is real, segregation still exists, and sadly, a lot of us are still blind to it, especially in the political climate Americans are living in today.

4. We need to give more than we take

As a whole, Americans tend to do what's best for themselves, regardless of what others might need. We live in a conflict theory based society, where everyone is working against each other to get ahead. While that statement might not be true for everyone, it is definitely true about most.

5. We need to stop complaining and start doing something about it

When you think about it, we all have so much to be thankful for. We are lucky enough to be at college learning about topics that interest us and are developing a sense of independence. You have family and friends who love you, access to technology (how else would you be reading this amazing article?), and a brilliant head on your shoulders.

Why is teamwork important in training?

Teamwork. Training will throw you to a group of other trainees so you will learn to work with other motivated and driven individuals. Also, drive productive work with people you won’t like. You will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of people and how to synergize this imbalance of abilities.

Can kids study from home?

Your kid can study from any location, or the comfort of your home as the resources and recorded classes are available to everyone 24*7. You just need a secure internet connection and a smartphone or a laptop or a tablet, and you are good to go.
