what was the best great course listened to?

by Felicita Kulas 6 min read

Why choose the Great Courses?

Apr 01, 2017 · Netflix for nerds is here and it’s called The Great Courses Plus. This new lecture streaming service might just be the best thing I’ve ever discovered on the internet (no exaggeration). My eyes are bleary and my head is whirring with exciting information from disparate realms of academia thanks to long nights of binge-learning. But […]

How many audible Great Courses are there?

One of the best "Great Courses" I have listened to! By Nicole on 12-15-15 Sample

Which version of the Great course should I Choose?

"The Great Courses" - What is your favorite course? My favorite course that I have listened to so far is "The Catholic Church: A History" by William R. Cook. I had many misconceptions about the early Christian church, and Dr. Cook gave a great historical background about …

Do I have to decide between watching or listening to courses?

The Best History Course I've Listened To By chris on 07-21-15 Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Empire

What is the difference between the great courses and the great courses plus?

The Great Courses is a site where you can purchase educational (and some edutainment) video content either to stream or on DVD. The Great Course Plus is simply a subscription-based account that gives you streaming access to the same catalog, plus a few videos you can't get on the other site.Aug 28, 2020

Is the great courses daily legit?

“It's a site that people can come to for trustworthy information on a wide variety of subjects including history, philosophy, science, business, health and much, much more.”Apr 27, 2017

What is great courses called now?


How much does the great courses cost per month?

How much does the Great Courses Plus cost? The Great Courses Plus offers a free trial to everyone. However, after the free trial, you will need to choose a membership plan. There are two plans: Monthly for $20 per month and Quarterly for $15 per month.Oct 31, 2021

What happened to great courses plus?

In April 2021, the company announced the rebranding of its global streaming platform from the Great Courses Plus to Wondrium, along with new licensing agreements to include content from Kino Lorber, MagellanTV, and Craftsy.

Are The Great Courses on Netflix?

The Great Courses, the leading global media brand for lifelong learning, recently launched an all-you-can-learn streaming service, The Great Courses Plus. With the streaming option, customers are not limited to a single course.

Is Wondrium the same as The Great Courses?

The Great Courses and Wondrium are part of the same company. In fact, Wondrium used to be named The Great Courses Plus. The Great Courses is a place where you can buy educational videos to watch.Jun 19, 2021

Does great courses plus have all courses?

What Is The Great Courses Plus? The Great Courses Plus — which is now named Wondrium — is a subscription-based video lecture service that offers over 500 courses from leading professors on subjects such as history, literature, science, and philosophy.May 6, 2021

How can I get great courses for free?

Fortunately, your Mentor Public Library offers four ways that you can enjoy more The Great Courses for free.Borrow them from us. ... Stream them using Kanopy. ... Watch the Great Courses with RBDigital. ... Stream audio versions of the Great Courses for free with Hoopla.Jun 29, 2020

Can I get The Great Courses on my smart TV?

To enjoy The Great Courses you have already purchased via our Roku app, link your Great Courses Digital Library to Roku for your TV .

Are The Great Courses accredited?

Is The Great Courses Plus Accredited? The Great Courses Plus does hire professors from Ivy League schools—some of the top 1% of teachers—but they're not accredited. … Because the Great Courses Plus hires the top professors, the instructors are all people who know how to teach—and to teach well.

Does Amazon Prime include The Great Courses?

Prime Video Channels is the Prime benefit that lets you choose your channels. Only members can add The Great Courses Signature Collection and 100+ more channels — no cable required.

What is great music?

Great music is a language unto its own, a means of communication of unmatched beauty and genius. And it has an undeniable power to move us in ways that enrich our lives-provided it is understood.If you have ever longed to appreciate great concert music, to learn its glorious language and share in its sublime pleasures, the way is now open to you, through this series of 48 wonderful lectures designed to make music accessible to everyone who yearns to know it, regardless of prior training or knowledge.

What is the influence of Ancient Rome?

Even today, the influence of Ancient Rome is indelible, with Europe and the world owing this extraordinary empire a huge cultural debt in almost every important category of human endeavor, including art, architecture, engineering, language, literature, law, and religion.

What is the goal of money management?

The goal of money management is to maximize our happiness at every stage of our lives. Whether you are a novice investor or a seasoned pro, starting your first job or contemplating retirement, these 24 straightforward lectures are an excellent primer for making successful financial decisions at every stage of your life.

Who is Adam Jortner?

Grab a flashlight and go monster-hunting in the safe company of Adam Jortner, award-winning professor of religion at Auburn University. You’ll encounter chilling tales of living houses, sentient plants, psychotic toys, brain-eating zombies, and otherworldly beings whose mere name is enough to drive people insane.

Was Mesopotamia ever rediscovered?

While civilizations like Greece and Rome have an unbroken tradition of written histories, the rich history of Mesopotamia has only been recently rediscovered, thanks to the decipherment of Mesopotamia's cuneiform writing less than 200 years ago. 5 out of 5 stars. Time with a great scholar & fantastic lecturer.

Seamlessly Switch between Audio & Video

If you’ve purchased one of our video courses, or are a member of The Great Courses Plus, you no longer have to decide between watching and listening to a course when you’re using our apps!

The Great Courses Plus App

Access more than 500 courses via streaming video with one, low subscription price.

What was the rise of German music during the Baroque period?

This lecture describes the rise of German music during the Baroque. The Protestant Reformation put a new emphasis on the German language in worship, and the music with it followed the idiosyncratic cadences of the German language, as opposed to Latin/Italian.

What is the scientific and investigative spirit of the Baroque?

Special attention is paid to the scientific and investigative spirit of the Baroque and its impact on the arts of the era. The Baroque artistic duality of emotional extravagance and intellectual control is examined as a manifestation of the scientific and philosophical currents of the time.

When was opera invented?

Believing that ancient Greek drama was entirely sung, members of the Florentine Camerata sought to create their own music dramas, and, in doing so, they invented opera around the year 1600.

Is concert music a living thing?

The nature of concert music as a living, breathing entity and not a fossil of the past is introduced. Important definitions and distinctions are discussed, including: concert music, classical music, popular music, and Western music. The concept of music as a mirror is introduced. Lastly, using Ludwig van Beethoven as an example, ...

What is good listening?

Good listening is much more than being silent while the other person talks. To the contrary, people perceive the best listeners to be those who periodically ask questions that promote discovery and insight. These questions gently challenge old assumptions, but do so in a constructive way.

What level of listening should I aim for?

Consider which level of listening you’d like to aim for: Level 1: The listener creates a safe environment in which difficult, complex, or emotional issues can be discussed. Level 2: The listener clears away distractions like phones and laptops, focusing attention on the other person and making appropriate eye-contact.

Who is Joseph Folkman?

Joseph Folkman is the president of Zenger/Folkman, a leadership development consultancy. He is a coauthor of the October 2011 HBR article “ Making Yourself Indispensable ” and the book Speed: How Leaders Accelerate Successful Execution (McGraw Hill, 2016). Connect with Joe at twitter.com/joefolkman.

Who is Jack Zenger?

These are the hallmarks of great listening. Jack Zenger is the CEO of Zenger/Folkman, a leadership development consultancy. He is a coauthor of the October 2011 HBR article “ Making Yourself Indispensable ” and the book Speed: How Leaders Accelerate Successful Execution (McGraw Hill, 2016).

Does sitting there silently nod evidence that a person is listening?

Sitting there silently nodding does not provide sure evidence that a person is listening, but asking a good question tells the speaker the listener has not only heard what was said, but that they comprehended it well enough to want additional information.

Is poor listening competitive?

By contrast, poor listeners were seen as competitive — as listening only to identify errors in reasoning or logic, using their silence as a chance to prepare their next response. That might make you an excellent debater, but it doesn’t make you a good listener.
