what was the asset turnover during these six months? course hero

by Alfonso Nicolas 9 min read

What is the asset turnover ratio?

The asset turnover ratio, also known as the total asset turnover ratio, measures the efficiency with which a company uses its assets to produce sales. A company with a high asset turnover ratio operates more efficiently as compared to competitors with a lower ratio.

What is the difference between asset turnover and net sales?

It compares the dollar amount of sales or revenues to its total assets. The asset turnover ratio calculates the net sales as a percentage of its total assets. Generally, a higher ratio is favored because there is an implication that the company is efficient in generating sales or revenues.

How can the asset turnover ratio be artificially deflated?

The asset turnover ratio may be artificially deflated when a company makes large asset purchases in anticipation of higher growth. Likewise, selling off assets to prepare for declining growth will artificially inflate the ratio.

What is asset turnover ratio in DuPont analysis?

A key component of DuPont analysis is the asset turnover ratio, a system that began being used during the 1920s to evaluate divisional performance across a corporation.

What is asset turnover measuring?

The asset turnover ratio measures the efficiency of a company's assets in generating revenue or sales. It compares the dollar amount of sales (revenues) to its total assets as an annualized percentage. Thus, to calculate the asset turnover ratio, divide net sales or revenue by the average total assets. One variation on this metric considers only a company's fixed assets (the FAT ratio) instead of total assets.

How can a company improve its asset turnover ratio?

A company may attempt to raise a low asset turnover ratio by stocking its shelves with highly salable items, replenishing inventory only when necessary, and augmenting its hours of operation to increase customer foot traffic and spike sales. Just-in-time (JIT) inventory management, for instance, is a system whereby a firm receives inputs as close as possible to when they are actually needed. So, if a car assembly plant needs to install airbags, it does not keep a stock of airbags on its shelves, but receives them as those cars come onto the assembly line.

Can asset turnover be gamed by a company?

Like many other accounting figures, a company's management can attempt to make its efficiency seem better on paper than it actually is. Selling off assets to prepare for declining growth, for instance, has the effect of artificially inflating the ratio. Changing depreciation methods for fixed assets can have a similar effect as it will change the accounting value of the firm's assets.

Why is asset turnover deflated?

The asset turnover ratio may be artificially deflated when a company makes large asset purchases in anticipation of higher growth. Likewise, selling off assets to prepare for declining growth will artificially inflate the ratio. Also, many other factors (such as seasonality) can affect a company's asset turnover ratio during periods shorter than a year.

Why is asset turnover ratio higher?

The higher the asset turnover ratio, the better the company is performing, since higher ratios imply that the company is generating more revenue per dollar of assets. The asset turnover ratio tends to be higher for companies in certain sectors than in others.

What does it mean when a company has a low asset turnover ratio?

Conversely, if a company has a low asset turnover ratio, it indicates it is not efficiently using its assets to generate sales.

What is asset turnover?

Asset turnover is the ratio of total sales or revenue to average assets. This metric helps investors understand how effectively companies are using their assets to generate sales. Investors use the asset turnover ratio to compare similar companies in the same sector or group.

Why is asset turnover ratio higher?

Generally, a higher ratio is favored because there is an implication that the company is efficient in generating sales or revenues. A lower ratio illustrates that a company is not using the assets efficiently and has internal problems.

How to calculate asset turnover ratio?

To calculate the asset turnover ratio, divide net sales or revenue by the average total assets. For example, suppose company ABC had total revenue of $10 billion at the end of its fiscal year. Its total assets were $3 billion at the beginning of the fiscal year and $5 billion at the end. The average total assets are: $8 billion ($3 billion + $5 billion) ÷ 2 or $4 billion. Its asset turnover ratio for the fiscal year is 2.5 (that is, $10 billion ÷ $4 billion).

Why is a higher ratio better?

Generally, a higher ratio is favored because there is an implication that the company is efficient in generating sales or revenues. A lower ratio illustrates that a company is not using the assets efficiently and has internal problems. Asset turnover ratios vary throughout different sectors, so only the ratios of companies that are in the same sector should be compared. The ratio is calculated on an annual basis.

What is Asset Turnover Ratio?

There are ways that companies can determine how efficiently they are operating. One of these ways is by measuring how well they are turning over assets. But what is asset turnover? It is when a company converts purchased assets into sales. This can be measured through a ratio.

Calculating Asset Turnover Ratio

Before calculations can begin, the values needed for the formula must be found. Information on total assets can be found on a company's balance sheet, listed as total assets. In order to determine Ending Assets, reference the balance sheet at the end of the year in question. To get Beginning assets, look at the balance sheet for the year prior.

A Good Asset Turnover Ratio

What is a good asset turnover ratio? It depends on the industry and the company. In general, an asset turnover ratio greater than 1 is good, as that means there is more than one dollar in sales for every dollar of assets. However, it isn't uncommon to find ratios less than 1.

Calculation Of The Asset Turnover Ratio: A Business Case

You will be asked to compute the asset turnover ratio by using the formula provided in the Lesson and the information in the business case below. You will then be asked to interpret the ratio's meaning. The objective of this practice case is to assess your ability to (1) compute the asset turnover ratio and (2) interpret the ratio.


Somatel's asset turnover ratio is BELOW the industry average. This means that the company is less effective at generating income from its assets and thus should try to optimize its revenue cycle.

Why is asset turnover ratio higher?

A higher ratio is favorable, as it indicates a more efficient use of assets. Conversely, a lower ratio indicates the company is not using its assets as efficiently. This might be due to excess production capacity, poor collection methods, or poor inventory management. The benchmark asset turnover ratio can vary greatly depending on the industry.

What is benchmark asset turnover ratio?

The benchmark asset turnover ratio can vary greatly depending on the industry. Industries with low profit margins tend to generate a higher ratio and capital-intensive industries tend to report a lower ratio.

What are current assets in CFI?

Current Assets Current assets are all assets that a company expects to convert to cash within one year. They are commonly used to measure the liquidity of a.

What are the types of assets?

Types of Assets Common types of assets include current, non-current, physical, intangible, operating, and non-operating. Correctly identifying and. of a company. A company with a high asset turnover ratio operates more efficiently as compared to competitors with a lower ratio.

Why is a higher ratio favorable?

A higher ratio is generally favorable, as it indicates an efficient use of assets.

How long is a fiscal year?

Fiscal Year (FY) A fiscal year (FY) is a 12-month or 52-week period of time used by governments and businesses for accounting purposes to formulate annual. . Note: an analyst may use either average or end-of-period assets.

Is it appropriate to compare the asset turnover ratio of companies operating in the same industry?

It is only appropriate to compare the asset turnover ratio of companies operating in the same industry. We can see that Company B operates more efficiently than Company A. This may indicate that Company A is experiencing poor sales or that its fixed assets are not being utilized to their full capacity.