If you’re having difficulty in a course, try to objectively understand why that might be. It’s important to use positive self-talk while doing this, and to avoid tearing yourself down. For example, if your course is covering a difficult subject, avoid making internal judgments about your intelligence or ability to learn.
Most of our challenges are more of mental issues than physical ones. Do not let what people say about the course be your reality. Passion can make you learn difficult courses quickly. Be Passionate to learn the difficult courses. I have discovered that some of our challenges is because we never understood the background of the course.
When talking to your tutors, try to consider all the elements of the course that you dislike and the reasoning behind this.” Remember that just because you don’t like it now, it doesn’t mean you’ll always feel this way. Find out about future modules to see if it’s worth enduring the classes you don’t like.
Ask for help as soon as possible once you know you are in danger of failing any class during your time in college. Keep in mind, too, that "help" can take many different forms. You can ask for assistance from a tutor, your professor, your academic adviser, a learning center on campus, your friends, a teaching assistant,...
If you do not understand the lecturer, ask your questions. It is better for people to laugh at you in class than to laugh at your result on the board. Remember, understanding difficult subjects make you pass very difficult exams.
Here is a list of the 10 most difficult courses in the world all students should know about.Engineering. ... Chartered Accountancy. ... Medicine. ... Pharmacy. ... Architecture. ... Law. ... Psychology. ... Statistics.More items...•
There could be several reasons for this. Maybe you are busy and distracted with thoughts of other tasks that need doing. Maybe the course is poorly presented and you can't engage with the material. Or perhaps you are simply not in the right frame of mind to be studying right now.
Fear of Failure Fear of failure is one among the top reasons why many students fail. They tend to have a negative attitude towards progress and they never take a step to better their grades once they fail in life. That is why it is important to teach them to learn from failures and quickly move on in life.
It could be that you're not interested in the topics you're studying. It could be that your values have changed, or that you don't value being the “top of the class” as much you used to. It could be that you're tired and need a break. Yes, it can absolutely be a symptom of depression, or anxiety, or another illness.
There are possible reasons why some courses seem very difficult to you. At least, considering the fact that the courses are not difficult for everybody. Consider the following possible reasons:
Most of our challenges are more of mental issues than physical ones. Do not let what people say about the course be your reality. Passion can make you learn difficult courses quickly. Be Passionate to learn the difficult courses.
If you are a regular visitor of FlashLearners, you should be familiar with the student.txt concept. A full understanding of student.txt will put all the difficult courses under your feet. You may want to read the Ultimate guide to understanding students.tx here
A failed class can have an impact on your academic record, your progress toward graduation, your financial aid, and even your self-esteem. How you handle the situation once you know you're failing a college course, however, can have a significant influence on what happens after grades get turned in.
Dropping a course at various parts in the semester can have varying effects on your financial aid, too, so check in with the financial aid office about what needs to be done (and by when). Give yourself a little extra time, too, to gather all the signatures and coordinate other logistics for whatever you plan to do.
Do you ever find yourself squeezing your eyes shut so tightly you begin wondering if they might pop out? Or clenching your hands with such intensity, it leaves indentations on your palms? All the while – wishing, wishing, wishing – things were another way. Do you know what the best thing to do is when life is difficult?
However, knowing what we will do first when the pain feels like it will devour us whole is imperative to persevering well through life’s trials. Will we pull up our bootstraps, get moving, turn to friends, seek wise counsel, or draw up the covers over our heads?
For many of us, the most painful circumstances will involve our children. We can quickly become unglued, trying to fight for justice, take away their pain, or somehow make life go back to what we had expected or planned. And when we can’t fix it, we are left with disappointment beyond what we could imagine.
I have a special friend I turn to frequently when in need of prayer. She lights the cutest prayer candle, sends me a picture of it, and prays for me. But it is her words, which propel me right to where I need to go. She ever so sweetly says,
Do you remember what a brave momma did many years ago? Moses’s mother, Jochebed, carefully placed her baby in a basket and sent him floating down the river. Her daughter Miriam watched from the shore as he floated down the Nile River.
As we learned in “Is There More to Being Still?” – Letting go is part of being still. Click here if you missed the post. We must give everything to GOD, recognizing we are not in control.
When we trust God, unexpected opportunities may come our way. Remember, Moses’ mother saved his life, cared for him as a baby, and taught him about God.
If you can't change teachers or schools, do your best to fill in any learning gaps as quickly as possible. Look into tutoring or other options to provide learning outside of school. This way, your child will be up to speed and ready to move onto the next grade the following year.
Feedback enables the willing teacher to improve and exposes the truly bad teacher. If nothing else, reaching out to the teacher lets them know your child talks to you about what is happening at school. If they are an inept teacher, they may rethink their methods, knowing an involved parent is watching.
The teacher may resent you "tattling" on them, and a petty teacher may hold this against your child . However, it's more likely the teacher will feel more cautious around you and your child, inhibiting an open and honest dialogue about your child's progress moving forward.
Truly bad teachers are unusual, but they do exist. Today, most states require a college degree and a mentored student-teaching internship before someone can teach in the classroom. The path to becoming a professional certified teacher is challenging enough to stop most people who do not belong in the profession from even pursuing the job. ...
A Word From Verywell. Keep in mind that while an entire school year with an ineffective teacher is far from ideal, it is not the end of your child's education. Other subjects and other school years will bring different teachers into your child's life.