what the best way to study for chemistry introductory course final exam

by Alvera Herzog 6 min read

You need to know the information covered by tests, but it's also important to study for tests and take them the right way. Don't cram for a test. Don't put yourself in a position where you have to stay up all night studying. Keep up in class and study a little every day.

Full Answer

What are some tips for studying chemistry?

Make sure you allocate enough time to review the course material and practice problem solving on a regular basis. There is a reason these courses are not directed readings: all the parts – practice problems, reading, lecture, section, labs, office hours, studying on your own or with friends, tutoring– work best when you use them together.

How do I pass a chemistry exam?

Stoichiometry. From the basic definition of atomic and molecular weights, through percent composition, to balancing complex chemical equations, use these cards to master the topic of stoichiometry as tested in most introductory undergrad chemistry courses and on the AP Chemistry exam. 40 cards. Equilibrium.

When is the best time to study chemistry?

Scientific notation: Chemists are lazy and don't want to write out all the zeros in numbers like 300,000,000 or 0.0000057, so we instead write these numbers using scientific notation. Understanding scientific notation will let you skip writing out all those zeros, too! Dimensional analysis: My number two rule for learning chemistry is to always ...

How do you choose which questions to answer on a chemistry test?

Aug 18, 2021 · – Pass the final exam and other graded assessments to complete the program. Duration: Self-paced. Rating: 4.4 out of 5. You can Sign up Here 3. Chemistry Degrees & Certificates Online (Coursera) With over 90 options, Coursera makes sure that you can enhance your skills in chemistry irrespective of your proficiency level. The programs are divided based …

How do I prepare for a chemistry final exam?

Get to the exam early enough that you have time to get organized and relax.
  1. Write Down What You Know. Don't risk drawing a blank when confronted with a calculation! ...
  2. Read the Instructions. Read the instructions for the test! ...
  3. Preview the Test. ...
  4. Read Each Question Completely. ...
  5. Answer Questions You Know. ...
  6. Show Your Work.
Jul 11, 2019

How do you study for chemistry intro?

How To Study for Chemistry
  1. Review and Study Material Before Going to Class. ...
  2. Seek Understanding. ...
  3. Take Good Notes. ...
  4. Practice Daily. ...
  5. Take Advantage of Lab Time. ...
  6. Use Flashcards. ...
  7. Use Study Groups. ...
  8. Break Large Tasks Into Smaller Ones.

How do you pass an intro to chemistry?

Be Smart on Tests
  1. Don't cram for a test. Don't put yourself in a position where you have to stay up all night studying. ...
  2. Get sleep before a test. Eat breakfast. ...
  3. Read through the test before answering any questions. ...
  4. Be sure to answer the high-point questions. ...
  5. Review returned tests.
Jan 19, 2019

How many hours should you study for a chemistry test?

Chemistry requires both memorization and problem-solving, making it a particularly demanding subject. 5. Study two hours for each lecture hour and one hour for each lab hour each week (this is about 12 hours a week for 4 credit hour chemistry courses). 6.

What should I study first in chemistry?

At first, you should study physical chemistry… Because that builds your foundation of chemistry after which it will easier for you to comprehend inorganic as well as organic chemistry….

Which is the best time to study chemistry?

Study chemistry when you are awake!

We all tend to put off things that are difficult, but this means that you might end up studying chemistry at the very end of the day when you are already worn out and too tired to think well. And, if you never practice then it will never get easier!

Is First Year chemistry hard?

Chemistry is a fundamentally challenging subject. It is highly unlikely that every student in every class will understand every new concept the first time it is formally presented. Whilst asking a lecture question is to be encouraged, one along the lines of “I didn't understand what you just said” is not so helpful.

How can I study for chemistry exam in one day?

  1. Get as much sleep as possible. ...
  2. Make sure you have healthy snacks and lots of water. ...
  3. Your test performance will likely improve when you have more than one day to study. ...
  4. Stay calm. ...
  5. Divide the time you have according to subjects (for an easy class, twenty minutes, for example). ...
  6. Concentrate when studying.

Is intro to chemistry hard in college?

Chemistry is considered very hard. In fact, Chemistry is considered one of the most difficult subjects in College. Some of the more advanced chemistry courses (like Physical Chemistry) have been determined to be the hardest classes in College.

How do I study for a chemistry test in 3 days?

First, relax.
  1. Sleep early every night. Go to bed before 10pm (or 9pm with an exam the next day) Wake up naturally. ...
  2. Eat healthily. Eat regular meals at regular times. Eat plenty of fruit. ...
  3. Get some lighter exercise. Avoid exhausting sports around exam time (e.g. rugby).
Nov 7, 2014

What to do if you are struggling in chemistry?

Steps to Take
  1. Talk to Your Instructor. This should be the very first thing you do because nearly all of the options for minimizing the damage involve your teacher. ...
  2. Keep Doing Your Homework. ...
  3. Keep Attending Lectures and Labs. ...
  4. Take Notes. ...
  5. Get Someone Else's Notes. ...
  6. Try a Different Text. ...
  7. Work Problems.
Sep 12, 2019

How long does it take to master chemistry?

If you're wondering how many years it takes to become a chemist, the broad answer is 4 to 10 years of college and graduate study. The minimum education requirement to be a chemist is a college degree, such as a B.S. or Bachelor of Science in chemistry or a B.A. or Bachelor of Arts in chemistry.Jun 19, 2019

The ultimate study tool to for Chemistry 101 test prep

Brainscape is the ultimate study tool for content-heavy exams like Chemistry 101, helping not only to simplify the content into its constituent facts but also delivering these in a way that makes them so much more efficient, easy, and convenient to learn and remember.

Decks in this class (13)

From quantum numbers to electronic orbitals, use these cards to master the topic of atomic theory as tested in most introductory undergrad chemistry courses and even on the AP Chemistry exam.

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How to get to the exam early?

Get a good night's sleep. Eat breakfast. If you're someone who drinks caffeinated drinks, today is not the day to skip it. Similarly, if you never drink caffeine, today is not the day to start. Get to the exam early enough that you have time to get organized and relax.

What to do if you don't know the answer to a multiple choice question?

If you don't know an answer to a multiple choice question, try to eliminate possibilities and make a guess. If it's a true guess, choose "B" or "C".

Can you know where a question is going?

You may think you know where a question is going, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Also, chemistry questions often have multiple parts. Sometimes you can get hints on how to work a problem by seeing where the question is going. Sometimes you can even find the answer to the first part of a question this way.

Who is Anne Marie Helmenstine?

Dr. Helmenstine holds a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences and is a science writer, educator, and consultant. She has taught science courses at the high school, college, and graduate levels. our editorial process. Facebook Facebook. Twitter Twitter. Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. Updated July 11, 2019.

Welcome to the world of chemistry!

In this article, we'll summarize some fundamental concepts that will be helpful as you learn introductory or AP Chemistry. If some of the topics look unfamiliar or you don't remember them anymore, don't worry! We've provided links to help you learn or review the material on Khan Academy as you go. Remember, you can learn anything!


Properties of exponents and properties of logarithms: Being comfortable with using logs and exponents will be helpful for acid and bases, kinetics, and equilibrium.

Physics and biology

The scientific method: Scientists are constantly uncovering new information about how the world works. The scientific method helps us ask questions about our observations and design experiments to test possible explanations.

1. Chemistry Courses by Colleges and Universities (edX)

This e-learning platform brings you a series of online courses from top academic institutions of the world. Get introduced to the crucial concepts of this field and explore the topics in-depth. The classes will also help you with your coursework and AP exam preparation.

2. Chemistry Programs (MIT Open Courseware)

This leading institution brings you an array of undergraduate level programs in chemistry. You can choose from the principals of chemical science, organic, inorganic, organometallic chemistry, lab experiments, biochemistry, protein folding and human disease, thermodynamics of biomolecular systems, crystal structure refinement and more.

3. Chemistry Degrees & Certificates Online (Coursera)

With over 90 options, Coursera makes sure that you can enhance your skills in chemistry irrespective of your proficiency level. The programs are divided based on the difficulty levels namely beginner, intermediate and advanced.

4. Chemistry Tutorials and Courses (Udemy)

If you want to jumpstart a career in this field and work on improving your skills, then this platform has got you covered. Here you have the option to learn the foundational definitions, topics, and relevant challenges.

5. Chemistry Classes (Khan Academy)

This platform has divided all the available lessons into various categories with varying levels of difficulty. The introductory classes provide an overview of the subject, the basic formulas as well as the key points in each chapter. The theory is backed by videos and demonstrations which makes it easy to understand.

6. General Chemistry I: Atoms, Molecules, and Bonding by MIT (edX)

MIT has created this instructor-led course on edX that covers the concepts of general Chemistry. If you enroll in this program, you will study the core concepts that make up this field of science – structures and behavior of compounds at the atomic and molecular level.

What is the study of matter and the changes that it undergoes?

the study of matter and the changes that it undergoes. anything that has mass and takes up space (volume) a measure that reflects the amount of matter. a measure of the amount of gravitational pull on matter. chemistry. the study of matter and the changes that it undergoes. matter.

What is the study of matter?

the study of matter and the changes that it undergoes. matter that has a definite composition; a.k.a. a chemical. a measure that reflects the amount of matter. a measure of the amount of gravitational pull on matter. chemistry.

What is the chemistry of carbon compounds?

the chemistry of carbon compounds (other than simple salts suc…. the devising or choosing of names for things, especially in a…. a compound of hydrogen and carbon, such as any of those that a…. containing the greatest possible number of hydrogen atoms, and….

What is inorganic chemistry?

inorganic chemistry. anything that has mass and occupies space. the study of the composition of matter and the changes that ma…. the study of chemicals containing carbon. the study of chemicals that do not contain carbon. matter. anything that has mass and occupies space. Chemistry.

What does atomic number mean?

atomic number (z) atomic mass. radioactive. A table that shows the elements, their atomic number, symbol,…. the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. the weighted average of the masses of the isotopes of an eleme….

How to get into chem 142?

You can place into CHEM 142 or 143 by completing a preparatory chemistry course such as CHEM 110 or equivalent. An AP Chemistry score of 1 or greater is accepted for placement into CHEM 142 and 143 while a score ...

What is the AP chemistry score?

An AP Chemistry score of 1 or greater is accepted for placement into CHEM 142 and 143 while a score of 3 or greater is accepted for placement into CHEM 145. For IB exams, a score of 4,5,6, or 7 on the standard level exam will get you credit for CHEM 110 and allows you to enroll in CHEM 142 or 143.

How to prepare for finals?

If you plan out your study sessions (for ALL your exams), you’ll get a better handle on how much work you’re facing. Use the calendar on your phone to set alerts and reminders for yourself so you stick to your plan. 2.

How to improve concentration while studying?

Take breaks to improve your concentration when you return to studying: Veg out with an episode of your favorite TV show or play a couple rounds of Wii tennis. 12. Brain food is real. Eat healthy and drink plenty of water to keep your brain firing on all cylinders.

How to prepare for the Civil War?

Start early. Start studying for finals a few weeks before the first exam, and figure out how much time to set aside each day for each subject. Be realistic about how long it will take to, say, memorize the dates for all the Civil War battles. You need to fit in brain breaks, too! 3.

How to keep motivated to study?

There’s nothing like peer pressure to keep you motivated to study. Make a plan with friends to review the class material, compare notes, or work through tricky concepts. You'll benefit from the good study habits and notes of the other members in your study group. if you’re trying to solve a tough math problem, two heads are better than one.

Is it bad to pull an all nighter?

While it may be tempting to pull an all-nighter and cram everything in at the last minute, it’s a bad idea. You just add stress, and you won’t retain the information for very long by studying that way. You may even forget some of it by the time the test begins.
