what southeast asian state is the best example of a protruded state? course hero

by Miss Kaya Schamberger PhD 7 min read

What are the characteristics of the Southeast Asian realm?

a) The Southeast Asian realm exhibits shatter belt characteristics. b) Compared to neighboring realms, Southeast Asia has a relatively low population density. c) The major river valleys of mainland Southeast Asia are sparsely populated.

Is Southeast Asia a buffer or shatter belt?

Southeast Asia can be considered a buffer zone as well as a shatter belt. The total population of Southeast Asia is relatively modest compared to the populations of India and China. The population of Southeast Asia tends to be evenly spread across the realm's fragmented land area.

How is the population of Southeast Asia distributed?

The population of Southeast Asia tends to be evenly spread across the realm's fragmented land area. The island of Jawa is one of the world's most intensively cultivated areas, owing to its rich volcanic soils.

Which realm exhibits shatter belt characteristics?

a) The Southeast Asian realm exhibits shatter belt characteristics.

Is Southeast Asia a shatter belt?

Like Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia is a region of great cultural complexity that merits the label shatter belt. True. Southeast Asia can be considered a buffer zone as well as a shatter belt. True. The total population of Southeast Asia is relatively modest compared to the populations of India and China. True.

Which island is the most cultivated?

The island of Jawa is one of the world's most intensively cultivated areas, owing to its rich volcanic soils.

Is Southeast Asia a buffer zone?

Southeast Asia can be considered a buffer zone as well as a shatter belt.