what social issue is child neglect directly associated with course hero

by Alva Toy 3 min read

Who is more at risk of child abuse and neglect?from my.clevelandclinic.org

Some children are at higher risk of experiencing abuse and neglect. Risk factors include children who:

What is a social problem?from studydriver.com

According to author Robert Lauer, a social problem is defined as, a condition or pattern of behavior that contradicts some other condition or pattern of behavior; is defined as incompatible with the deserved quality of life; is caused, facilitated, or prolonged by social factors. Most times when looking at a social problem, ...

What is child abuse?from studydriver.com

Child abuse is hurting a child. It occurs when a child experiences harm or neglect. Often, the abuser is someone the child knows. It may be a parent, family member, caregiver or family friend.

How does sexual abuse affect a child?from my.clevelandclinic.org

Researchers have noted certain characteristics in children who have experienced abuse. Some behaviors may be more noticeable, such as:

How common is child abuse?from my.clevelandclinic.org

Child neglect and child abuse are common. At least 1 in 7 children has experienced neglect in the past year. The actual figure is likely higher. In the United States in 2018, nearly 1,770 children died of abuse and neglect.

What are the treatments for a child who has been abused?from my.clevelandclinic.org

Children may need immediate medical treatment if they have physical injuries, seem dazed or lose consciousness. Follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations for follow-up visits or visits to specialists as needed.

How can I improve the long-term health of a child who has experienced abuse?from my.clevelandclinic.org

Therapy can help the child process what happened to them, learn to build healthy relationships and reduce the lasting effects of the abuse. Managing the emotional impact of abuse can improve children’s long-term physical health, too.

What are the psychological consequences of neglect?from supremestudy.com

When children experience any form of mistreatment or neglect, they become at risk of developing mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression or even personality disorders.

How does abuse affect children?from supremestudy.com

When a child has been abused, they are prone to physical/medical, mental, psychological, sociological and developmental issues. Physical abuse, according to Laurer can include, kicking, biting, choking and beating by parents, with a high risk of physical injury and possible disability as a result. Initially when a child is first abused, they feel immense pain almost immediately, suffering from results of previous beatings. In most cases children can suffer from injuries and in worst cases─ death. If the child abuse is continuous and prolonged, it could lead to serious consequences for the child. Those were some short term effects of physical abuse, but the long term effects if the child is to survive, are far worse. Some possible long time effects of physical abuse are effects to mental health, lower self esteem, substance abuse (both drugs and alcohol) and a potential to be abusive to your own child as a parent. Physical abuse that starts early can affect a child years down the line when they are adults. We should see this as not just a problem, but a social problem because we are bringing these damaged people and adding them to our society.

What caused the animosity of the Lackses towards the hospital and scientist involved with HeLa?from ipl.org

The lack of compensation and involvement caused the animosity of the Lackses towards the hospital and scientist involved with HeLa. The lack of involvement also displays with the state of Deborah and Zakariyya described as “trance,” “mouths open,” and “cheeks sagging” after having learned of the fate of Henrietta (265). Henrietta’s children grew up not knowing and understanding what happened to heir mother, which Skloot used to display the sufferings of the Lackses. Dissociation with families of scientific subjects caused harm to the

What would happen if there was an expansion in child protection services?from supremestudy.com

If there was an expansion in prevention services that would mean more families would be educated on how to prevent child abuse from occurring, furthering eliminating the step of having events occur to an innocent child. This needs to occur on a national level as this issue is very serious and not something small. These are the lives of children and they matter. I also thought that the increase in funding for child protective services would do a lot for this social problem. With increase in funding from the government, more workers could be hired, meaning more children can be helped as more homes would be evaluated. Ideally, there would be enough funding to get well qualified, experiences people out on the field to make sure that these children were being placed in a safe location and ridden from any kind of abuse. Lastly, it would be very important for there to be changes made in the confidentiality laws associated with child abuse. This would do a lot for this social problem as more people would be able to come out and report any kind of abuse they see or hear from students. These actions can only be implemented if this issue is on a national level and there is a severity seen with child abuse as there is one with other social problems.

Why is foster care ineffective?from ipl.org

Some argue that the Foster Care system is ineffective and causes more harm than good. Children are traumatized from being moved home to home and never feel a sense of belonging. Being in the system can cause emotional, social, and life skill problems that can affect a child future. Many studies have shown that kids who are in Foster Care develop emotional, social and life skill problems that will affect them long-term, that will cause problems in their future as an adult. Some may often not be able to learn the basic life skills that will help them as a functional citizen in society.

What is parental rejection?from ipl.org

Parental rejection is the negative treatment of children by their parents or guardians, who weren’t necessarily abused or neglected, but were raised with little to no love. Studies on the effects of parental rejection showed that parents who were rejecting of their children,

What were the failures of social workers?from ipl.org

One of the failures according to society was that social workers were unable to identify or sport the warning signs of a child’s situation. It was believed that the social workers concentrated on working with the parents rather than protecting the child from danger, they were accused by the society to be “regarding the parents of children in care as the clients, rather than the children in their own right” (Howe, 1992 p.494). Management and administration by the welfare department was another area in which society failed to protect children, they were unable to manage and monitor the information gathered by the social workers in a sufficient manner. Findings shows that The ” in spite of there being indications that a child was not safe, there were failures to note and record, coordinate and collect such information and this produced an incomplete overall picture leading to mistakes and poor judgements” (Howe, 1992 p.495). .Welfare agents should be alerted if risk hazards to children are detected within the family
