what significant learning insights did you gain from the course

by Reinhold McGlynn 5 min read

I gained a lot of insights from the course GURO21. The most significant I think is what a lifelong learner would be and applying these principles alongside habits of 21st century teachers to become more dynamic, innovative and creative, all- round, flexible and adaptive and communicator as well.

Full Answer

What is significant learning and why is it important?

What insights did you gain about learning from this course?. Ormrod, J. E. (2017). Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, 9th edition. New York, NY: Pearson Publishing Company. What insights did you gain about learning from this course?

What did you learn from the course content?

What did you learn from the course content? I think one of the most important things I learned from the course content was how to look at different situations to explain certain behaviors or norms. This is the first sociology course I have ever taken, but I have taken a few psychology courses, and have found that while in this class my mind automatically jumped to personal …

Is significant learning a conscious process?

Dec 05, 2017 · Ausubel’s significant learning theory states that we add and adapt the new information to our previous knowledge. It is a conscious process. Significant learning is an active process in which the subject is the protagonist. This type of learning contrasts with rote learning, which is a more passive procedure. This constructivist theory contrasts with other proposals …

How has this insight had the most impact on your life?

What significant learning insights did you The significant learning insights that I gained gain from the course? from this course are: A 21st century teacher should be equipped with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values which is important in 21st century education. A teacher should teach/model so that learners will emulate the teacher.

What significant learning insights did you gain from the course Guro 21?

I gained a lot of insights from the course GURO21. The most significant I think is what a lifelong learner would be and applying these principles alongside habits of 21st century teachers to become more dynamic , innovative and creative, all- round, flexible and adaptive and communicator as well.

What is your significant of learning?

Learning is important to society as a whole because it helps different groups of people to share knowledge, agree on mutual values, and understand one another better.Feb 24, 2022

What are learning insights?

A type of learning that uses reason, especially to form conclusions, inferences, or judgments, to solve a problem. Supplement. Unlike learning by trial-and-error, insight learning is solving problems not based on actual experience (like trial and error steps) but on trials occurring mentally.Jan 19, 2021

What to put in learning insights?

How to write impactful insights
  1. State the context and background. Put the person reading the insight into the situation. ...
  2. Explain what you've learned. ...
  3. Articulate the root cause (the why). ...
  4. Talk about motivation. ...
  5. Communicate the consequences. ...
  6. (If necessary) Recommend the next steps.

Why is significant learning important?

When students learn something important about their own Self and/or about Others, it enables them to interact more effectively with themselves or with others. They discover the personal and/or social implications of what they have learned.

What is a significant learning experience?

Significant learning experiences sit at the intersection of six categories of learning (Figure 1): foundational knowledge, application of knowledge, integration of concepts, the “human dimension” (students learn about themselves or others), caring (about something), and learning how to learn.Jan 7, 2019

Why is it important to benefit from the insight of others?

When people have insight they also have a burst of energy and a dopamine reward in the brain, and the process also permanently changes the brain at a physiological level by creating new neural links.Jul 1, 2016

What is insight learning give an example?

Insight learning is a form of cognitive learning where animals use insight to accomplish something. Here are examples: A dog is in a room with a small gate to keep him from leaving. He pushes a box over to the gate in order to stand on it and jump over the gate.

What are insights examples?

The definition of insight is being able to see or understand something clearly, often sensed using intuition. An example of insight is what you can have about someone's life after reading a biography. An example of insight is understanding how a computer works.

How do you develop insights?

Define: Planning your analysis
  1. Be clear on the value of your insights. ...
  2. Partner with an expert. ...
  3. Visualise your analysis. ...
  4. Collect, clean, stay connected. ...
  5. Bring it all together with a conclusion and indicated actions. ...
  6. Prepare a clear insight message for your audience. ...
  7. Craft an engaging message.
Mar 31, 2018

How could we improve the course and make it even more relevant to your job?

Six ways to improve your ongoing training for employees
  • Make learning more flexible and accessible. ...
  • Motivate your managers to get involved. ...
  • Use tools that serve remote workers and in-office teams. ...
  • Match different learning options and preferences. ...
  • Offer cross-department training. ...
  • Ask employees what they want.
May 18, 2018

How do you start an insight essay?

First, draft your insight paper's introduction. Mention the work you are writing the paper about while emphasizing why this work is worth writing about and why it interests you. Write the thesis or purpose of your paper as well as the literary work's theme as a focus.Jun 21, 2018

Why do we focus on our strengths?

Focus on activities that use your strengths because that will give you the most return for your time. Improving your weaknesses usually don't pay because that time can be better spent working on your strengths.

What are the three things you need to learn to stick?

To learn lessons the easy way, you need three things: Awareness of the lesson to be learned. Intellectual understanding ...

How to measure how effective you are?

2. Follow your passion using your strengths to get the best return for your time and energy. We are all allotted 24 hours every day. What you achieve with your life depends on how you use those 24 hours.

How to have an impact in the world?

To have an impact in the world and to live to your full potential, follow your passion and support that passion with your interests and strengths in a sustainable way. Your passion tells you WHY you're doing what you're doing. Your interests will decide WHAT you should do to achieve your WHY.

How is effectiveness measured?

1. The effectiveness of your communication is measured by the feedback that you get. How effective you are as a communicator has nothing to do with your intentions. It has everything to do with the other person's response.

Who said "thinking fast and slow"?

Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking Fast and Slow, is right when he said,

Why do people say they keep it real?

The common misperception is that identity is fixed. People often say that they're "keeping it real" to excuse their bad habits and behaviors. They try to hold on to their identity without realizing that from the minute they were born, their identity has been continuously changing on many levels. They went from baby to toddler to teen to worker to parent. They've gone from student to the new guy to the seasoned veteran.

What are the three things that are important for learning?

It is imperative that we have: 1 A cognitive structure: The existing basis with which the latest data interact is of great importance. It is made of the ideas we have, how they relate to each other and their degree of clarity. 2 New materials to learn: They need to be related to our previous knowledge. If it is difficult for us to find a link, we must make an effort to achieve a link that unites the new and previous concepts. 3 Willpower: The most important thing is the willingness of the person to form and structure knowledge. We are in charge of organizing the information in our brain.

Why is significant child learning important?

Significant child learning is vital for us to acquire new knowledge later on. Throughout our lives, we will find ourselves in a variety of situations where we have to settle new information deeply in our minds to overcome an academic challenge. It doesn’t matter if we do it in college, for competition or to get a job.

Why is listening to people's views important?

Listening to people’s views helps us to better internalize information. Our colleagues will also benefit from our skills. We will discover new methods and data to incorporate into our learning process.

How to prepare for an exam?

If you are preparing for an exam, significant learning is the key to success. You can underline the most relevant aspects of the text after reading it a couple of times. Afterwards, when you are clear about what is most important, try to make your own notes with the essentials.

How does learning as a machine help us?

Learning as machines can help us in specific cases like knowing our telephone number, our ID card or reciting a poem.

What does "learning" mean in school?

To answer this question, we must be clear about what “learning” means. This term does not only involve the knowledge we are taught at school. It involves any lasting changes that we may observe in our behavior or that take place in our minds. Learning is essential in every area of our lives.

What is the key to progress?

Understanding and communicating the basics is the key to progress. Psychologists and other professionals try to develop learning theories to explain how the brain learns. There are several proposals that address this issue from different angles.

Why is integrity important?

Why integrity is vital. The importance of investing in relationships. Having a family and a career. Maintaining a life beyond work. The need for pragmatism. 1. Authenticity and the value of defining success on your own terms. “Everyone’s experience is unique and everyone’s style has to be their own.”. Isobel Humphrey.

Why is it important to know what you stand for?

Women at Cambridge talked about the vital importance of knowing what you stand for, the values that drive you and the work you are passionate about. This understanding then allows you to align your behaviour and choices with what really matters to you, as well as generate a definition of success that holds meaning. A focus on authenticity helps you to ask deeper questions about the legacy you want to leave and what you want to be known for.

What is integrity in women?

Having a well-earned reputation for integrity was viewed as the cornerstone of achieving success with substance and meaning. Whilst many of the women talked about making well-judged compromises in many areas, it was seen as vital not to compromise one’s integrity. Integrity manifested itself in everything from the routine behaviours of treating people with decency, irrespective of status, through to knowing when to fight battles of principle or swim against the tide of popular opinion. Integrity meant acting in accordance with one’s own values but not in a way that was naive. Many of the women could be seen to be guided by a blend of political awareness and integrity when making their decisions.

How does integrity manifest itself?

Integrity manifested itself in everything from the routine behaviours of treating people with decency, irrespective of status, through to knowing when to fight battles of principle or swim against the tide of popular opinion. Integrity meant acting in accordance with one’s own values but not in a way that was naive.

What does integrity mean in politics?

Integrity meant acting in accordance with one’s own values but not in a way that was naive. Many of the women could be seen to be guided by a blend of political awareness and integrity when making their decisions. “Compromise and diplomacy are important in leadership roles, but never at the expense of integrity.

What does it mean to have integrity?

Having integrity wasn’t about doing the right thing merely to get on, but doing the right thing based on conviction. That said, integrity did seem to be associated with those women who had achieved significant influence and seniority, so it might be seen to have had some impact on their success. One might assume that the behaviours associated with integrity, such as giving credit where it’s due and treating others with courtesy, could also engender loyalty and support.

Why do people set aside time and energy?

Despite the reality of heavy workloads, people chose to set aside precious time and energy to nurture important friendships and valuable relationships with colleagues, team members, mentors, sponsors, students and postdocs. There was a clear sense of the mutual benefit that could come from such engagement. People talked about being able to turn to their networks for support and advice, but also about seeing them as a source of fun, ideas, energy, inspiration and collaboration.

What is the most important implication of our study for the education system?

Andy: “The most important implication of our study for the education system is the importance of focusing on instructional quality. … We show that the debate about inputs versus no inputs in educational interventions is really a false dichotomy. It should be about interventions that improve instructional quality and, eventually, student learning versus those that don’t. If those require inputs, then so be it. If there’s a high-input intervention that doesn’t improve instructional quality, then there’s no worth in that intervention.”

What is the third session of the Rise online presentation series?

The third session of the RISE Online Presentation Series highlighted the complexity of delivering effective teacher training, but also gave reasons for optimism. All four of the teacher training programmes that our panellists had studied are vast improvements over the typical in-service training model. The panellists were:

What is Skills Labs in Rwanda?

Todd: “Another component in this curricular reform in Rwanda was Skills Labs: 80-minute-long double periods, where students were encouraged to do group work and present to their peers on entrepreneurship topics. We found that even though Skills Labs were meant to be implemented by all schools as part of this new national curriculum, only 8 percent of the control group schools actually scheduled these double periods. So even just the daily schedule was a barrier to changing practices in our context.”

Is teaching easy?

Teaching isn’t easy. In many education systems, a substantial portion of teachers do not adequately master the material they are expected to teach, nor do they master the pedagogical strategies for effectively conveying this material to their students. Teacher training and coaching aims to fill these gaps, so that teachers will be better equipped ...

Is technology a hidden cost?

Janeli: “With technology, there’s often a lot of hidden costs . For example, we needed to appoint someone who could support just the technology side of things. So if the tablet breaks or falls, or the teacher deletes the app, you do need someone to support with that. Secondly, you need to think through aspects of hosting and data storage. And there are all these costs that you don’t actually think about upfront—and you learn as you go along the way. Actually, technology isn’t always much more cost-effective in the end.”

Is teacher training easy?

But teacher training isn’t easy either. It involves a wide range of moving parts and competing priorities—across the system, school, teacher, and student levels—all of which need to be coherent in order for a training programme to have its desired effects. It’s no wonder that in-service training has a poor track record, given that the typical training approach involves a cascade of one-off sessions away from classroom settings, offering neither hands-on practice and nor constructive feedback.

Is pedagogical training important?

So usually you’re starting at a pretty low baseline, so pedagogical training is likely to be quite important in a wide variety of contexts.”

Who said great teachers don't teach?

1. Great Teachers Don't Teach by Ben Johnson , Edutopia - "… great teachers do not teach. They stack the deck so that students have a reason to learn and in the process can’t help but learn mainly by teaching themselves. This knowledge then becomes permanent and cherished rather than illusory and irrelevant. 2.

Who is Jayne Clare?

Jayne Clare is dedicated to being in the forefront of the ever-changing digital landscape. She has been working directly with students and startups and recognizing what works and what doesn’t, along with the why behind both. Jayne co-founded Teachers With Apps in 2011.
