what should be included in a premarital course

by Roderick Purdy 9 min read

CFB Solutions Inc. premarital preparation course may include instruction regarding: (a) Understanding your partner. (b) Working through conflicts. (c) Expectations of you and your partner. (d) Communicating with your partner. (e) Resources at the end of the quiz

Consider the following 7 vital premarital discussions:
  • The meaning of the marriage commitment. ...
  • Your individual and combined goals and aspirations. ...
  • Your relationship expectations. ...
  • Your ideas regarding family planning or family blending. ...
  • Your perceptions and expectations regarding money matters.
Aug 23, 2017

Full Answer

Who should handle your premarital counseling before marriage?

On the premarital curriculum: There are four lessons: a theology of (1) marriage; (2) communication; (3) sexuality; and (4) everything else (love, money, forgiveness and children).

What should be included in a prenuptial agreement?

(b) A premarital preparation course shall: (1) include instruction regarding: (i) conflict management; (ii) communication skills; (iii) financial responsibilities; and (iv) children and parenting responsibilities; and (2) consist of at least 4 hours of instruction. (c) A premarital preparation course may be conducted by:

What are the benefits of premarital counseling?

The course includes financial responsibilities, communication skills, and management of conflict, parenting and children responsibilities.

How long does premarital counseling take?

Dec 10, 2021 · While many Christians are required by their church to go through a premarital education course before they get married in the church, the practice has been expanded to completely secular practices. A marriage or family therapist should be included in your wedding budget, just as wedding dresses, destination weddings, and flower arrangements are. This …

What questions are asked at pre marriage course?

The 8 Questions Premarital Counselors Always AskWhy Should You Consider Seeing a Premarital Counselor.What Do You Appreciate Most About Your Partner and Your Relationship?Are You on the Same Page About Having Children?How Will You Handle Your Relationships With Your Families?What Does Spirituality Mean to You?More items...•Jun 5, 2020

What is the purpose of premarital education classes?

What is the purpose of premarital education classes? Many couples decide to go through a premarital education program. These classes help you and your partner establish goals for the marriage, address any conflict, and give you problem-solving skills for when issues arise in the marriage.Mar 28, 2022

What are four responsibilities of married partners?

Terms in this set (12) Name two responsibilities of partners in a healthy marriage. Love, commitment, compromise, and emotional intimacy.

What is premarital counseling?

What Is Premarital Counseling? Premarital counseling is a form of couples therapy that can help you and your partner prepare for marriage. It is intended to help you and your partner discuss several important issues, ranging from finances to children so that you are both on the same page.Jun 23, 2021

What is premarital preparation?

Premarital Preparation Courses: Big Moneysavers. One of the truths from research is that through premarital preparation courses and programs divorces are reduced and healthy marriages supported . This means couples have to be encouraged to engage in activities related to premarital preparation, usually marriage education and premarital counseling.

How long does it take to get a marriage license?

A woman or man applying for a marriage license can be waived from paying the fee if they have successfully gone through a premarital education course that qualifies. It has to be a minimum of six hours to apply and includes marital issues as well as parenting and responsibilities, extended roles of the family, financial responsibilities, communication skills and conflict management. The course has to be completed 12 months before the license is applied for.

How much does a marriage license cost in Minnesota?

The marriage license fee in Minnesota is $115 but completing a 12-hour marriage education reduces it to $40. To qualify, the parties have no choice but submit a dated and signed statement from a premarital education provider confirming it was provided.

What is the Maryland marriage license fee?

A marriage license fee discount is offered by the state of Maryland if the couple has gone through a premarital preparation education one year before they apply for the license. The discount provided is determined by the governing body of the county and consists of instructions on parenting and children responsibilities, financial responsibilities, communication skills and management of conflict for four hours, minimum.

Certificates of Completion

Each premarital preparation course provider shall furnish each participant who completes the course with a certificate of completion specifying the name of the participant, the date of completion and whether the course was conducted by personal instruction, videotape instruction, instruction via electronic medium, or by a combination of these methods..

Registration Forms

Each provider shall provide to the Clerk's Office sufficient registration forms which outline the name of the program, telephone number, cost, frequency of classes, number of locations, and whether the classes are provided in languages other than English.


Each participant shall be provided a written evaluation of the seminar at its conclusion. These evaluations shall be retained by the provider for a period of one year and shall be available to the court for inspection.


On or before November 1st of each year, each program shall submit a written report to the court which shall include the following information:

What are the conditions of a prenuptial agreement?

While prenuptial agreements are considered binding legal contracts, they are not inviolate. Under certain conditions they can be dismissed by a court when challenged in a couple's divorce proceedings. A prenuptial agreement can be judged invalid under any of the following conditions: 1 The Agreement is Fraudulent – A prenuptial agreement requires that each party full discloses his or her assets. If either party undervalued their assets, or failed to disclose all of their assets, the agreement can be rendered invalid. 2 The Agreement was Signed Under Duress – If it can be proved that either party was forced to sign a prenuptial agreement against their will, or against their better interests, the contract can be rendered null and void. 3 Reduced Mental Capacity – If it can be proved that either party was forced to sign the contract while they were ill or under the influence of drugs, the prenuptial agreement can be rendered invalid. 4 Lack of Proper Legal Representation – If either party signed the agreement without benefit of legal counsel, the contract can be disputed and may be invalidated. 5 The Paperwork was Improperly Prepared or Filed – As with any legal contract, if the agreement was improperly prepared its provisions may be called into question. Similarly, if the document was not properly filed, it may be deemed as unenforceable.

What does a prenuptial agreement protect you from?

A prenuptial agreement will protect you from assuming the liabilities of your spouse. You Plan to Quit Your Job to Raise Children – Quitting your job to raise a family can have a negative impact on your career trajectory and your earning potential.

What percentage of marriages end in divorce?

Caught up in the excitement of starting a new life together it can be hard to envision a time when you might part, and go your separate ways. But the truth of the matter is, 40% to 50% of all marriages in the United States end in divorce; and part of planning for the future as a married couple is considering every eventuality, even the ones you might prefer not to think about. For many couples, that plan includes a prenuptial agreement.

What happens if you remarry and you have children?

You are Remarrying – If you have children from a previous marriage, a prenuptial agreement will ensure that their property rights are protected. Inheritance laws tend to favor the current spouse, and without a valid prenup in place children from a previous marriage may not be provided for according to your wishes.

Can a prenuptial agreement address child custody issues?

Child Custody – A prenuptial agreement can not address child custody issues, including visitation, religious upbringing, and schooling. The court is charged with determining what is in the best interest of the children.

What is separate property?

Separate and Marital Property – Each state has its own laws to distinguish between separate and communal property. Absent a prenuptial agreement, the court will follow those rules when dividing a couple's assets during their divorce proceedings. A valid prenuptial agreement specifies what will, and will not, be considered marital property, protecting each parties personal assets.

What is a lifestyle clause?

Other lifestyle clauses address whether or not the couple plans to have children, the couple's sexual habits, in-law visitation, and alcohol or drug abuse. As a general rule, these types of lifestyle clauses are considered frivolous, and many courts view them unfavorably when reviewing a prenuptial agreement.
