what's my next course of action when i'm on the max goes flush blood pressure meds but i still have

by Dominic King 6 min read

Is your medication keeping your blood pressure “normal”?

Instead of making the necessary changes to increase heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease, we simply rely on the medication to keep us “normal.”The truth is, the medication has brought your blood pressure to a normal level, but it has not corrected it permanently. It is simply controlling the symptoms of high blood pressure.

What happens if you stop taking high blood pressure medication?

It is simply controlling the symptoms of high blood pressure. If other changes do not take place to affect your heart health, the condition will still be present. If the medication is stopped, your blood pressure will once again rise to unhealthy levels and the risk for related health problems will rise.

Can a doctor change the dosage of a high blood pressure medication?

In other cases, your doctor may change the dosage or prescribe another high blood pressure medication. A combination of medications sometimes works better than one medication alone by not only improving high blood pressure control but also by reducing side effects.

Is it better to take a combination of blood pressure medications?

A combination of medications sometimes works better than one medication alone by not only improving high blood pressure control but also by reducing side effects. Also, when you first start a new high blood pressure medicine, be aware of rare allergic reactions.

Why is my blood pressure still high even though I take medication?

You're taking a diuretic and at least two other blood pressure medicines. But your blood pressure still isn't budging. This is called resistant hypertension. Simply put, it means that your high blood pressure (HBP or hypertension) is hard to treat and may also have an underlying (secondary) cause.

What happens if blood pressure meds don't work?

If you have high blood pressure that isn't responding to medication, your doctor may refer you to a hypertension specialist recognized by the American Society of Hypertension, Dr. Thomas says, as these cases often require in-depth testing and highly tailored treatment.

When is blood pressure high enough to go to the hospital?

High blood pressure, caused by lifestyle issues like obesity and not getting enough exercise, among other causes, is a serious disease. If it gets too high, specifically 180/120 or higher, and you have the symptoms listed here, you need to call 911 or go to the emergency room.

What are the symptoms of taking too much blood pressure medication?

SymptomsIrregular heartbeat.Lightheadedness.Low blood pressure.Rapid or slow heartbeat.Heart failure (shortness of breath and swelling of the legs)Shock (extremely low blood pressure)

Can I take another pill if my blood pressure is high?

"The traditional method of practicing medicine is to start low, go slow, is the mantra." That means that doctors typically prescribe one blood pressure medicine at a low dose and increase its strength as needed, to the maximum beneficial level. If blood pressure remains stubbornly high, they start a second medication.

How can you bring your blood pressure down quickly?

Increase activity and exercise more. ... Cut back on sugar and refined carbohydrates. ... Eat more potassium and less sodium. ... Eat less processed food. ... Stop smoking. ... 11. Make sure to get good, restful sleep. ... Eat garlic or take garlic extract supplements. ... Take these BP-lowering supplements.More items...

What is stroke level blood pressure?

A hypertensive crisis is a severe increase in blood pressure that can lead to a stroke. Extremely high blood pressure — a top number (systolic pressure) of 180 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or higher or a bottom number (diastolic pressure) of 120 mm Hg or higher — can damage blood vessels.

How high is your blood pressure before a stroke?

Blood pressure readings above 180/120 mmHg are considered stroke-level, dangerously high, and require immediate medical attention.

Should I lie down if my blood pressure is high?

But more recent studies have found that blood pressure may be lower while lying down versus sitting. Currently, the American Heart Association recommends that blood pressure readings be taken when you're sitting down. However, in some cases you may have your blood pressure taken while lying down or while standing.

How long does blood pressure medicine stay in your system?

It usually takes about five half-lives for a drug to leave your system entirely. For amlodipine, this means the drug will stay in your system for about 10 days after your last dose.

How long does it take for blood pressure to go down?

Many people can reduce their high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, in as little as 3 days to 3 weeks.

What is resistant hypertension?

“Resistant hypertension is the failure to reach your goal blood pressure when you’re adhering to maximally tolerated doses of an appropriate three-drug regimen that includes a diuretic ,” explains Dr. Thomas.

What can I take to raise my blood pressure?

NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen), oral contraceptives and nasal decongestants all can boost your blood pressure, Dr. Thomas says. “Be sure to bring all of your pill bottles, including over-the-counter medications or herbal supplements or vitamins, to your medical appointments,” he says.

Why is high blood pressure called the silent killer?

High blood pressure is sometimes known as “the silent killer” — so named because it increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, but often goes unnoticed because of its lack of obvious symptoms. In fact, you may have high blood pressure and not even know it. But resistant hypertension, just as the name says, is when your high blood pressure is ...

Can you take water pills with high blood pressure?

Put another way: If you have high blood pressure, and you’re taking the maximum dose of three different blood pressure medications including a water pill (diuretic), and your blood pressure still isn’ t at safe levels, you may have resistant hypertension . And you’ll need to do more to control it.

Can you smoke before blood pressure?

You haven’t rested long enough before checking blood pressure. You experience “white coat hypertension,” or elevated blood pressure due to anxiety in the doctor’s office. You smoke or have caffeine right before having your blood pressure taken as this can artificially inflate the numbers.

Can sleep apnea cause hypertension?

There’s also evidence that obstructive sleep apnea can contribute to resistant hypertension. Your doctor may order a sleep study if this is a concern. 4. If your doctor rules out lifestyle factors and medications, he or she may look for other causes related to hormones or vascular problems.

What causes blood pressure to fluctuate?

“We look for sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease or a problem with the adrenal glands , as any of these can cause blood pressure to fluctuate,”. says Dr. Lioudis. Advertising Policy.

What does "labile hypertension" mean?

Although the term “labile hypertension” means blood pressure that fluctuates more than usual, the term actually has no official definition. There’s no line that must be crossed — no minimum blood pressure reading or number of spikes — necessary to make the diagnosis.

Why does my blood pressure swing in both directions?

Blood pressure that swings in both directions may be a sign of a different problem called autonomic dysfunction. People with this problem have difficulty regulating involuntary functions such as heart rate, breathing and body temperature, in addition to blood pressure.

Is hypertension more common in the 40s?

People who develop hypertension in their 40s — particularly if they have a family history of hypertension — are more likely to have essential hypertension than labile hypertension. They tend to be overweight or have underlying dietary issues, such as excessive sodium intake or heavy alcohol consumption.

Can you check blood pressure at home?

It’s the only way to spot masked hypertension. People with this condition have normal blood pressure in the doctor’s office, but high blood pressure at home. “We can’t do anything for hypertension unless we know it exists,” he says. “That’s why we advise everyone to have their pressures checked at least yearly.

What is the second myth about BP?

Myth #2: You have been cured when meds lower your BP to "normal". The belief that once you reach a healthy blood pressure range your medication can be stopped is a dangerous myth. It is based on the second myth, that you have been cured.

What happens if you stop taking a heart medication?

If the medication is stopped, your blood pressure will once again rise to unhealthy levels and the risk for related health problems will rise.

Why do we need blood pressure medication?

What most of us don’t realize is that the purpose of blood pressure medications is actually to stop heart attacks, strokes, and other heart risks, rather than simply reduce high blood pressure. With this in mind, it can be argued that one should only use medications if it truly reduces the risk of these diseases.

How to keep your blood pressure high?

Increase potassium intake (try bananas, spinach, avocados, quinoa, sweet potatoes, etc.) Choosing healthy foods can be especially effective in managing your blood pressure and keeping your heart healthy. As you make these changes, it is important to continue to track your blood pressure ( iOS, Android ).

What is the goal of no longer taking blood pressure medication?

The important thing to remember is the ultimate goal should be overall heart health . Reducing your risk for heart disease is what will make the difference. You will lower your risk for heart attack and stroke.

How many points does it take to lower blood pressure?

This has been shown to lower your blood pressure naturally, by 9 points or more. Properly monitoring your blood pressure each day will provide essential feedback for yourself as you implement changes in your diet and lifestyle. It will also allow your doctor to better track your progress and reactions to medications.

Can medication help with blood pressure?

Medication can help control blood pressure, but it will not cure it, even if your blood pressure readings appear normal. Do not stop taking medications if you reach “normal.”. When taking medication, it remains important to track and manage your blood pressure. Healthy lifestyle changes and tracking are effective ways to manage your blood pressure, ...

Finding and treating underlying causes and making lifestyle changes will help

Many people have high blood pressure in older age, and sometimes it’s hard to control. That problem is called resistant hypertension — blood pressure that stays above a set goal, such as 140/90 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), despite taking three classes of blood pressure drugs (including a diuretic) at the highest tolerable doses.

Reassess all medications

Bring your doctor a list of all the medications you are taking, or bring a bag with all the medication bottles. Include over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and supplements. The list, or bag, of medicines can help your doctor identify drugs or supplements that may be raising your pressure.

Treat underlying causes

Underlying conditions can also keep your blood pressure high (see "What causes resistant hypertension?"). Getting them under control is essential. But figuring out if you have one can take detective work and a thorough physical evaluation.

Make lifestyle changes

You may need to ramp up healthy habits to maximize their effects. Start by eating a plant-based diet that’s low in salt; aim for less than 2,400 milligrams (mg) of salt per day. You should also be getting at least seven hours of sleep per night, limiting alcohol, avoiding smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight.

What else will help?

If these strategies don’t reduce your blood pressure, your doctor may feel it’s necessary to prescribe more pills. But don’t despair. "No matter what you are taking now, your doctor should be able to make affordable changes in your blood pressure medications to bring down your numbers," Dr. Bhatt says.


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What is the effect of alpha blockers on the heart?

Alpha-Blockers. Alpha-blockers reduce nerve impulses to blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily. These medications may cause: Dizziness, lightheadedness, or weakness when standing up suddenly or getting up in the morning (from reduced blood pressure) Fast heart rate.

What is the ACE inhibitor?

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors. These high blood pressure medications block formation of a hormone that causes blood vessels to narrow, so vessels relax. ACE inhibitors may cause these side effects: A dry, hacking cough that doesn't go away.

What are the side effects of taking a blood pressure medication?

Diuretics. These high blood pressure medications flush extra water and sodium (salt) from your body. Diuretics may cause these side effects: Extra urination. Extra water out means more time in the bathroom. Take these medications earlier in the day and when you're not far away from a bathroom.

Can high blood pressure medication cause side effects?

Side Effects of High Blood Pressure Medications. Any medication can cause side effects, and high blood pressure (HBP) medications are no exception. However, many people do not have side effects from taking hypertension drugs, and often the side effects are mild. Still, it's important to stay informed and work closely with your doctor ...

Is it better to take a combination of blood pressure medications or one medication alone?

A combination of medications sometimes works better than one medication alone by not only improving high blood pressure control but also by reducing side effects. Also, when you first start a new high blood pressure medicine, be aware of rare allergic reactions.

Can you take medication for high blood pressure?

Still, it's important to stay informed and work closely with your doctor to manage any side effects you may have. There's no reason to "suffer in silence." Today there are more medication options than ever for managing high blood pressure (hypertension).

Can angiotensin 2 cause high blood pressure?

In some cases, this can be very dangerous, causing a big spike in blood pressure. If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant, talk to your doctor about the safest medication to use. ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) can cause harmful side effects for pregnant women and their developing babies.

3 Answers

I recommend you speak with your doctor about your BP. Low BP can cause Dizziness or lightheadedness. Fainting (syncope) Blurred vision. Hope this helps.

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