what resources were available to faciltiate or undermine your health quality? course hero

by Selmer Borer 10 min read

What is the patient safety and quality improvement course?

Mar 29, 2020 · QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE care will improve and so will the populations health. The process of health care will not be so complex but rather more affordable and easier to …

What is the most important component of quality improvement?

Healthcare professionals interested in earning the Nursing CE contact hours must: 1) Enroll in the course and purchase the $49 Coursera Certificate option. 2) Register for the Nursing CE …

How can we improve the quality of care?

Dec 26, 2015 · QUALITY HEALTH CARE IN HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION 3 examine the patients efficiently and prescribes the right medication at the right time. Health care sector is a very …

About this Course

Ensuring patient safety and healthcare quality is critical and should be a key focus of everyone in healthcare practice. This course provides healthcare practitioners and others with an introduction to the knowledge and skills needed to lead patient safety and quality improvement initiatives at the micro and macro levels.

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In the heart of our nation’s capital with additional programs in Virginia, the George Washington University was created by an Act of Congress in 1821. Today, GW is the largest institution of higher education in the District of Columbia.

Establishing a Framework for Quality & Safety

Welcome to Module 1! During this module, you'll learn about the current state of healthcare quality and safety in the US and globally, and the essential characteristics and expected outcomes of safe, high-quality healthcare. We'll also discuss the core elements of quality improvement, and the data needed to assess the safety and quality of care.

Safety as a First Principle of Quality

Welcome to Module 2! This week, we examine the criticality of patient safety to healthcare and the sciences underlying patient safety. You'll learn a model for systems engineering and a process for anticipating and addressing medical errors. You'll also learn about the importance of a just culture approach to medical error prevention.

Measures & Measurement

Welcome to Module 3! This week we delve into measures and measurement. You'll learn to apply the basic Donebedian framework for measuring quality in healthcare in terms of structure, process and outcomes. We'll discuss the key attributes of useful (good) healthcare measures and the core concepts of validity and reliability.

Quality and Safety Improvement Science

Welcome to Module 4! This week you'll learn how to identify quality improvement opportunities and apply the PDSA cycle to address them. We'll also discuss the importance and benefits of team-based approaches to quality improvement, and the value of Health Information Technologies (HIT) and other innovations in improving health care quality.

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What are the factors that contribute to the complexity of health care?

Processes that are inefficient and variable, changing case mix of patients, health insurance, differences in provider education and experience, and numerous other factors contribute to the complexity of health care.

Why is culture important in healthcare?

The culture is needed to support a quality infrastructure that has the resources and human capital required for successfully improving quality. Quality improvement teams need to have the right stakeholdersinvolved. Due to the complexity of health care, multidisciplinary teams and strategiesare essential.

What is the goal of measuring quality of care?

The goals of measuring health care quality are to determine the effects of health care on desired outcomes and to assess the degree to which health care adheres to processes based on scientific evidence or agreed to by professional consensus and is consistent with patient preferences.

Why is a culture of safety and improvement important?

A culture of safety and improvementthat rewards improvement and is driven to improve quality is important. The culture is needed to support a quality infrastructure that has the resources and human capital required for successfully improving quality.

What is FMEA in healthcare?

In health care, FMEA focuses on the system of care and uses a multidisciplinary team to evaluate a process from a quality improvement perspective. This method can be used to evaluate alternative processes or procedures as well as to monitor change over time.