what reservations, if any, do you have about this course?

by Carley Kozey V 4 min read

What is a reservation?

Q 1: What is a reservation? The word reservation is a misnomer. The appropriate word for it used in the Indian Constitution is Representation. It is not given to anyone in his individual capacity. It is given to an individual as a representative of the underprivileged community.

Do you have to pay for reservations?

All are free but because space is limited reservations are essential. Then she pointed to the wooded area in the central reservation of the road. My mother the trials of life with a frank phone call the reservations desk and an overnight bag, often the middle of the night.

Do reservations help the southern Indian states in making progress?

It is a common knowledge that all the southern states and Maharashtra are much ahead in fields of education, health, industrial development, in implementing poverty alleviation schemes, etc. than the north Indian states. This shows that reservations have indeed helped the southern Indian states in making progress on various fronts.

How long are reservations in education and employment for government jobs?

Only the political reservations (seats reserved in Loksabha, Vidhansabha, etc) were to be reserved for 10 years and the policy review was to be made after that. That is why after every 10 years the parliament extends political reservations. The 10 year limit for reservations is not true for the reservations in education and employment.

What does it mean if you have reservations about something?

a doubt or reason for not accepting or agreeing with something completely: [ C ] We have reservations about letting the children stay home alone. [ C ] an arrangement to have something kept for a person or for a special purpose: I made a reservation at the restaurant for 7 o'clock.

What are examples of reservations?

An example of reservation is someone calling a restaurant and asking them to hold a table for a specific time. An example of reservation is a concern that holds a person back from doing something. A limiting qualification, condition, or exception.

What does it mean to have no reservations about something?

: without limitation : completely He supported her decision without reservation.

What is another word for reservations?

In this page you can discover 60 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for reservation, like: retainment, booking, mental reservation, restriction, isolation, withholding, limitation, bespeaking, badge, openness and check in.

What are your biggest reservations?

The Top Ten: Largest Native American Reservations in the U.S.RankNamePopulation1.Navajo Nation (Ariz.-N.M.-Utah)169,3212.Pine Ridge Reservation, (S.D.-Nebr.)16,9063.Fort Apache Reservation, (Ariz.)13,0144.Gila River Indian Reservation, (Ariz.)11,2516 more rows•Jul 2, 2020

What is the important of reservation?

1. Ensures room on arrival - A guest who makes a prior reservation is ensured of the required type of room, no of rooms for his entire stay in the city. This saves him from the difficulty of finding accommodation on arrival especially during peak seasons when most of the hotels are full.

What does reservation mean in social studies?

A reservation is an area of land managed by a Native American tribe under the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. There are approximately 310 Indian reservations in the United States although there are more than 550 federally recognized tribes.

What is reservation in front office?

A potential guest contacts a hotel for availability of the desired type of accommodation and any allied services that the hotel offers. The front office department needs to react to the enquiry of the guests. For a guest, reservation increases the chances of a better deal for assured accommodation on arrival.

How do you say make a reservation?

synonyms for make reservationenter.hire.line up.organize.schedule.set up.bill.charter.More items...

What does Uneased mean?

: mental or spiritual discomfort: such as. a : vague dissatisfaction : misgiving. b : anxiety, disquiet. c : lack of ease (as in social relations) : embarrassment.

What is another word for Indian reservation?

Indian reservationIndian reservationsAlso known as: Domestic dependent nationCategoryAutonomous administrative divisionsLocationUnited StatesCreated1658 (Powhatan Tribes)4 more rows

What is reservation in education?

Reservation in general terms refers to a system or arrangement in which some resources or something is kept aside for use by some people only. ... The government has made a reservation in education and employment for the section of society that have been discriminated over the years.

What does it mean to have reservations?

to have reservations about something means that you're not totally in on the idea. the root word, reserve, means to hold exclusively aside for, like reserving a table in a restuarant. so if you're talking about your feelings having reservations, it's like you have parts of your mind that still haven't decided on the idea yet and are still “sitting at the table". most of you agrees, but you have reservations.

What does "reservations" mean?

It means to have doubts about a course of action. “I have reservations about having elective surgery”, I have reservations about eating spicy food” “They had reservations about visiting Italy until the country is no longer on lockdown”

Why is the reservation policy used?

The policy of reservations is being used as a strategy to overcome discrimination and act as a compensatory exercise. A large section of the society was historically denied the right to property, education, business and civil rights because of the practice of untouchability. In order to compensate for the historical denial and have safeguards against discrimination, we have the reservation policy.

Who implements reservations policy?

It depends on how sincerely and effectively the policymakers which constitute “privileged castes” people in executive, judiciary and legislature, implement the reservations policy.

What is the proportion of Scheduled Castes in class III and IV?

The proportion of Scheduled castes in class III and IV is well above the quota of 16 per cent and in class I and II, the proportion is around 8–12 per cent. So, the middle and the lower middle class that we see today from the Dalit community is because of reservation.

Why should reservations not be based on economic status?

Reservations should never be based on economic status for various reasons as follows: A) The poverty prevailing among the Dalit-Bahujans has its genesis in the social-religious deprivations based on the caste system. Therefore poverty is an effect and caste system a cause.

How long are political reservations reserved?

Only the political reservations (seats reserved in Loksabha, Vidhansabha, etc) were to be reserved for 10 years and the policy review was to be made after that. That is why after every 10 years the parliament extends political reservations.

What is reservation in Indian Constitution?

Q 1: What is a reservation? The word reservation is a misnomer. The appropriate word for it used in the Indian Constitution is Representation. It is not given to anyone in his individual capacity. It is given to an individual as a representative of the underprivileged community.

Is income based reservation a means to an end?

It is certainly more difficult to buy a false caste certificate than a false income certificate. E) Reservation is not an end in itself. It is a means to an end.

What is a reservation?

(rezəʳveɪʃən ) Word forms: plural reservations. 1. variable noun. If you have reservations about something, you are not sure that it is entirely good or right. I told him my main reservation about his film was the ending. [ + about]

What does it mean to make a reservation?

If you make a reservation, you arrange for something such as a table in a restaurant or a room in a hotel to be kept for you.

How many metres of the central reservation have been damaged?

Initial inspections have identified that 300 metres of the central reservation and a light column has been damaged with possible damage to the road surface.

What does "reserved" mean?

1. the act or an instance of reserving. 2. something reserved, esp hotel accommodation, a seat on an aeroplane, in a theatre, etc. 3. (often plural) a stated or unstated qualification of opinion that prevents one's wholehearted acceptance of a proposal, claim, statement, etc. 4.

Do senior judges have reservations about filming criminal trials?

Senior judges continue to have reservations about filming criminal trials and the difficulties of protecting jurors and witnesses.

Is early reservation recommended?

Places are limited and early reservation is recommended. Some prospective buyers have expressed reservations about the lack of privacy. They pulled over and the daughter grabbed him as he reached the central reservation. The first action was a discreet disagreement over the reservation of a restaurant table.

What does it mean to have reservations?

Definition of 'reservation'. If you have reservations about something, you are not sure that it is entirely good or right. I told him my main reservation about his film was the ending. If you make a reservation, you arrange for something such as a table in a restaurant or a room in a hotel to be kept for you.

What does it mean when you have reservations about something?

If you have reservations about something, you are not sure that it is entirely good or right.

What is reservation in Arizona?

A reservation is an area of land that is kept separate for a particular group of people to live in. Seventeen thousand Indians live in Arizona on a reservation. More Synonyms of reservation. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers.

How many metres of the central reservation have been damaged?

Initial inspections have identified that 300 metres of the central reservation and a light column has been damaged with possible damage to the road surface.

What does "reserved" mean?

1. the act or an instance of reserving. 2. something reserved, esp hotel accommodation, a seat on an aeroplane, in a theatre, etc. 3. (often plural) a stated or unstated qualification of opinion that prevents one's wholehearted acceptance of a proposal, claim, statement, etc. 4.

Is early reservation recommended?

Places are limited and early reservation is recommended. Some prospective buyers have expressed reservations about the lack of privacy. They pulled over and the daughter grabbed him as he reached the central reservation. The first action was a discreet disagreement over the reservation of a restaurant table.
