what questions has this course raised for you families a global perspective

by Miss Gladyce Kemmer III 4 min read

What is global perspective of family?

The Family in Global Perspective effectively demonstrates how families around the world are impacted by social, economic, and political change. It is ideal for courses in family studies, sociology, global studies, cultural studies, social work, and counseling.

What do you learn in global perspective?

Knowledge: This refers to the ability to understand global issues and current events; global interdependence, including the impact of global events on local conditions and vice versa; the processes of globalization and its effects on economic and social inequities locally and globally; world history; culture; and ...

What can you learn from global perspectives on the purpose of education?

global education encourages learners to develop a sense of their own worth and pride in their own particular social, cultural and family backgrounds. it also encourages them to develop a sense of worth of others, particularly of those with different backgrounds to their own.

Why is it important for students to have a global perspective?

Teaching students about global affairs in an authentic way can teach them acceptance and understanding of cultures and others. It can allow them to feel more empathy as they learn more about the various types of living styles. It can open their eyes to see that their lifestyle isn't how someone else lives.

What is a good way for students to develop a global perspective?

Open discussion or writing activities about international news can help students exercise key critical thinking skills through a lens of empathy, global awareness, and openness to new perspectives.

What is an example of global perspective?

Example of Global Perspective Studying the implications of economic policies of illegal drug use not only locally, but also where a drug is produced, and the supply chain.

What should students study in global education curriculum?

Global education is an overall approach to education that focuses on developing students' understanding of other cultures, the history and geography of different countries and people and the current events faced in various parts of the world.

What is the meaning of global perspective?

A global perspective is a view on an issue that either has global influence or takes into account the nature of the issue globally. For example, the UN's view on climate change is by definition a global perspective on climate change because it is an international organisation with a global influence.

What are the benefits of global learning?

There are many personal benefits to global learning, which can include:Gaining a better appreciation of other cultures, as well as your own.Becoming more independent, mature, confident, and adaptable in unfamiliar situations.Developing new relationships.Learning about your family heritage.More items...•

Why is it important to learn about global issues?

Research shows that students who learn about global issues are more than twice as likely to see the importance of personally taking social action. Global learning encourages awareness and critical thinking about issues such as poverty, climate change, religious and cultural differences, world trade and politics.

How you can bring a global and multicultural perspective to your curriculum and add to student achievement?

Reading stories from different cultures and in various languages is the best way to promote multiculturalism in a classroom. You can choose stories that focus on characters from different cultures to help the students relate even more. Board games allow the students to interact with each other.

Why is having a global perspective on social problems important?

Taking a global perspective allows us to look at the interrelations between countries and their social problems (Heiner 2002). We are not the only country to experience social problems.