what qualifies as accounting ethics course

by Myriam Kihn 8 min read

Ethics for Accountants is an ethics course covering standards of professional conduct and business practices adhered to by CPAs in order to enhance their profession and maximize idealism, justice and fairness when dealing with the public, clients and other members of their profession.

Full Answer

Can ethics be taught in accounting?

There is no standardized way to teach ethics to accounting students, whether recommended by the American Accounting Association or another body. Different views do exist in this area, as published in research journals.

What is the easiest accounting course?

šŸ˜Ž Which Accounting Certification is the Easiest To Obtain? All of these certifications are difficult to obtain. All of them have lengthy exams and qualifications that must be met in order to become certified. That being said, the one with the shortest exam and least amount of requirements is the CIA designation.

Why ethics are fundamental to good accounting?

Ethical codes are the fundamental principles that accounting professionals choose to abide by to enhance their profession, maintain public trust, and demonstrate honesty and fairness. People who join organizations and secure the credentials to present themselves to the public as CPAs or IIAs strive to protect the reputation of the profession.

What are basic accounting courses?

These are the best accounting courses and tutorials you can take online:

  • Best Overall: Introduction to Financial Accounting (Coursera)
  • Best Free Course: Accounting Fundamentals: Understanding Financial Statements (Skillshare)
  • Best for Bookkeeping: Become a Bookkeeper (LinkedIn Learning)
  • Most Comprehensive: MicroMasters Program in Accounting (edX)
  • Best for CPA Exam Prep: Fundamentals of Accounting Specialization (Coursera)

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What counts as an accounting course?

The accounting courses often included in a 120- or 150-credit college accounting degree are:fundamentals of financial accounting.fundamentals of managerial accounting.intermediate financial accounting and reporting.advanced financial accounting and reporting.cost/managerial accounting.accounting systems.More items...

What are ethical courses?

Ethics classes are an opportunity for children to discuss ethical issues with their peers. Classes are impartially facilitated by our trained volunteers, using approved lesson materials. The volunteer teachers don't give their own opinions, they simply facilitate discussion between the children.

What is ethics in accounting profession?

Ethics require accounting professionals to comply with the laws and regulations that govern their jurisdictions and their bodies of work. Avoiding actions that could negatively affect the reputation of the profession is a reasonable commitment that business partners and others should expect.

What are the ethics requirements for a CPA?

The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct establishes the fundamental principles of professional ethics.#1 Responsibilities: ... #2 The Public Interest: ... #3 Integrity: ... #4 Objectivity and Independence: ... #5 Due Care:

What are the 3 types of ethics?

These three theories of ethics (utilitarian ethics, deontological ethics, virtue ethics) form the foundation of normative ethics conversations.

What are the 7 principles of ethics?

The Fundamental Principles of EthicsBeneficence. ... Nonmaleficence. ... Autonomy. ... Informed Consent. ... Truth-Telling. ... Confidentiality. ... Justice.

What are the 5 codes of ethics?

What are the five codes of ethics?Integrity.Objectivity.Professional competence.Confidentiality.Professional behavior.

What are the 5 principles of ethics?

The five principles, autonomy, justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and fidelity are each absolute truths in and of themselves.

What are the 5 basic principles in professional ethics?

It is divided into three sections, and is underpinned by the five fundamental principles of Integrity, Objectivity, Professional competence and due care, Confidentiality, and Professional behaviour.

How hard is CPA ethics exam?

Not really. The exam is more like a self-study, open-book test. You will have plenty of time to take the test and answer all of the questions. However, since the passing score is 90%, you have to be careful when reading and selecting the correct answer for the questions.

What are ethics examples?

Ethics, for example, refers to those standards that impose the reasonable obligations to refrain from rape, stealing, murder, assault, slander, and fraud. Ethical standards also include those that enjoin virtues of honesty, compassion, and loyalty.

How do I get 150 units for CPA?

150 credit hours is equivalent to 5 years of higher education. It can be accumulated in different ways: 4 years of bachelor + 1 year of master's degree, typically in accounting. 4 years of bachelor with accelerated program covering 150 credit hours.

Prepare for your future

Understand professional ethics in the accounting profession and how the principles of ethics may apply to you.

Integrity, objectivity and professional conduct

Gain knowledge for analyzing ethical matters generally, and for evaluating matters that the AICPA code does not specifically address using the codeā€™s conceptual frameworks.

Independence requirements

Learn AICPA independence rules and how they apply to you and your immediate family members, including the types of personal financial interests, loans, employment, and business relationships that threaten independence.

Ethics requirements from other regulators

Distinguish independence rules that apply in addition to the AICPA code, which may be more restrictive, such as those from the SEC, PCAOB, and rules applicable to government auditors and audits of certain employee benefit plans, federally funded charitable organizations, financial institutions, and insurance.

Ethics rules unique to professional tax services

Understand the ethics rules that apply when you provide professional tax services, including AICPA code provisions and the Statements on Standards for Tax Services, the U.S. Treasury Departmentā€™s Circular No. 230, and certain Internal Revenue Code provisions applicable to federal tax practice.

Learning Outcomes

Recall the general standards, compliance with standards, and accounting principles rules in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.

Goals of Accounting Ethics Education

Shortly thereafter, Loeb wrote his seminal paper on what the goals of accounting ethics education should be (Stephen E. Loeb, ā€œTeaching Students Accounting Ethics: Some Crucial Issues.ā€ Issues in Accounting Education, 1988, vol. 3, pp. 316-329). He adapted his suggestions of goals from D. Callahan, ā€œGoals in the Teaching of Ethicsā€ [D. Callahan, S.

Ethical Decision-Making Model

An eight-step ethical decision-making model was first developed by William May at the University of Southern California and included in his book Ethics in the Accounting Curriculum: Cases & Readings (American Accounting Association, 1990). It served as a resource for the Langenderfer and Rockness ethical decision-making model.

Moral Development and Ethical Reasoning

In the early 1980s, James Rest developed a Four-Component Model of Moral Development that chartered oneā€™s pathway from identifying ethical issues through carrying out ethical decisions with ethical actions.

Measuring Moral Reasoning Skills

During the 1990s, accounting researchers started to use the DIT to examine accounting studentsā€™ ethical reasoning abilities to assess whether teaching ethics to accounting students helped students to develop moral reasoning skills and whether ethics interventions made a difference in raising the DIT score.

Integrating Ethics into the Accounting Curriculum

There is no standardized way to teach ethics to accounting students, whether recommended by the American Accounting Association or another body. Different views do exist in this area, as published in research journals.

Actions by the Profession

As the first state to require a course in accounting or business ethics, Maryland was a leader in requiring ethics education for accounting students. The original idea of this requirement was that such courses were a condition to take the Uniform CPA Exam.

Virtue Ethics

A research paradigm shift occurred in 1995 with the publication of Mintzā€™s influential paper on virtue ethics. The author argued that accounting educators were missing an important component in ethics educationā€”character development.

What is the importance of ethics in accounting?

This course covers the elements necessary to make proper ethical decisions by first defining what ethics are and then identifying the questions that need to be asked in everyday business practices. Key ethical standards specific to the accounting profession are explored, highlighting the unique role of the accountant both as "trusted advisor" to his/her client and the (often conflicting) role of "reporter" of financial information to the marketplace and governmental agencies. The course begins with a study of the earliest models of business ethics through today's professional requirements of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, the State Board of Accountancy, and other regulatory agencies. Instruction includes writing assignments, classroom lecture, and presentations based on assigned readings. Students leave the course with a better overall understanding of the challenges of ethical business practices.

How to become an accountant?

What you can learn. 1 Learn about the requirements of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, the State Board of Accountancy, and other regulatory agencies 2 Gain a better overall understanding of the challenges of ethical business practices 3 Explore key ethical standards specific to the accounting profession

Prepare for your future

Understand professional ethics in the accounting profession and how the principles of ethics may apply to you.

Integrity, objectivity and professional conduct

Gain knowledge for analyzing ethical matters generally, and for evaluating matters that the AICPA code does not specifically address using the codeā€™s conceptual frameworks.

Independence requirements

Learn AICPA independence rules and how they apply to you and your immediate family members, including the types of personal financial interests, loans, employment, and business relationships that threaten independence.

Ethics requirements from other regulators

Distinguish independence rules that apply in addition to the AICPA code, which may be more restrictive, such as those from the SEC, PCAOB, and rules applicable to government auditors and audits of certain employee benefit plans, federally funded charitable organizations, financial institutions, and insurance.

Ethics rules unique to professional tax services

Understand the ethics rules that apply when you provide professional tax services, including AICPA code provisions and the Statements on Standards for Tax Services, the U.S. Treasury Departmentā€™s Circular No. 230, and certain Internal Revenue Code provisions applicable to federal tax practice.

Learning Outcomes

Recall the general standards, compliance with standards, and accounting principles rules in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.

What are the goals of ethics in accounting?

Thus, goals of ethics in an accounting course should be to: Expose students to their personal responsibilities and the need for integrity. Provide a philosophical framework for ethical analysis. Review the ethical obligations of accountants as detailed in the professionā€™s code of conduct.

What is ethics education?

One may be forced to make a decision based on personal values and beliefs. Ethics education is more than studying a code of professional conduct.

What is the challenge of accounting?

Ethics in accounting courses: The challenge to the accounting professor is to integrate the teaching of ethics and professionalism in accounting across a broad spectrum of courses, so that students develop abilities related to moral reasoning and ethical decision making and safeguards for preventing unethical behavior.

What is the first step in ethical decision making?

The first step in this process is identifying ethical issues. This starts with a problem, situation or opportunity in which one must make a choice. This choice must involve conflicts between personal moral philosophy and values; there must be no easy answer.

Why is it important to work through ethical models?

In the end, students must be able to justify their decisions. Working through this model will give them a way to recognize, resolve and explain ethical issues. More important, it provides an opportunity to assess the consequences of their behavior and to see how a decision can affect them, their firm and society.


Ethics and The Code of The Conduct

Ethics and ethical behavior refer more to general principles such as honesty, integrity, and morals. The code of professional conduct, however, is a specific set of rules set by the governing bodies of certified public accountants. Although the rules set out by different bodies around the world are unique, some rules are univā€¦
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Rules and Guidance

  • One of the key rules set out by professional accounting bodies in North America is the idea of independence. This is the idea that, as an auditor, you must be totally objective and must be without ties to or relationships with the client since that could potentially impair your judgment and impair the overall course of the audit work. There are two forms of independence: 1. Indepeā€¦
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Threats to Independence

  • There are always threats and situations that can reduce the level of independence. Letā€™s take a look at some of these threats: 1. Familiarity Threat: If the auditor has a long relationship with the client or they are close friends/relatives 2. Intimidation Threat: If the auditor changes the financial statements, the client threatens to switch auditors 3. Self-Interest Threat: If the auditor has a dirā€¦
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Other Important Rules

  • Some other rules outlined by professional accounting bodies include the following: 1. Contingent fees are not allowed ā€“ For example, audit fees that are based on a percentage of the net income figure or a percentage of a bank loan received 2. Integrity and due care ā€“ Audit work must be done thoroughly, diligently, and in a timely manner. 3. Professional competence ā€“ Auditors must be cā€¦
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Related Resources

  • Thank you for reading CFIā€™s explanation of Accounting Ethics. To keep advancing your career, the additional resources below will be useful: 1. Forensic Audit Guide 2. Audited Financial Statements 3. Big Four Accounting Firms 4. Top Accounting Scandals
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