what qualifies as a "relevant college course" for ce

by Dexter Williamson 10 min read

Do I need to apply for a continuing education program?

Feb 01, 2022 · twenty (20) CE hours may be earned by completing a relevant college course equal to 3 academic credit hours with a grade of “C” or better. Relevant coursework must contain subject matter contained within the PTCE Content Outline. Pharmacy Technician Subject Matter

Where can I find the continuing education completion reporting (CEC) instructions?

For reinstatement candidates, two (2) of the twenty (20) hours must be in the subject of pharmacy law and one (1) hour must be in the subject of patient safety. A maximum of ten (10) hours of the twenty (20) hours may be earned by completing a relevant college course with a grade of “C” or better. a. CE Completion Time Period.

How do I know if I am a registered continuing education provider?

completion of CE requirements using Form 13615, Volunteer Standards of Conduct Agreement. • For all volunteers who have met the qualifications and are requesting CE credits: o Complete and sign the Continuing Education Credits section of Form 13615, and submit by April 30, for sites closing April 15, to your SPEC relationship manager.

How long is an hour of continuing education credit?

relevant college course with a grade of “C” or better. a. Pharmacy Technician-Specific Related Subject Matter. Certificants must satisfy continuing education requirements in pharmacy technician-specific subject matter. To qualify as pharmacy technician-specific, a CE program’s objectives must

What does a CE with the letter T and the number 05 next to the course indicate?

What does a CE with the letter "T" and the number "05" next to the course indicate? The letter "P" indicates that the CE course is designed for pharmacists, whereas a "T" indicates the course is for technicians.

How many CE hours are required for pharmacy technicians in Virginia?

All pharmacy technicians registered in Virginia must complete a minimum of 0.5 CEUs or five contact hours of CE for each annual registration renewal.

How many CE credits do I need for pharmacy tech in Florida?

12 contact hoursRegistered Pharmacy Technicians are required to obtain a minimum of 12 contact hours of continuing education (CE) of which 2 hours must be via live presentation and 2 hours must be related to the prevention of medication errors and 1 hour must be in HIV/Aids education for the first renewal if they are licensed more ...

How do I upload CE to Nabp?

Log in to NABP e-Profile and select the CPE Monitor tile. On the CPE Monitor page, click Subscription Details in the top navigation. Select the license you would like to enroll and follow the prompts.

Can you work as a Pharmacy Technician without being certified in Virginia?

Virginia's Board of Pharmacy does not prohibit non-high school graduates from registering as pharmacy technicians. ... Also, if you were to take the national certification route for registering with the Board, you'll need to have a high school diploma to take the PTCB or ExCPT exam.

Do you have to be certified to be a Pharmacy Technician in Virginia?

Yes, certification is required by the Virginia State Board of Pharmacy for one to practice as a Pharmacy Technician. What are the approved certification exams required by the State Board of Pharmacy in Virginia? The approved certification exams in Virginia are PTCB (PTCE) and ICPT (ExCPT).

How much does a certified pharmacy technician make in Florida?

Pharmacy Technician Average Salary in Florida A pharmacy technician in Florida earns an average annual salary of $34,880 which is lower than the national average. If a part time job is what you are looking at, you can expect to earn an hourly wage of $16.77.

How do I become a certified pharmacy technician in Florida?

How do you become a pharmacy technician in Florida?You must be at least 17 years old and have a high school diploma or GED.Register with the Florida State Board of Pharmacy.Complete a criminal record check.Complete a Board-approved training program.Certification is not required.

Can I work if I am not a registered pharmacy technician in Florida?

No. However if the person is enrolled in an approved pharmacy technician training program, that person can work as a pharmacy technician without registering with the Board. Once the person has completed the training program, they must register with the Board in order to continue practicing as a pharmacy technician.

Do Webinars count as live CE for pharmacy technicians?

How do I process continuing education for these activities? After completion of a live webinar, subscribers will complete an evaluation on ASHP eLearning. After completion of these steps, subscribers can claim CE credit.

How long does it take for CE to show up on NABP?

It may take up to 24 hours for a provider's system to recognize the newly created NABP e-Profile ID.

How do I set up NABP?

Please go to: https://store.nabp.net. 2. Click on "Create an e-Profile" button to begin the registration process.

What is the purpose of ethics education for the purpose of CPE requirements for a CMA?

Ethics education for the purpose of CPE requirements for a CMA should focus on the area of management accounting and financial management. The IMA encourages you to look at its Statement of Ethical Professional Practice in order to figure out which individual topics are appropriate. However, the IMA does suggest the following topics:

How many hours of credit do you get for a full day course?

The same is true for professional and trade association meetings. If you spend at least 6.5 hours in session during a full-day course, you earn eight hours of credit.

What is CPE in accounting?

Continuing professional education , or CPE, is a requirement of many professional designations and certifications. The organizations that give out these certifications want to ensure that their members remain up to date on the best technology and practices in the field. Like most holders of professional qualifications, certified management accountants are required to fulfill CMA CPE requirements on an annual basis. I’ll walk you through these requirements and how to complete them.

How many hours of credit do you get for a book?

If you write and publish an article containing technical accounting or financial management information, you can earn up to six hours of credit. Similar books or monographs are eligible for up to 20 hours of credit. The IMA itself will decide how many hours your publication is worth after you submit it.

What is the IMA?

The IMA, or Institute of Management Accountants, is the governing organization that sets certified management accountant requirements. Thus, this organization also decides which courses count toward CPE credit requirements for a CMA. The IMA allows courses in the following topics:

How to earn CPE hours?

When it comes to the methods by which you earn your CPE hours, there is a great deal of flexibility. You can take regular college courses, of course. However, seminars, webinars, workshops, and technical meetings under the direction of speakers also count. If you serve as an instructor, speaker, or discussion leader , you can receive credit for these roles. You can also take home study courses and count your time taking professional examinations. Finally, giving speeches and publishing technical articles are acceptable as well.

How many CPE hours are in a quarter?

If your college or university is on the semester system, a one-semester course is equivalent to 15 CPE hours. On the quarter system, a one-quarter course equals 10 CPE hours.

How many CE hours are required for a CPhT?

Your CE Requirements: What Changed#N#PTCB continuing education (CE) recertification requirements for CPhTs allows 10 CE hours earned via college/university courses. A maximum of 10 of your 20 CE hours may be earned by completing a relevant college course with a grade of 'C' or better. Please note, in-service hours are not accepted for CE credit in recertification. For more on PTCB Recertification Requirements .#N#ASHP and ACPE Announce Updates in Pharmacy Technician Accreditation Standards#N#Beginning in 2020, PTCB will require candidates for initial certification to complete a pharmacy technician education program accredited jointly by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) and the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). In addition, PTCB is updating the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE). Certification eligibility pathways: 1. completion of a PTCB-recognized education/training program; 2. equivalent work experience of 500 hours and attesting to specified knowledge requirements. To read more.

Does Illinois have an online licensure process?

Need to renew for Illinois? Illinois has an ONLINE ONLY licensure process. Please note that a ll paper applications and payments for impacted professions will be returned to the sender. This applies to the Pharmacy Technician profession among others per the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR).

Is PTCB connected to CPE?

PTCB is now connected to the CPE Monitor database so your CPE Monitor account will be accessible for your PTCB recertification. This connection is designed to allow CE hours entered into your CPE Monitor account to be recorded simultaneously in your PTCB account. All PTCB recertification continuing education credit will be reported through the national database CPE Monitor.