what preworkout to take before a long obstacle course

by Randi Brown 4 min read

How do I prepare for an obstacle course race?

To properly prepare for an obstacle course race, you’ll want to include both running and strength training. The distance of your race will determine how much endurance you want to build. For example, several races are only 3-4 miles, while others can be upwards of 12-14 miles.

What are the obstacle course workouts?

Obstacle Course Workout #1: Butt Burner. A simple workout that requires just you and your body. 400M walking lunges. Run max distance for 5 minutes. 400M walking lunges. Run max distance for 4 minutes. 400M walking lunges. Run max distance for 3 minutes.

What supplements do you take before an obstacle course race?

Before obstacle course races, I took either some beet powder, NAC (a precursor to the antioxidant glutathione ), BCAAs (often Cellucor Alpha Aminos ), or a combination of all three, for a boost of the endurance, strength, and focus I’d need to run through rocky terrain, jump over logs, and swing from bars.

How to build stamina for Obstacle Race?

Obstacle race tends to take place in in full-out-efforts or intervals, typically alternating between running and the obstacles. In other words, they are like fartlek training on steroids. Build your explosive power and stamina for the OCR by doing plenty of interval running workouts. Here is how to proceed on your (first) interval running workout.

Should you take pre-workout before a long run?

The benefits of taking pre-workout before a run include increased focus, reduced perception of effort, pain perception and even enhanced ability to burn fat during exercise – great if you're trying to lose weight.

Can you take pre-workout before a race?

Preworkout is a supplement that claims consuming it about 30 minutes before a sweat session can boost your performance. One study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition shows that taking a preworkout supplement with caffeine could improve anaerobic power performance.

Is it good to take a Preworkout before a game?

You're not always feeling 100% before training or a game. However, a pre-workout can help overcome this fatigue. It'll help fuel your body properly for the activity ahead. Without taking it, you could feel weaker and get tired faster than normal.

Is C4 a good beginner pre-workout?

Cellucor C4 Original To start with, it packs a well-dosed punch of caffeine, making it a great starter for focus and performance. This is combined with a vitamin and mineral complex providing up to 600% of your daily needs – a great addition and a positive approach to health as well as a great workout.

Should I take pre-workout before a marathon?

We recommend using pre-workout before a hard interval session, race, or difficult long-run for the biggest benefit.

Can I take Preworkout before cardio?

As the name suggests, pre-workout should be taken before a workout, and although many people drink it on their way to the gym or during their workout, it should be taken at least 30 to 60 minutes prior to hitting the weights or cardio machines.

Can you use pre-workout for sports?

Improved performance: Research published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition concluded that pre-workout supplements "have promise as an ergogenic aid for active individuals," or, in other words, they enhance the performance of people who already exhaust the gym.

How long does pre-workout take to kick in?

Most pre-workout supplements can be taken about 30–60 minutes before you work out. This allows enough time for the ingredients to reach your bloodstream and kick in.

How long does pre-workout last?

Most ingredients in pre-workout have a half-life of 4-6 hours. That means the pre-workout will last and remain in your system for about 4 hours; however, you may only feel the effects for an hour or two. Caffeine, for example, takes about 30 minutes to kick-in with around 1 to 1.5 hours until peak time.

How long does it take for C4 to kick in?

How Long Does C4 Pre Workout Last? For people who are less susceptible to stimulants, the full effects should be felt within 30 min and remain for 3-6 hours. The effects may likely be noticed quicker and continue closer to 6 hours for people who are more sensitive to stimulants.

How long does C4 pre workout last?

For those less sensitive to stimulants, the average individual can expect to feel the full effects within 45 minutes and last for 3-6 hours. For those more sensitive to stimulants, the effects will likely be felt faster and last closer to 6 hours.

Can I take C4 without working out?

So, to answer the titular question: yes, it's okay to take pre-workout supplements without going to the gym.

Why PerformElite Is The Best Pre-Workout Supplement For Obstacle Course Racing

EndurElite Chief Endurance Officer Matt Mosman discusses how the ingredients found in PerformElite pre-workout supplement can enhance obstacle course racing performance.

Why PerformElite Is The Best Pre-Workout Supplement For OCR

Everyone: Ah-hooh. Ah-hooh. Man: They look thirsty. Leonidas: Well let's give them something to drink. Matt: Yo, Leonidas, this PerformElite should quench their thirst. So, all my Spartan Tough Mudder and other OCR friends, that's what you can expect when you take EndurElite's pre-workout PerformElite before your OCR training session and races.

How PerformElite Pre-Workout Improves Obstacle Course Racing

So today we're gonna talk about how our PerformElite pre-workout can enhance your obstacle course racing performance.

What Makes PerformElite Different From Other Pre-Workouts

Now the first thing that really sets PerformElite apart besides its ingredients is really three different things. One, we have a fully transparent label so you know exactly what ingredients and how much of each of those you are getting. Two, there are zero proprietary blends.

How Beetroot Powder Benefits Obstacle Course Racing

Now, the first one in here is beetroot powder. Now a lot of you are pretty familiar with beetroot powder. There's a lot of standalone beetroot products on the market which are absolutely awesome. Big fan of beetroot powder but do you know how it works? So, beetroot works by lowering the oxygen and ATP cost of exercise.

How Beta-Alanine Improves OCR Performance

The second one and one you're all probably familiar too is beta-alanine and this is dosed at 3.2 grams or a clinical dose. Now from previous videos, you know that beta-alanine acts as almost like a muscle acidity buffer. So when you ingest beta-alanine, that's converted to carnosine.

How Caffeine Enhances Obstacle Course Racing

Now, another one in here is caffeine anhydrous and pure energy. So these are two forms of caffeine found in PerformElite and they both yield...the total amount of caffeine in PerformElite is about 215 milligrams which is an efficacious dose.

1. Find the Right Race for You

One of the biggest hurdles of conquering an obstacle course race, and fitness goals in general, is getting started and making the commitment. Once you’ve signed up, you’ve already made a decision that has put you on the right track to succeed.

2. Physical Preparation

An obstacle course race will require the use of your entire body, so you’ll want to have a diverse workout regimen that you follow for approximately 6-8 weeks before the race. You’ll need to have a good mix of cardio and strength training, but it doesn’t need to be complicated.

3. The Right Gear

What you wear to the race will be very important. You’ll be navigating many types of terrain and multiple obstacles, so come equipped.

4. Fuel Up

Usually, throughout obstacle course races, the refueling stations are water-only. Hydration is absolutely vital in races like these, and that can’t be emphasized enough.

5. Enjoy the Challenge

Obstacle course races are by no means easy, but the rewarding feeling of finishing one for the first time is something that will stick with you—and that’s exactly why so many people catch the bug after just one race.

How many miles are there in an obstacle course?

Ranging from roughly three miles up to 10, obstacle course races, or OCRs, are non-traditional competition events consisting of plenty of muddy water and military-style obstacles designed to test the racer’s resolve to the breaking point.

How to get ready for OCR?

To get ready for the OCR, you need to do plenty of speed work and hill reps to develop the explosive power needed to go through the whole course unscathed.

How to build explosive power for OCR?

Here is how to proceed on your (first) interval running workout. Start off the workout with a warm-up for 10-minute. Doing so helps you get prepared for the intense work ahead and prevents injury.

How many obstacles are there in Spartan Race?

So regardless of your fitness level, there is always an obstacle course distance that will fit your current fitness level. Here are the main distances on the Spartan Race series: A three-mile sprint with 15 obstacles. The Super Spartan, an 8-miler featuring 20 obstacles. A 12-mile Spartan beast with 25 obstacles.

How to make it to the finish line of an OCR event?

To make it to the finish line of an OCR event, you are going to have to develop a broad range of fitness skills. For starters, you’d need massive amounts of endurance —most OCR events are running based after all. Not only that, as a racer, you’d also need to increase total body strength.

How does hill training help?

Hill training increases both lungpower and lower body strength. This combo is going to help you overcome many of the obstacles like the steep incline, the stairs and so on. First of all, you need to locate the nearest steepest hill, preferably with a gradient of 5 to 10 percent.

How long is the toughest race?

Tough Mudder. From the largest in the world, to “world’s toughest race”. Tough Mudder is a 10 to 12 miles obstacle course that’s so grueling it might have you praying on your knees for it to end only halfway through. The events take place on five continents and attract thousands of athletes from all around the world.

Is running a core discipline?

That conditioning and training will come in handy out on the course; although there will be a number of obstacles to negotiate, running is still the core discipline for sure.

Do you need strength to run?

The key isn’t necessarily to bulk up, however, but to build lean muscle using lighter weights instead. Improving your strength will provide serious benefits out on the course.

How to work your core during rest periods?

You get to work your core during your “rest periods”. Find a flight of stairs, preferably 3-5 flights. At bottom of stairs, do 5-10 sandbag, rock or dumbbell clean and jerks (here’s how to make your own sandbag) Carry sandbag to top of stairs. Carry sandbag back down stairs.

What are obstacles in the military?

But other obstacles are unique to obstacle racing and test endurance, strength, speed, mobility, and mental toughness.

What is a bstacle race?

O bstacle racing is a sport in which, traveling on foot, you must overcome various physical challenges. Obstacles include, but are not limited to, climbing over walls, carrying heavy objects, traversing bodies of water, crawling under barbed wire, and jumping through fire.

Does nitric oxide cause muscle pump?

Additonally, that nitric oxide-induced increase in blood flow can contribute to ‘muscle pump,’ the appearance of larger, more defined muscles that often comes with an intense strength-training session—a look treasured by many a fitness enthusiast.

Does drinking beetroot juice help with cardio?

One Journal of Applied Physiology study, for example, found that people who regularly drank beetroot juice before exercising were able to improve their maximum cardio output (called VO2 max) and endurance significantly more than those who took a placebo.
