what or who was most influential in your decision to pursue your current course of study and why?

by Marge Ebert 7 min read

How important is your first choice of study in life?

Oct 12, 2010 · Whatever your answer, bring the influential person to life for your interviewer. Avoid vague generalities. As with an admissions essay on an influential person, you'll want to provide colorful, entertaining, and specific examples of how the person has influenced you. Also, keep in mind that a strong answer provides a window into your life and ...

How do you answer the question about an influential person?

Apr 27, 2022 · 4. Focus on positive reasons. Ensure your answer focuses on the positive reasons why you chose the course. Emphasize that you were the one who made the final decision to enroll in the course. While you may discuss others advised you on the choice, your answer showcases your decision-making skills.

Who is most responsible for your success?

Apr 21, 2022 · Torrance, California. "The greatest mentor I have had in my nursing career has been my mom, Pam Malloy. From a young age, my mom represented nursing to me as a profession that exhibits selfless ...

What influences your decision-making?

Feb 23, 2021 · Your doctoral program should be an opportunity to learn from leaders in your field. Your thesis or final project will give you a chance to add your own voice to the discussions surrounding that topic. Reason No. 4: Influence Health Policy and Elevate Nursing. When I thought that having a doctorate wasn’t important, I was sorely mistaken.

What influenced you to pursue your major?

Talking about how you chose your major can tell the interviewer what you're passionate about and what you see in your future. For example, if you chose to major in computer science because you've loved fixing and building computers since you were a teenager, that bodes well for your interest in a job in IT.

What made you decide in choosing your course?

Focus on positive reasons

Emphasize that you were the one who made the final decision to enroll in the course. While you may discuss others advised you on the choice, your answer showcases your decision-making skills. Try to avoid mentioning that you enrolled in the course because of potential financial benefits.
Apr 27, 2022

What are the factors that influence you in choosing the course you wish to take up?

To help you select the right course and college, here are some things you should consider.
  • Start with your interests. ...
  • Know your strengths and skills. ...
  • Check the course content. ...
  • Look at a program's earning potential. ...
  • Available programs. ...
  • Location, Location, Location. ...
  • Costs and financial aid. ...
  • On-campus facilities and amenities.
Nov 20, 2021

What are the things that you will consider in making a decision in choosing your course in college?

Top 10 Factors for Choosing a College
  1. Perspective. The most important factor when considering a college is how the school made you feel.
  2. Internship Opportunities. ...
  3. Safety. ...
  4. Academic Support and Career Services. ...
  5. Campus Life. ...
  6. Athletics and Extracurricular Activities. ...
  7. Majors and Minors. ...
  8. Class Size. ...

How do you answer what do you hope to gain from this course?

How to answer, "What do you hope to gain from this experience?"
  1. Explain what first interested you about the job. ...
  2. Discuss your motivation. ...
  3. Describe how the position aligns with your career goals. ...
  4. Be realistic and grounded in your answers.
Dec 3, 2021

Why do you want to pursue your desired career?

You may spend a lot of time in your career field, so doing something you enjoy and excel at can enable you to increase your skill set and reach your professional goals. Pursuing your desired career may also make you feel accomplished, which might contribute to happiness in other areas of your life.Aug 5, 2021

What are the factors that influence you in choosing the school that you want to go to in college?

Here are some of the top factors to consider when choosing a college.
  • Academic Majors Available.
  • Affordable Cost of Attendance.
  • Location, Location, Location.
  • On-Campus Facilities and Amenities.
  • Student Activities.
  • Career Services.
  • Do You Feel at Home on Campus?
Mar 2, 2022

When choosing a college course do you pursue?

Knowing what your likes and hobbies are the first steps in determining which course you should choose but you also have to think of what you got and what you can offer. When selecting a program to pursue, you have to think about whether your skills and experience align with it or not.

What is your most important criteria in choosing a university and program?

Ranking. When it comes to admission to a good university, the first factor most of the students and parents look for is its academic reputation and rankings. In India, the most important ranking authority is NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework).Oct 5, 2021

How to answer why you chose a course?

Focus on positive reasons. Ensure your answer focuses on the positive reasons why you chose the course. Emphasize that you were the one who made the final decision to enroll in the course. While you may discuss others advised you on the choice, your answer showcases your decision-making skills.

How to decide what to do with a degree?

1. Consider your interests. Think about your interests. Consider how your hobbies or other things you enjoy affect your decisions. Determine if there was a specific experience that led you to choose this course.

Why do interviewers ask questions?

Interviewers ask questions to learn more about you and find out things other than may be on your application or resume. Interviewers may ask about your course selection to learn more about your personality, interests and goals. This question may help them gauge your interest in or passion for a particular subject or field.

Why should you not mention enrolled in a course?

Try to avoid mentioning that you enrolled in the course because of potential financial benefits.

Do colleges require interviews?

Some colleges or universities require prospective students to complete interviews. A school may use this interview to determine a student's eligibility for a specific program, decide if the student deserves a scholarship or assess a student's admittance to the school in general. It's important to prepare for these interviews to provide thoughtful ...

What is a doctoral degree?

A doctoral degree is for the engaged, independently committed learner. As I like to say to my students, you get out of your education what you put into it. However, for those of us who love to learn (and most of us do), obtaining a doctoral degree is the ultimate challenge.

Why is research important in nursing?

Of course, research is at the heart of the Ph.D. in nursing, which also takes a greater focus on theory.

Where did Kathleen McDermott get her doctorate?

She earned her doctorate in 2015 from the California State University DNP Consortium, a program offered through Cal State Fullerton, Long Beach and Los Angeles.

Does a doctorate help with board membership?

Earning a doctorate also facilitates board membership. The Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report The Future of Nursing recommended that more nurses participate on the boards of healthcare organizations, but only 5 percent of current hospital boards have an RN member.

Who promoted McDermott to vice president of healthcare integration?

Not long after earning her DNP, MHALA promoted McDermott to vice president of healthcare integration. She attributes her promotion to her doctoral work — coupled, of course, with her years of experience with the organization.

What factors influence career decisions?

Culture: Culture and ethnic and racial background of the person’s regional area, extended family and local community are factors that may impact decisions of career. Our expectations and values are often shaped by our culture, as they relate to multiple parts of our lives, including careers and jobs.

Is career choice based on one factor?

It is vital to understand that career choices are not made based off of just one factor. Choices are made subject to many influences such as social, cultural and environmental. The interactions and combination of various decision-making influences are unique to you, as well as your situation.

What is career counseling theory?

Career Counseling theories are growing as career choice related programs are developed for all ages, even the very young. A theory that describes three career development related life stages was proposed by Ginzberg. As early as age 11, fantasy, the first stage is where early career ideas are formed.

What is the theory of life roles?

Life Roles: A worker is just one of your roles in life, as well as a parent, child and student. The theory that addresses directly the fact that we each play multiple roles that change over time is called the Super’s Lifespan Theory.

Do you have to do it on your own to change your career?

There are many factors to consider, but you do not have to do it on your own!

Get professional help and free up your time for more important courses

My Reasons for Pursuing a Graduate Degree. (2017, Apr 24). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/reasons-pursuing-graduate-degree/

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My Reasons for Pursuing a Graduate Degree. (2017, Apr 24). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/reasons-pursuing-graduate-degree/

What the Interviewer Really Wants to Know

Your answer should show the interviewer that you’re excited about teaching in teaching in general, and that you’ll connect with this job in particular. To demonstrate the latter, come prepared with an answer that reflects your teaching philosophy and career path, as well as your skills and qualifications.

How to Answer "Why Did You Decide to Become a Teacher?"

As with any interview question, it'll be easier to respond to this interview question if ​ you prepare beforehand. That way, you won't feel on the spot when this question comes up. Take some time to consider why you gravitated toward teaching.

Examples of the Best Answers

The best teacher I ever had was my history teacher in high school. I preferred English and science to history, but she was able to see past the dates and facts and make the subject come to life beyond the basic curriculum.

Tips for Giving the Best Answer

Be Honest. What's driving you to become a teacher? One of the reasons interviewers ask this question is to get a sense of your motivators.
