what must a student do in order to get a refund for a 16-week course at lbcc

by Golda Reilly 6 min read

How long does a school have to refund a credit balance?

For a discussion of credit balances in other circumstances, please see Volume 4. In most cases, the cash management regulations require a school to refund a Title IV credit balance to a student within 14 days.

What is a refund from a college?

A refund from a college is the result of having more total funding on your account than the actual balance due. Funding on your account comes from a combination of sources including, financial aid, scholarships, student loans, cash payments and other miscellaneous payments.

Can I get a refund for my online courses?

In this scenario, you may be entitled to a refund, but the answer depends on the school. Many online schools and traditional schools that offer online courses will give students a full refund of the tuition fees collected if you withdraw from the class before it starts.

Can I get a refund for a waitlisted class?

If you are granted a spot in a waitlisted class, you may want to withdraw from the course that you took as a backup plan. In this scenario, you may be entitled to a refund, but the answer depends on the school.

How do I get a refund from LBCC?

Fees will be refunded by the Cashier's Office within the refund/transfer period as defined in the Viking Student Portal. To be eligible for a refund, the College Services Card sticker must be surrendered to the Cashier's Office with proof of complete withdrawal from Long Beach City College.

What happens if I drop a class LBCC?

It is the student's responsibility to drop a course by the deadline to avoid a financial obligation to the college or to avoid receiving a “W”, “F” or “NP” grade. Even if you stop attending the class, you owe the fees unless you officially drop before the refund date.

How many times are students allowed to repeat a course at LBCC?

To alleviate substandard work. When a mark of D, F, NP, or W has been previously recorded in a course, a student may enroll to repeat the course. The student is limited to a maximum of three attempts in any one course to earn a passing grade.

What does maximum timeframe mean for LBCC Edu?

Part Three: Maximum Time Frame Requirement LBCC measures the progress of all students in attempted semester units. 60 units are the standard for completion of many of the degree programs at LBCC. Thus, 90 attempted units are the maximum for which a student can receive financial assistance (60 units x 150% = 90 units).

How do I withdraw from a class?

Contact the registrar's office to withdraw. If online withdrawal isn't an option, you will have to speak to someone. Go in person to the registrar's office to get a class withdrawal sheet. Some institutions also accept withdrawals through email.

How do I drop a class at LBCC?

Step 1- Click on Drop Classes under Manage Classes. Step 2- Select the class you would like to drop and click Next. ➢ In this example, Ole is going to drop ART 5- History of Asian Art class. Step 3- Review the class you would like to drop and when finished, click on Drop Classes.

How much is each unit at LBCC?

Enrollment fees are $46.00 per unit for CA residents and $355.00 for nonresident and international students. California residency status is based on residency requirements determined by the State of California. The final determination regarding residency status is made by the Admissions Office.

What does NC mean in school?

No CreditNo Credit (NC) is assigned for work equivalent to C-, D+, D, D- or F for undergraduate courses, and to B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- or F for post-baccalaureate and graduate courses. NC grades are not included in the calculation of GPA. (GE and American Institutions courses cannot be taken for CR/NC.

What is a passing grade at Long Beach City College?

LBCC Grading Symbols A, excellent; B, good; C, satisfactory; D, passing but less than satisfactory; F, failing. IP in progress. This symbol was reserved for Spring 2020 suspended courses due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

What does maximum timeframe for financial aid mean?

What is the maximum timeframe? The federal government defines the maximum timeframe as 150% of your program's published length, as measured in credit hours. For example, a typical undergraduate degree requires 120 credits which would result in a maximum timeframe of 180 credit hours (120 x 150%).

What is the 150 rule for financial aid?

Financial Aid recipients will be terminated upon reaching 150 percent of the number of credits needed to complete their degree, diploma or certificate program. This regulation applies to all students, including those that have not previously received financial aid.

What does financial aid max time suspension mean?

What if I am on Suspension for Exceeding Maximum Hours/Time-Frame? If you have exceeded the maximum allowable time to complete your degree program, you are no longer eligible to receive financial aid.

When does a college refund work?

Depending on when a student withdraws in a semester, the college’s refund policy may reimburse a significant amount (specifically if it’s within the first month or so of the semester, although it varies by school).

When do schools give refunds?

However, refunds are typically offered on a sliding scale and most schools won’t give any money back at all after the fifth week of classes.

What is tuition refund insurance?

Tuition insurance, also known as tuition refund insurance, generally covers families mainly for medical or psychological reasons, with a few obvious exclusions, such as flunking out or being kicked out for disciplinary reasons (although the extent of coverage varies from plan to plan.)

How much is Gradguard tuition insurance?

GradGuard’s tuition insurance starts at $39.95 for $2,500 of coverage per term, although the average policy is $106 for $10,000 of coverage, Fees said. That not only covers tuition but also financial losses from housing and academic fees, as well. Alternatively, families could petition the school for a refund due to the unique circumstances, “but, ...

How much does college cost in 2020?

Meanwhile, college costs are skyrocketing. Tuition and fees plus room and board for a four-year private college averaged $49,870 in the 2019-2020 school year; at four-year, in-state public colleges, it was $21,950, according to the College Board.

Do colleges refund room and board?

While a number of colleges and universities have said they will offer refunds of fees and room and board , the reimbursement policies vary from school to school — and nearly all of them have drawn the line at tuition .

Do you have to have a physician to withdraw from college?

In this case, the student must have a physician or medical practitioner certify that the illness required withdrawal from college for their tuition refund policy to apply.

When can you withdraw from Viking Portal?

You may withdraw ‘W’ from your course (s) in your Viking Portal up until May 27, 2020. Due to the impact of Covid-19, the ‘W’ grade will be changed to an Excused Withdraw ‘EW’ grade at the end of the spring semester. If you are not using the California Promise Grant or Financial Aid, you will automatically be approved and issued a refund.

How to know if a class is P/NP?

How can I tell if my class is available as P/NP? In your Viking Portal, click on the “Manage Classes” tile. On the left-hand side, click on “Update Grading Basis,” classes that are available as P/NP will be listed here. If your class is not on this list, it is currently not available for P/NP. More information will be forthcoming regarding possible changes in classes available for P/NP.

Will financial aid affect my SAP?

How will this impact Financial Aid? Due to changes from the Federal government for this spring 2020 semester only, this will not impact you. It will not trigger a repayment or negatively impact your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Does EW count towards academic progress?

How will this impact my academic records? The ‘EW’ does not count towards academic progress probation and does not count as a repeated class.

Can you meet with LBCC counselors online?

LBCC Counselors will be available via remote access throughout Spring Break next week. Take advantage of this time that you won’t be meeting online with your classes to work with an academic counselor online. You may also email [email protected] for assistance.

What is a refund check from a college?

A refund from a college is the result of having more total funding on your account than the actual balance due. Funding on your account comes from a combination of sources including, financial aid, scholarships, student loans, cash payments and other miscellaneous payments.

What is a student loan refund?

Student loan refunds are. intended to cover costs surrounding typical student expenses, like supplies, lab equipment and technology. However, since refund checks originate from student loan funding, either federal or private student loans, it all needs to be paid back with interest. Here are some tips to encourage more financial literacy ...

Why is a student loan refund check important?

A student’s journey through college comes with a lot of expenses. That’s why students can access refund checks to pay for some expenses. As a result, having a loan refund check becomes very important for many students as the semester begins. Here are some important factors you should know about regarding a student loan refund check.

How to improve financial literacy?

Here are some tips to encourage more financial literacy that will go a long way toward helping you keep perspective on your expenses and future debt obligations: 1 Make smart technology purchases that provide value. 2 Gain some nice headphones. Plugging into a source for audio keeps a clear stream for an individual’s needs while not subjecting everyone else to the same sounds. 3 Buy a product on a student credit card and pay it back right away. An easy way to build credit before graduation is to simply funnel expenses through a credit card and pay off the balance entirely. 4 Return unused student loan money to the lender. Rather than spending student loan refund money if not needed, just send it back to the loan provider as a pre-payment. 5 It’s important to calculate your own student loan needs for yourself, so as to have a firm understanding of your requirements and budget plan.

What documents are needed for financial aid?

Some required documents include your award letter, any required loan promissory notes or financial aid verification documentation. If key documents are missing, the refund check will not be released to you.

How to build credit before graduation?

An easy way to build credit before graduation is to simply funnel expenses through a credit card and pay off the balance entirely. Return unused student loan money to the lender. Rather than spending student loan refund money if not needed, just send it back to the loan provider as a pre-payment.

What happens after a student loan is approved?

After loan approval, the school acknowledges the additional loan by certification. During loan certification, the financial aid office confirms the correct loan amount and that the student indeed attends the school. The school is free to reduce the loan amount to fit within the cost of attendance. So, if a student applies for a $20,000 student loan, but can only fit $10,000 within the cost of attendance, then the loan is reduced.

How long do student loan refunds take?

If your school receives your student loans at the beginning of the semester, your refund should be available shortly after.

How to get a refund on student loans?

Student loan refunds are meant to cover educational expenses that you can’t afford. If you get a student loan refund, you might want to use it in one of the following ways: 1 Return it. Don’t need extra money to float you through the academic year? Tell your financial aid office in writing that you don’t want it and it’ll send it back to the Department of Education or your private lender, saving you potentially thousands of dollars in student loans. 2 Buy or rent textbooks. Textbooks aren’t cheap. A student loan refund can help you buy or rent your textbooks so you don’t have to live off ramen for the semester. 3 Cover rent. If your living expenses aren’t included in your school’s fees, you can use your refund to cover rent. 4 Buy or replace a laptop. Laptops are an expensive necessity when it comes to most college courses — and your refund can cover that cost. 5 Pay for transportation. You can also use your refund to get you to and from class — whether it’s buying gas, a public transportation pass or repairing your car.

What is a student loan refund?

A student loan refund is the money that’s left over from your student loans after covering tuition and fees. It’s meant to help you pay for miscellaneous education-related costs, like textbooks, housing and other living expenses.

What does it mean when your financial aid balance is negative?

If you have a negative balance, this means your school will contact you about issuing a refund soon.

How to request early financial aid?

You can request it by calling, emailing or visiting your school’s financial aid office before the semester is due to start and after you’ve submitted your financial aid application. You might have to go in to fill out and sign an early disbursement form.

How long does it take to pay back student loans after half time?

But beware: If you drop below what your school considers half time, you’ll have to start paying back your federal loans and most private student loans in six months.

What happens if you max out your student loan?

If you’ve maxed out your federal student loans, a private student loan could bridge your financing gap.

How long does it take to get a refund from a school?

Many schools will require you to put in your notice within the first 7 to 14 day of the start of the semester for any refund.

What happens if you don't withdraw from a class?

If you fail to meet the deadline for withdrawing, you will receive no refund. Schools may consider the length of the class to determine how long a student has to withdraw and still receive a refund. Remember that that refund policies of each school can differ.

Can you withdraw from a class you took as a backup?

This is one of the more common reasons for registering for a class that you would like to withdraw from. If you are granted a spot in a waitlisted class, you may want to withdraw from the course that you took as a backup plan. In this scenario, you may be entitled to a refund, but the answer depends on the school.

Does withdrawing from a class affect your standing?

While withdrawing from a class does not typically affect your standing with the school, making it a habit to enroll in courses that you do not intend on attending can have a negative impact on your chances of transferring to graduate school. If your major concern is whether or not you will receive the money that you have paid back ...

Can you withdraw from a class if you are overloaded?

It is not uncommon for students who are enrolled in traditional or online courses to withdraw from the course if they are overloaded, they have been accepted into a waitlisted course, or if the class is too demanding. While withdrawing from a class does not typically affect your standing with the school, making it a habit to enroll in courses ...

How long does it take for a school to disburse a loan?

A school must offer any post-withdrawal disbursement of loan funds within 30 days of the date of the school’s determination that the student withdrew, and return any unearned funds and make a post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds within 45 days of that date.

When a student is not treated as a withdrawal from a program offered in modules at a school that is?

When a student is not treated as a withdrawal from a program offered in modules at a school that is required to take attendance because the student has confirmed attendance in a module that begins later in the payment period or period of enrollment, no action is required by the school unless the student does not return as scheduled.

What happens if you receive less than the amount you earned?

If the amount disbursed to the student is less than the amount the student earned, and for which the student is otherwise eligible, he or she is eligible to receive a post-withdrawal disbursement of the earned aid that was not received.

How many days can a student take for leave of absence?

As already noted, the LOA must not exceed a total of 180 days in any 12-month period. Schools may grant a student multiple leaves of absence as long as the total number of days for all leaves of absence does not exceed 180 days within a 12-month period. The 12-month period begins on the first day of the student’s initial LOA.

How long does it take for a Title IV loan to be disbursed?

A school must disburse any Title IV grant funds a student is due as part of a post-withdrawal disbursement within 45 days of the date the school determined the student withdrew and disburse any loan funds a student accepts within 180 days of the date the school determined the student withdrew.

How long does it take for a school to return Title IV funds?

A school must always return any unearned Title IV funds it is responsible for returning within 45 days of the date the school determined the student withdrew.

Why is the 14 day payment on hold?

For this reason, the existing 14-day payment requirement is placed on hold to determine the final amount of any Title IV credit balance. A school does not need to obtain a student’s or parent’s authorization to hold a Title IV credit balance that existed prior to the return calculation (beyond the original 14-day deadline) while it determines the final amount of the credit balance.

How Do I Know If I Am Eligible for a Refund?

If your balance indicates that you are owed a refund, contact your school’s financial aid office to coordinate disbursement.

Do you get financial aid at random?

Financial aid offers aren’t generated at random. Your school calculated how much you needed in order to pay their Cost of Attendance, and then made you an offer equal to or lesser than that amount. Keeping that in mind, the first thing you should do with your student loan refund check is to determine how much you’ll need in order to pay for your necessary education expenses: