what microsoft service opened tcp ports 137, 139, and 445 on the victim machine course hero

by Euna Mueller 10 min read

Why is my SMB session going from port 139 to 445?

Apr 06, 2022 · 445: TCP: SMB: Fax Service: 445: TCP: SMB: Print Spooler: 445: TCP: SMB: Server: 445: TCP: SMB: Remote Procedure Call Locator: 445: TCP: SMB: Distributed File System Namespaces: 445: TCP: SMB: Distributed File System Replication: 445: TCP: SMB: License Logging Service: 445: TCP: SMB: Net Logon: 464: UDP: Kerberos Password V5: Kerberos Key …

What ports are required for the windows time service?

May 15, 2019 · One central task for the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol is file sharing. In Windows NT it ran on top of NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP), which used the famous ports UDP 137 and 138, and TCP 139. With Windows 2000, Microsoft added the option to run SMB directly over TCP/IP, without the extra NBT layer. That's what TCP port 445 is used for. Enabling and …

Should Windows 10 use port 139 instead of 445?

Apparently, since the vulnerability is related to the Server Message Block protocol running on TCP ports 139 and 445. In this regard Microsoft stated that …

What is the maximum number of TCP ports for authentication?

Mar 25, 2012 · Computer Browser Service Workstation Service Server Service NetBIOS over TCP/IP. For test the port 139, please try use the IP address of the server, NetBIOS or FQDN. You can use the telnet command or PortQuery tools. PortQry Command Line Port Scanner Version 2.0 http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17148

What are ports 139 and 445?

Port 139 is used by SMB dialects that communicate over NetBIOS. It's a transport layer protocol designed to use in Windows operating systems over a network. Port 445 is used by newer versions of SMB (after Windows 2000) on top of a TCP stack, allowing SMB to communicate over the Internet.Jan 23, 2022

What is port 445 used for?

Port 445 is a traditional Microsoft networking port with tie-ins to the original NetBIOS service found in earlier versions of Windows OSes. Today, port 445 is used by Microsoft Directory Services for Active Directory (AD) and for the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol over TCP/IP.

Is port 139 secure?

Firewalls, as a measure of safety always block this port first, if you have it opened. Port 139 is used for File and Printer Sharing but happens to be the single most dangerous Port on the Internet. This is so because it leaves the hard disk of a user exposed to hackers.Jan 10, 2020

What is Samba port?

SMB has always been a network file sharing protocol. As such, SMB requires network ports on a computer or server to enable communication to other systems. SMB uses either IP port 139 or 445. Port 139: SMB originally ran on top of NetBIOS using port 139.Apr 27, 2021

How do I open port 445?

Go to Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Windows Firewall with Advanced Security > Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - LDAP > Inbound Rules. Right-click and choose New Rule. Choose Port and click Next. Choose TCP and at specific local ports enter 135, 445, then click Next.

What service uses port 139?

NetBIOS Session servicePort 139 is utilized by NetBIOS Session service. Enabling NetBIOS services provide access to shared resources like files and printers not only to your network computers but also to anyone across the internet.

Does port 445 need to be open?

We also recommend blocking port 445 on internal firewalls to segment your network – this will prevent internal spreading of the ransomware. Note that blocking TCP 445 will prevent file and printer sharing – if this is required for business, you may need to leave the port open on some internal firewalls.May 17, 2017

How do I open port 139 on Windows?

Open firewall ports in Windows 10Navigate to Control Panel, System and Security and Windows Firewall.Select Advanced settings and highlight Inbound Rules in the left pane.Right click Inbound Rules and select New Rule.Add the port you need to open and click Next.More items...•Feb 2, 2018

Why is port 445 open?

TCP port 445 is used for direct TCP/IP MS Networking access without the need for a NetBIOS layer. This service is only implemented in the more recent verions Windows starting with Windows 2000 and Windows XP. The SMB (Server Message Block) protocol is used among other things for file sharing in Windows NT/2K/XP.May 10, 2011

What is network port 137 used for?

Port 137 is utilized by NetBIOS Name service. Enabling NetBIOS services provide access to shared resources like files and printers not only to your network computers but also to anyone across the internet.

What is port 445 used for in Windows 10?

For direct TCP/IP MS networking connectivity, Microsoft Windows 10 uses port 445. It does not necessitate the use of the NetBIOS layer. Port 445 is associated with SMB (Service Message Block), an application layer network protocol that is mostly used for file sharing, printer sharing, and serial port sharing.Jul 29, 2021

Should I open port 139?

If you are on Windows-based network that is running NetBios, it is perfectly normal to have port 139 open in order to facilitate that protocol. If you are not on a network using NetBios, there is no reason to have that port open.

What is the TCP port 445?

The use of TCP ports 139 and 445 in Windows. Microsoft introduced TCP port 445 with Windows 2000, and it's still in use in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019. I'll explain what this port is for, and how it relates to security in Windows.

What ports does a NBT server listen to?

The session will simply fail. If the server has NBT enabled, it listens on UDP ports 137 and 138, and TCP ports 139 and 445. If it has NBT disabled, it listens on TCP port 445 only. All four ports are open as default in all versions of Windows, including Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019.

What is SMB in Windows 2000?

One central task for the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol is file sharing. In Windows NT it ran on top of NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP), which used the famous ports UDP 137 and 138, and TCP 139. With Windows 2000, Microsoft added the option to run SMB directly over TCP/IP, without the extra NBT layer. That's what TCP port 445 is used for.

Can Winfo use port 445?

If you want Winfo never to use anything but port 445, disable NBT. If you run it from newer versions, like Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019, it will never use anything but port 445 irrespective of the NBT state. Newer versions of Windows are, however, as a default, well protected against null sessions attacks.

Does Winfo work on Windows 2000?

The answer is quite simple - it works according to the above description from a client perspective. If you run Winfo from Windows 2000 and have NBT enabled, the port selection will be automatic depending on the target system. If you want Winfo never to use anything but port 445, disable NBT. If you run it from newer versions, like Windows 10 ...


Have a windows server 2003 R2 that's in a DMZ. I need to have ports 139 and 445 opened for my patch scanning software. When scanning this particular server in the DMZ, I receive the following message:

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Can you please execute the netstat -ano command and paste the result, please?

What port does SMB use?

In Windows 2K/XP, Microsoft added the possibility to run SMB directly over TCP/IP, without the extra layer of NetBT. For this they use TCP port 445. Port 445 should be blocked at the firewall level.

Why is my WEC sensor not resolvable?

This will happen if you use a hostname or IP address that is not resolvable in the WEC Sensor settings because the Windows Server is trying to resolve the host name with the IP address.