what means are used to preserve game species course hero

by Rylee Stark 5 min read

What is the purpose of game preserves?

SOLUTIONS: PROTECTING WILD SPCECIES FROM DEPLETION AND EXTINCTION the ecosystem approach aims to preserve balanced populations of species in their native habitats, establish legally protected wilderness areas and wildlife reserves, and eliminate or reduce the populations of nonnative species the species approach is based on protecting endangered species by …

What does it mean when a species is recovered?

What means are used to protect game species, and what are some problems emerging. ... How does the Endangered Species Act preserve threatened and endangered species in the United States? Give some examples of how the act has been implemented. ... Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. ...

What can you do to help endangered species?

27) Which human activity would be more likely to have a negative impact on the environment? a. Investigating the use of the biological controls for the pests. b. Using reforestation and cover cropping to control soil erosion. c. Using insecticides to kill insects that compete with human for food. d. Developing a research aimed toward the preservation of endangered species.

What is the purpose of the Endangered Species Act?

It refers to a forest reservation essentially of natural wilderness character, which has been withdrawn from settlement, occupancy or any form of exploitation except in conformity with an approved management plan and set aside as such exclusively to conserve the area or preserve the scenery, the natural and historic objects, wild animals and plants therein and to provide …

What is a game preserve?

Game preserves (also known as game reserves, or wildlife refuges) are a type of protected area in which hunting of certain species of animals is not allowed, although other kinds of resource harvesting may be permitted. Game preserves are usually established to conserve populations of larger game species of mammals or waterfowl. The protection from hunting allows the hunted species to maintain relatively large populations within the sanctuary. However, animals may be legally hunted when they move outside of the reserve during their seasonal migrations or when searching for additional habitat .

What is conservation in agriculture?

The term "conservation" refers to the wise (i.e., sustainable) use of natural resources. Conservation is particularly relevant to the use of renewable resources, which are capable of regenerating after a portion has been harvested. Hunted species of animals are one type of renewable resource, as are timber, flowing water, and the ability of land to support the growth of agricultural crops. These renewable resources have the potential to be harvested forever, as long as the rate of exploitation is equal to or less than the rate of regeneration. However, potentially renewable resources can also be harvested at a rate exceeding their regeneration. This is known as over-exploitation, a practice that causes the stock of the resource to decline and may even result in its irretrievable collapse.

What are the national wildlife refuges?

The first national wildlife refuge in the United States was established by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903. This was a breeding site for brown pelicans ( Pelecanus occidentalis ) and other birds in Florida. The U.S. national system of wildlife refuges now totals some 437 sites covering 91.4 million acres (37 million ha); an additional 79 million acres (32 million ha) of habitat are protected in national parks and monuments. The largest single wildlife reserve is the Alaska Maritime Wildlife Refuge, which covers 3.5 million acres (1.4 million ha); in fact, about 85% of the national area of wildlife refuges is in Alaska. Most of the national wildlife refuges protect migratory, breeding, and wintering habitats for waterfowl, but others are important for large mammals and other species. Some wildlife refuges have been established to protect critical habitat of endangered species , such as the Aransas Wildlife Refuge in coastal Texas, which is the primary wintering grounds of the whooping crane ( Grus americana ). Since 1934, sales of Migratory Bird Hunting Stamps, or "duck stamps," have been critical to providing funds for the acquisition and management of federal wildlife refuges in the United States.